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Posts posted by Fiesbert

  1. no reason to delay the uneven matches.

    just make it so only the same amount of players, are actually alowed to leave the start box.

    so if its 5V8, only 5 of the team of 8 are alowed to leave the box initially, when people start dying you do rolling substitutions, and offcourse if more people join the team of 5 more are alowed out from the other team aswell.

    that IMHO fixxes al problems with uneven matches, and alows games to start on time to boot.


    The maps are designed and balanced around 8vs8, as are the classes. The warzones should starte with even teams or not at all.

  2. Well.


    I have the opposite loading times as you do..


    Swtor 22 seconds on avrg ( did a run over zoning 10 times)


    Battlefield 3 1.5minutes. Basically on every map i try to load in.


    So i dunno..and anyway 30 sec not really long loadingtimes..you should compare to other mmo's not other regular games since most mmo's are damn slow on the loadingtimes.


    You are quite an exception then. All my guildmates and friends I played with experience equally higher loading times.

  3. Long loading times

    SWTOR takes forever to load. Especially with the rather yesterdayish graphics in mind. I made a comparison video how long Batman Arkham City, Battlefield 3 and the Witcher 2 take to load in comparison to SWTOR.

    Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGeXR2vostU

    Loading times:


    SWTOR 34 seconds

    Batman Arkham City 28 seconds

    Battlefield 3 24 seconds

    the Witcher 2 10 seconds

    ################################## 34 seconds

    ############################ 28 seconds

    ###################### 24 seconds

    ########## 10 seconds


    Its kind of strange that DirectX 11 games like Witcher 2 load up to three times faster than SWTOR. In the case of Battlefield 3 there are maps as big as a whole planet of SWTOR with up to 32 players (twices as many as in SWTOR warzones), a lot better graphics, a lot better sound, a lot more effects, yet still it loads in 2/3 of the time SWTOR takes to load.

    Oh and I even was generous with the SWTOR loading time. Since I took a quick load. Most of the time SWTOR takes more than a minute to load. Annoying!


    Excerpt from this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4164899#post4164899

  4. Warzones with uneven teams

    Could you imagine a soccer game (or football if you're american) to start with uneven teams? I'm sure you'd agree that the stadion would catch fire shortly after the uneven match begins.

    This is what happens in SWTOR on a daily basis.

    My case:


    Warzones shouldn't start with uneven teams. If either team doesn't have 7 players when the preround ends, the warzone should be delayed by another 10 seconds. If there still is a team with less than 7 players the warzone should be aborted and all players should get rewards equal to one medal unless a player left during the preround.



    Excerpt from this thread:


  5. Are you serious?

    A gap of 12 Ratinglevels from Recruit (128) to Battlemaster (140)?

    Recruit Belt http://www.torhead.com/item/8eXllZo/recruit-combat-medics-belt

    Battlemaster Belt http://www.torhead.com/item/fPxI4Wo/battlemaster-combat-medics-belt


    Full Battlemaster player against full Recruit player, gear decides not skill. A 12 ratinglevel difference is insurmountable.

    Don't believe me? Check it yourself. Duel with your Battlemaster gear against a recruit geared then duel again with recruit gear yourself. The new expertise formulae make it even worse.

    So your plan for PvP is to have new 50s having to get roflstomped for weeks until they have the gear for a fighting chance? Thats even worse than before Patch 1.2

    The gap between Battlemaster (140) and War Hero (146) is 6 Ratinglevels by the way:

    Battlemaster Belt http://www.torhead.com/item/fPxI4Wo/battlemaster-combat-medics-belt

    War Hero Belt http://www.torhead.com/item/gLFQ7XK/war-hero-combat-medics-belt


    I understand that there are MMO players that want a big fat advantage but 6 Ratinglevels should be advantage enough.

    The thing that was the most fun to me is SWTOR PvP and I don't know if I'll be able to stand weeks of getting roflstomped until I can begin to make my skill count.

  6. I've played many MMO's. Not going to list them but pretty much all the major ones. What iv found is that generally Addons make things easier. And with people already complaining about a lack of content why would you want to make things go faster. I also feel that every game i have put addons to they have somewhat broken my immersion.


    Its your choice if you want to use addons or not. Don't like their impact on immersion, don't use them.

