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10 Good
  1. i am not a die hard role player, but my take is you should start the role play right away, to me the fun is in the beginning anyway, the exploration, the newness and the learning the environment and the character, that's the perfect time to get in character imhumbleopinion
  2. i was early access and logged in to find no chat bubbles and thought this is kinda weird, hopefully they will find a way to fix it. I am leveling my toon verrrry slowly (on purpose) and am kind of disappointed so far with the social aspect, hopefully it will pick up
  3. i'm afraid to say I have no advice for you, but i do feel your pain and am in the same boat. I promised myself that when I rolled my tor toon I would try from the ground floor to handle mobs with a new non click method rather than a point click method. I'm not their yet but am taking my time then we'll see if the playing field gets leveled a little bit in pvp. Since i can afford it i did go out to fry's and buy a razer naga mouse and also the anansi keyboard. So far i have barely been able to figure them out and am going to have to enlist the aid of my daughter to help me, smile... i'll see you in the bg
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