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Everything posted by SkunkWerks

  1. Correct? Constructive? These are not things that one can base an episode of Jerry Springer on.
  2. Because the possession of things isn't the only criterion determining if you can or cannot do a thing, likely.
  3. Dear old dad used to say, one "you screwed up" ruins nine "atta-boys". He's right.
  4. There's virtually zero sense of achievement to be gained in anything you refuse to ascribe it to, no.
  5. This could go on forever, if you let it.
  6. Because if they told us nothing at all, you'd have that to complain about. Check out all my candidness.
  7. Are you saying you don't get those people?
  8. Petition for rainbow-colored quote collections. That is what we're here about, right?
  9. Half the point of setting TOR when it has been set is because you don't run into the invariable lore that Force Users of any sort (Sith or Jedi) are a rare thing. Even from a story perspective, the "current" Galactic Empire era where the seminal six episodes take place eventually violated that pillar of the lore, and did so in flagrant magnificence. Sure, weak excuses were made about the Emperor's Hands being not full-fledged Sith and whathaveyou, and a thousand excuses were made about various obscure Jedi that escaped the purge for a whole host of reasons ranging from the believable to the improbable. When all was said and done, even in that era, a Star Wars Universe where Force Users weren't so rare was a more interesting place, and not less. It's one of the most iconic aspects of the Star Wars universe, and- naturally, a lot of people are going to want to live it. As for MMOs? If you think anything remains unique for long (no matter how difficult you make it to obtain), you're badly deluding yourself. And difficulty being it's own reward? Highly subjective. MMO's (good ones, anyway) invariably tend to set the difficulty bar where most players find it rewarding enough, and not just a select few.
  10. I use Avast. Haven't had this problem. Then again I'm a very vigilant Advert/Script blocker- which is really where about 80% of your browser-born viruses come from.
  11. I know I'd rather be beaten to a bloody pulp than be called a name I can easily ignore after all...
  12. You said it more diplomatically than I would. Honestly, if "immersion" is the issue, then it's broken far worse by, oh, I dunno... ...inexplicably knowing everyone's name- whether they've told it to you or not through roleplay... ...than it is by silly or "jarring" names. From that perspective, I can't see a single reason why anyone's name should ever be an issue to roleplayers. Most of the time I ever saw an active name enforcement system used, it wasn't to "defend roleplay" but rather to get revenge on another player who slighted the wrong person. At best it's a distraction to the issues that truly do have an impact, and at worst it's just another tool for drawing and quartering a community according to the petty designs of a select few. I've never seen the purpose in it. In other news: what's this "we" crap?
  13. Next update: Gungan Companion. It's funny because it's in correct chronological order.
  14. Because it's not vote-kick. And because apparently the underlying problem here is that the OP and his "friend" are shamelessly self-centered.
  15. So only your friend gets to have fun then. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. It also doesn't sound like it would make much of a difference in terms of your friend's plight. If people are votekicking him that reliably, he'd find himself in an otherwise empty instance equally as often. About the only difference it would make is instead of one person having no fun, everyone gets to suffer for the negligence of one person as they try to find new groups. Capital! I bet your friend would give me the shirt off his back, and so would you.
  16. I'm guessing they should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.
  17. Have gamers become so self-entitled that they fail to realize that there are three other people in that group "trying to have fun" as well? And that perhaps wiping repeatedly because of one person's negligent behavior or gear choices just happens to be the opposite of their idea of fun? Or does only your friend get to have fun?
  18. I didn't say it wasn't a stupid name. I agree. It is. I also believe that fussing over such things in an effort to "make RP better" isn't far behind in terms of how insipid it is. You'd be better off attempting to report it on the basis that it's offensive- not just to role players- but to everyone.
  19. That. A thousand times that. It amazes me that people still just assume there is one though. In honesty, "RP name" enforcement is the single biggest waste of time I can think of for an RP community of any sort to engage in in an MMO. And don't give me the "but good sir! Seeing that moniker-most-foul spoilt mine immersion!" malarkey, either. Name me a place in real life where people either: A) Precede every statement, vocalization or action they perform with the phrase "MyName-Colon", or B) Have big, blue, six-inch-high lettering floating over their heads with "MyName" spelled out in dayglo/glow-in-the-dark neon. ...or please find yourself a new hobby. Like needlepoint.
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