    The lack of content is a misconception. Its rather the lacking accessibility than lacking content. If you could jump into a flashpoint by queueing up and waiting a few minutes people would feel differently about lacking content.

    Addons don't make the game easier and handling silly cooldowns isn't difficult but cumbersome. So I'd say addons make the game more playable not easier. Addons are great in pointing out boring game design, like those mini cooldowns for example.

  7. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate the game, not at all. I just wanted to point out the things that need improving. I'll play SWTOR at least another month.

    The inteface customization is a great step forward but customization options still lag behind other MMOs a lot.

    And there are no 3rd party addons because there is no API provided by Bioware. Which has become a standard for MMOs.

  8. Here is my personal list of the games flaws. Ordered in 3 levels of signifcance: awful (ruins the fun), frustrating (spoils the fun), could be better (minor impact to fun):

    I put my case in spoiler tags to increase the readibilty of my post. If you can't be arsed to read those I can't be arsed to read your reply.




    No interface customization

    The interface isn't much different from other MMO standard interfaces. BUT other MMOs offer addon support. Almost no endgame player sticks with the standard interface.

    My case:


    Example WoW

    Standard interface:


    Raid interfaces:





    The WoW community wrote more than 5000 Addons for the WoW Interface http://www.curse.com/addons/wow

    The Rift community wrote more than 100 Addons for the Rift interface http://www.curse.com/addons/rift

    The Warhammer Online community wrote more than 199 Addons for the Warhammer Online Interface http://www.curse.com/addons/war

    Thats a lot of developing time your community could do FOR YOU FOR FREE!


    Your interface is insufficent for

    Highlighting important random buffs of yourself - like Prototype Particle Accelerator (free Railshot)

    Highlighting stacking buffs on yourself

    Highlighting important debuffs on yourself - you'll want to know if you have DoTs before trying to combat stealth

    Highlighting important buffs on your enemy - ever had a Juggernaut/Guardian be immune to your CC after charging you? - you'll want to know when your enemy uses his damage cooldowns

    Highlighting important debuffs on your teammates - hard to tell if removing debuffs on a teammate is worth it without knowing how many removable debuffs they have...

    Saving up hotkeys by making smart macros - for example putting all relics and other damage buffs on one key, using a random vehicle, social emotes, ...

    Monitoring important cooldowns - having to scan all your quickbars for cooldowns takes too long during intense combat


    Long travel times


    Granted the probably biggest part of traveling is being stuck for minutes, regardless of your computer, on loading screens. Still why do I have to watch those loading screens in the first place? It just takes too long to visit the fleet or traveling from Belsavis daily quest hub to Ilum daily Quest hub. A significant part of my playtime sinks into traveling instead of playing. This is especially hard for players with short play sessions and makes SWTOR to hardcoreish for subscription numbers in the millions. To me, its just very annoying.

    My case:


    Even Commander Shephard gets to choose WHERE he wants to go on the Citadel instead of having to go there from the docking bay by himself, all other content is almost free of travel times. You allways dive directly into gameplay.

    There are quick travel options for the most succesful recent singleplayer RPGs Fallout and Elders Scrolls. In competing MMOs you can teleport to group and PvP content.

    There are some hardliners that claim it would kill immersion. Well, if there would be fast travel options, thats what they are: options. If you like to spend your free time on loading screens and on speeders or otherwise NOT PLAYING, please feel free to do so.


    Possible solution:

    When exiting the ship on a planet allow us to choose a quick travel destination to travel to.

    Every quick travel node should have an "go to ship" option.

    This would make traveling between quest/story hubs a lot faster while still making the world in between hubs and story/quest/objectives meaningful.


    Inaccessible content


    I rarely got to do flashpoints or heroic quests while leveling. The time it takes to group up with other players and traveling to the heroic quest/flashpoint is barely worth the effort. By the time I'd have found a group, traveled to and completed Hammer Station I'd have outleveled the flashpoint if I'd have spend the exact same time on quests.

    Which basically means while leveling SWTOR consists of questing and PvP, since heroic quests and flashpoints are too inaccessible.

    Its similar for space missions. They would be ABSOLUETLY GREAT for killing some time. Your favorite companions still needs another 7 minutes for a crew skill mission? No problem: jump into space and blast some stuff. IF it were that simple. To start the space mission I'd have to travel about 10 minutes to my ship, then do the 7 minute mission and travel 10 minutes back to where I was. Thats too much overhead.

