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Everything posted by Sebah

  1. What bothers me is the big gap between body type 2 and 3. I made a jedi knight with body type 2 and it looks skinny but if i made one with body type 3 it looked to massive. Question: Are we going to get more body types to chose from?
  2. I wanna ask you guys a question and i don't wanna start a new post so here it goes: Doing pvp with my sentinel or guardian for that matter i've noticed this, i wanna target an enemy that is right in front of me at 2-3 meters so I press Tab but many times (most times) this way I focus on a guy that is wayyyy behind the enemy that is in front of me ( even 10-15 meters) or I press tab and it just doesn't focus on anyone. It's really annoying to have that enemy right in front of me and pressing Tab to focus on anyone but him. Does this happen to you to? Can you tell me a solutions to this problem?
  3. Sebah


    This is bulls***t. By this logic troopers and consular should do even less damage than everyone else, because they don't even have a pure dps advanced class. This is not WoW to have -5% to dps. Guardian is NOT a tank class but rather a class with a Tank spec AND dps spec. Again by this logic troopers and consulars should ONLY tank or heal.
  4. I did last night my first lvl 50 normal dungeon (the false emperor) since i dinged 50. I had about 15k hp, 16k using stims. the setup was like this: me-guardian, sage healer, sage dps and a sentinel. The trouble started from the very first pull. I just couldn't keep aggro on all the mobs and even with the sage dps CC-ing a target things still weren't any better. I just can't understand how could someone keep aggro on a pack of mobs that are spread all around a room and using ranged attacks, with only an AoE ability on a 12 sec CD and and aoe taunt on a 30 sec CD. Even if the sage CCed an elitte there were other silver mobs plus the standard normal mobs to deal with and i coulnd't use any aoe dps because the were near the damned CC mob. I must say that on single targets i didn't have any trouble, they just stuck to me like glue. I just had that feeling that if you use a guardian tank the other 3 players have to be able to CC. 5 minutes into the FP and all the fun of beeing a tank was gone. I was only feeling frustration and rage and that brought my performance even lower that that. After the nightmare that was that run i was sitting there thinking what was i going to do in HM FPs. Can anyone tell me if there are any good guides for guardian tanking out there to help me get better because as things are now tanking is only a pain or should I not even bother?
  5. ...and not a single damn was given. Everything you wrote is is wrong. WoW at launch didn't have even half of the content that ToR has. Questing in ToR is boring? Bet in WoW is a delight to read all those walls of text that translate into "Go kill 10 boars". One of the thing that made me stop play WoW is the fact that the leveling in Cata was just as boring as ever and all I was doing is click on the quest gives, accept the quest without reading anything and open my map to se where the quest sends me. Best time i had in WoW was in BC.
  6. I play a Defense spec jedi guardian. I always use Kira except when fighting a boss, then I use Doc. I use Kira because as a tank i do low damage and Kira more than makes up for that. Since she is good geared i could probably kill some bosses using her and not Doc but i don't wanna risk it. P.S. Like others said, 2 jedi makes more sense that a jedi and a doctor.
  7. I think all your points are valid guys, but i don't know I kind of like the hoods up. They make me feel like a bad-***. I used to get mad when i had to change to a non-hooded armor/robe.
  8. Dunno what to say, maybe it's the spec or something? I'm a guardian and against elite of same lvl i finish the fight with half the HP with mostly blue items and occasional greens ( i'm using Kira and she has mostly greens with 1 or 2 blues).
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