    So what happens: the content is dead/unused. I never even once saw more than 10 players in the area "space" which is where all space missions happen. I bet its similar for flashpoints sub 50 and almost as bad for heroic flashpoints and heroic quests.

    My case:

    Possible solution:

    Add a queue system for flashpoints and heroic quests. You already have a working queue system for PvP, it can't be that hard to extent it for flashpoints (since they are instances like warzones) and add a player decided rolecheck (one tank, one healer, two damage dealers).

    It surely is somewhat harder for heroic quests, since they take place in the "open world" but if you want players to do that content, you'll have to.

    Let players start space combat from anywhere and get back to where they started it from.

    This is a lot of dead content. You can't afford players to not do it and you, simply put, didn't deliver on its accessibility.


    No character migration options


    I know that the moneyhungry suits don't like it and consider MMOs a faliure once they merge servers/allow character transfers. But whats an even graiter failure is losing subscribers because they ended up on an underpopulated server. Its not uncommon for MMOs to have a big population spike on release and having players leave after the initial rush. You should have been prepared for this, you were not and you have to adress this problem like yesterday.

    My case:


    I started SWTOR with four friends during the early access. Some servers got overcrowded rather quickly, so we decided to reroll from Darth Traya to Gnawers Roost. While Darth Traya is sporting a healthy population, Gnawers Roost isn't. While I rerolled, again, on Darth Traya my friends simply left the game. Now I can't convince them to start playing again since their characters are on a deserted server. In general "returners" should be able to move their high level chars to the server their friends are actively playing on.

    In addition I'm quite annoyed as well. I have a nicely geared level 50 Jedi Shadow on Gnawers Roost that I can't add to my legacy on Darth Traya and I'd love to do that.

    I don't get why you have servers in the first place. Since all parts of SWTORs game world are instanced and will open up new instances if the instance population reaches 300. Shouldn't that allow you to have one PvP and one PvE server for each language?


    Inaccessible macros


    Thats right folks. There are macros for SWTOR, like there are macros for every software. A developer can't decide to not support macros but rather if macros are build within their game or not. Between hardwaremacro-compatible keyboards, mice and controllers from Razer, Logitech, Saitek, Thrustmaster and Roccat there are plenty of macro software tools out there able to intercept keystrokes and replacing them with whatever you want, even scripts and loops.

    I get the idea of not liking automated gameplay. I wouldn't like that as a developer either. But not supporting macros is the wrong approach to "battling automated gameplay". While I choose to use Flamethrower/Pulse Cannon according to the situation presented before me, the decision to use Rail Shot/High Impact Bolt or Flame Burst/Ion Pulse is predetermined. Rail Shot/High Impact Bolt is allways the better choice, there are no exceptions and its not evil but just smart to automate such decisions. Its not my fault as a player that this choice is predetermined its in your games design. If you are looking for someone to blame for that being automatable it should be you.

    My case:

    Another example for macros being necessary are damage and defense buffs. Melting my Reactive shield http://www.torhead.com/ability/g4iOfPW/reactive-shield, Adrenaline Rush http://www.torhead.com/ability/b39iOqk/adrenaline-rush and my medpac http://www.torhead.com/item/1wf28nO/rakata-medpac into one button instead of pressing three is so painfully obvious. Yet players with less knowledge about software/hardware macros have to assign and press 3 keys for that. Your "no macros decision" isn't making the game better for anyone but making it worse for players without hardwaremacro-peripherals or software-macro knowledge.

    Solution: support ingame macros as potent as hardwaremacros/softwaremacros.



    Long loading times

    SWTOR takes forever to load. Especially with the rather yesterdayish graphics in mind. I made a comparison video how long Batman Arkham City, Battlefield 3 and the Witcher 2 take to load in comparison to SWTOR.

    Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGeXR2vostU

    Loading times:

    ################################## 34 seconds
    ############################ 28 seconds                              
    ###################### 24 seconds			                        
    ########## 10 seconds				                                                      

    SWTOR 34 seconds

    Batman Arkham City 28 seconds

    Battlefield 3 24 seconds

    the Witcher 2 10 seconds

    Its kind of strange that DirectX 11 games like Witcher 2 load up to three times faster than SWTOR. In the case of Battlefield 3 there are maps as big as a whole planet of SWTOR with up to 32 players (twices as many as in SWTOR warzones), a lot better graphics, a lot better sound, a lot more effects, yet still it loads in 2/3 of the time SWTOR takes to load.

    Oh and I even was generous with the SWTOR loading time. Since I took a quick load. Most of the time SWTOR takes more than a minute to load. Annoying!






    Things that are frustrating quite often. Decreaseing the fun value of the game and might lead to subscription loss of less hardcore players.


    Resolve, crowd control and stunlocks

    Resolve is actually quite a neat system. Its easy to grasp and all information needed is available by the color of the bar.

    Though one of the most frustrating things in SWTOR is being killed from 100% life without being able to react. Even with the CC breaker ability ready, its quite possible to stunlock someone to death.

    It is possible to apply two 4 second stuns and one 2,5 second stun before CC immunity kicks in. In addition the CC breaking ability has more than twice the cooldown of the 4 second stuns.

    My case:


    Possible solution: first set the cc escape ability (for example: http://www.torhead.com/ability/aint4LB/tenacity cooldown to 1 minute. Since most 4 seconds CCs (for example: http://www.torhead.com/ability/70qAWyv/force-stun are on a one minute cooldown aswell, fights should be more interesteing than "do I have my escape ability ready or not".

    In addition I'd like to see stuns clear themselves after a certain amout of damage is dealt to a target. I'd say one stun shouldn't last longer than 20% of a players live. Although that probably won't have much of an impact on fights where a player died in a stunlock, it will feel a lot different if one dies while controlling his character instead of dying without being able to do anything. Keep in mind, since it is possible to apply three stuns, it would still be possible to stunlock a player from 100% health to 40% health ( 100% - 3x30% = 40%).


    make the CC escape ability remove all CC effects and fill up the resolve bar to full white.

    Either solution would make the CC metagame a lot more interesting than it is now.



    Warzones with uneven teams

    Could you imagine a soccer game (or football if you're american) to start with uneven teams? I'm sure you'd agree that the stadion would catch fire shortly after the uneven match begins.

    This is what happens in SWTOR on a daily basis.

    My case:


    Warzones shouldn't start with uneven teams. If either team doesn't have 7 players when the preround ends, the warzone should be delayed by another 10 seconds. If there still is a team with less than 7 players the warzone should be aborted and all players should get rewards equal to one medal unless a player left during the preround.



    I'm not finished with my list but I already wrote more than an hour on this post, I'll finish it up later.

  9. CC breaker is not available enough. It should have the same cooldown as the 4 second stun: 1 minute. In addition CC breakers shouldn't be available earlier through talents like it is now. Its a huhuhuhuhuhuuuuuge advantage!


    In addition all "complete loss of control CC" should break after a player loses 25% of his health:


    100 % health - 4 second stund

    2 seconds later the stunned player is at 75% health -> stun breaks

  10. Here is a list of flaws that are, for me, significant enough to cancel my subscription if they won't be adressed in NEAR future.


    No character transfer options whatsoever


    Server populations change, whether an MMO is successful or not. Even World of Warcraft gets deserted servers from time to time. There are NO CHARACTER TRANSFER options. I began playing with my friends and all their (and some of my characters) are on gnawers roost. There is zero chance of playing with my friends again until they are able to move their chars to a more populated server. I don't understand why there are servers in the first place, since SWTOR is entirely instanced.




    Faction imbalance


    On almost every server are more Imperial players than Republic players. Again, there is some kind of faction transfer needed to balance things out. I love my bounty hunter the most but can't play with him, since I don't want to be almost limited to Huttball and Novare Cost PvP wise



    No macros


    For most classes its not a choice which button/ability to press but rather an obvious best choice. Its just boring and crappy design to have annoying cooldowns on attacks, which one of the cooldown attacks being always the best choice. There should be a macro function ingame to prioritize those attacks. Its easyly done with third party programs (like autohotkey) or hardware wised by macro keyboards/controllers. So its not about IF there are macros available but rather how accessible macros are. Players shouldn't have to bother with third party programs.



    No dungeon finder


    World of Warcraft set a new convience standard with the introduction of the dungeon finder. While its a controverse point to have said finder queue across servers, its instant access to PvE content far outweights any flaws the dungeon finder might have. In SWTOR its neigh impossible to do a dungeon while leveling and its unnecessary cumbersome to do a dungeon on level 50. Since you already have a queue system in place for PvP I really don't understand why there isn't one for PvE as well.



    There are a lot of smaller issues with the game aswell but those stated above are significant enough to make me cancel the subscription, while the others aren't

    My question to you: what are your subscription killers?

  11. And as its been said, trauma was put in place to make pvp balanced. So if pvp is balanced with trauma, then you get expertise bonuses that are so big they counter trauma, where did the balance go?


    Its in a sad way amazing how many people don't get trauma...

  12. I guess that's true. Just take out the healing and its all good.


    Personally I just wish they don't change the diminishing return, leave the soft cap at 10% just make it so to get there you needed to stack expertise which you don't need to at all now. So make each % require more expertise points or give fewer points to the gear itself.


    Aside from the healing bit, but making the increase more linear and having higher expertise totals then that just means fresh 50s are even more screwed. Depends how much you get from the rookie gear, but more tiers in the future just adds more pain, and its clear there will be.more tiers.


    Don't forget that the Champion set is going to be the new entry equip with 1.2. Since its just 4 rating increase to Battlemaster and probably 8 to War Hero, new 50s should do fine.

    The current expertise softcap is insufficient to prevent raid drops from being the better choice for PvP. Maybe I'll raid a bit but I'd hate to have to raid to be on par with my enemys in PvP.

  13. No you need the mitigation against the damage increase or people will literally get two shot. There is no real easy fix.


    Exactly. Players would need huge health pools, solely for PvP without the dmg mitigation, which would affect PvE, since PvE players would have to get PvP items for the increased endurance.

    The +healing just needs to go and everything is fine.

  14. Mathematically the damage and mitigation are not the same.

    Deal 100 damage, increase by 10% from expertise -> 110 damage.


    Other player has 10% mitigation from expertise -> 0.9*110 = 99.


    A more extreme example: 100% expertise.

    Damage increases by 100% -> 200 damage dealt.

    Mitigation increases by 100% -> 0 damage received.


    The fact that this scaling is imbalanced in the first place isn't the issue though, because you and several other people have been claiming that expertise scaling favours healers. Even if the mitigation scaling was brought in line with damage scaling, you guys would still have this same complaint. You would still be complaining about the wrong thing, however.


    As I outlined two posts ago, survivability is not completely derived from healing; mitigation (and also types of CC) contribute to it. Expertise scales two of these survivability attributes, but only one of the offensive attributes - therefore, people with higher average expertise survive longer. Healing abilities do not benefit any more than damaging abilities.


    What you and many others are caught up on is the fact that the amount a healing ability does to a person's HP pool gets relatively higher than the amount a damaging ability does to an HP pool. Again, you can't simply say, "Healing benefits more from expertise," because it's just not true. Survivability benefits more from expertise than offense. This appears to be a design intention; slightly longer PvP battles (compared to the length of PvP battles in 10-49) are better. Whether the time-to-deaths/survivability will go up too much is a very valid concern.


    I have heard that the mitigation % given by expertise is now less than the damage/healing bonus %. I do not have a character on the PTS - I cannot state that this definitely is, or is not the case - so I am only going off what a couple of people have mentioned on the forums the past couple of days. I also don't frequent the PTS forums; I would really like some clarification (screenshot preferable) on this matter.


    Your math is wrong.

    Its not damageDealt = (abilityDmg * dmgmod) * mitigation


    damageDealt = abilityDmg + abilityDmg * ( dmgGain - dmgMitigation )

    For example: deling 100 damage with a 10% expertise bonus is:


    damageDealt = 100 + 100 * ( 10 - 10 )

    = 100

  15. the reason for it scaling the way it does is to make battles amongst top-geared players longer and more epic than battles amongst lesser-geared players.


    You are right that this changes the balance of the warzones. for example, it makes it harder to tag a door in alderaan since people will live a bit longer.


    However, we have no way of knowing if that is taken into account already by Bioware in the timing of the warzone forcefields, time it takes to ride the speeder in alderaan, etc.


    Taking the recent change to Alderaan speeders, I'm afraid they don't.

  16. To me, PvP is about fine at Centurion expertise. Which the scaling imbalance it will more and more power up healers. Having in mind that Bioware put a general 30% debuff on PvP healing, it seems kinde of odd to have it scale better than damage.

    Especially having in mind that all warzones are balanced around a certain "time to kill".

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