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Posts posted by salvadorellama

  1. {snip}


    Short answer is no.


    Medium answer is no, they had a chance at the release and screwed up.


    Longer answer is no, they had a chance at release and screwed it up. Additionally, too much time and money was spent on voice acting that everyone spacebars through when they could have been working on gameplay mechanics, faction balancing, and other countless other factors.


    They screwed up when they named it "The Old Republic". It should be called "The Old Sith Empire", because no one freaking plays republic (which is moot because the game is dying a slow death for both factions anyway).

  2. Just wondering out loud really.


    With Diablo 3 coming out, how many subs do you think will drop before the next monthly billing cycle (5-7 days for most people I believe).


    I've got my money on fewer than 1 million active (paying) players after the next billing cycle. I would go more, but I think there's still 2 months left for people that signed on for a 6 month sub at release that will keep it over 1 million till at lest July.

  3. Nothing. I'm not even logging in for the free month they thew at us to try to get us to come back after the 1.2 patch. I sure as hell wouldn't pay for 3.


    I'll probably get Diablo 3 and play that for a while, then move on to something else.


    TOR had it's chance at greatness and failed miserably from wasting resources on voice-acting during production and from not doing ANYTHING to address glaring problems in the first month of release.


    EA blew it with this one. It always sucks to see something with potential get flushed down the can because the people in charge screw it up, then make it worse by not listening to the customers.

  4. It's good that this thread was moved to the suggestion box. Who knows, maybe they'll take these as suggestions and make the game the awesome thing I have been waiting for since I finished KOTOR...


    They moved it to the suggestion box so it could die, because most forum readers only check the general forums and maybe their class forum and PvP forum (if they're into PvP).


    The suggestion box is like the Room of Requirements "Room of Hidden Things", where things get hidden to be forgotten and die.

  5. I have already unsubbed twice, and I'm not coming back any time soon, I don't even know why I'm here. What I can say right now is comments like yours are both pointless and stupid. I don't like the game, so I should just leave? Really? So what you are saying is we, as players, have nothing to say about the games we enjoy. We are just the people who pay for the darn thing. We are just the people who spend several hours every day playing it. Why should we matter when it comes to improving the game?


    In the real world where we grown-ups live, we should have a lot to say about the game and how it's developed. I enjoyed Old Republic for a while and had eight characters between level 20 and 30 when I quit, spread over two servers. Now that I quit, I'm supposed to just stay quiet and 'find something better to do'? That's incredible naive. What *BioWare* should do is listen to us players, and perhaps especially to us who have unsubbed. There were several reasons why I unsubbed, but some of them were not that big. It really wouldn't take much work to change the game or improve it just enough to make it actually fun for me, and if they did, I would be back. In other words, if they could just make a few small changes (server merge, LFG-tool, treating all players *equally* and so on), they would make $15 extra a month from me alone, and a lot of other players would return, too.


    But I unsubbed, so my opinion is worthless. :rolleyes:


    Preach on sister!


    If they had listened to the vast majority of people that have now unsubbed because they DIDN'T listen to us, they'd have a lot more active subscribers, and therefore more cash flow coming into their coffers.


    All the reasons you mentioned, and most of all, doing something about the EXTREME faction balance problems. They should have called this game Star Wars: The Old Sith Empire.


    But as you said, we've unsubbed and our opinion means squat. I'm not even sure if they did fix the major problems (and gave me a free month) I'd come back.

  6. If the vocal minority that visits these forums would quit QQ or just unsub and therefore quit QQ, these forums would be a much niver place.


    I'll bet for every 1 person QQ and spewing doom and gloom here on the forums there are thousands enjoying the game.


    I for one love the game and thoroughly enjoy it. They are doing a great job. Don't cater to the few that whine on the forums.


    I unsubbed a month ago and I can still post. I "do" wish I could get a refund on the $60 I paid for the software since they're giving it away for free now.


    For all you people still playing and liking it, good for you. That doesn't change the fact that the game that could have been a legendary MMO indeed falls mind-numbingly short for a great many people that looked forward to this travesty of a game for years.


    Edit: First post since a week or 2 before I unsubbed. Only reason for posting is because I'm bored sitting at home and dreading the surgery I have coming on Wednesday, so I came to see if anything had really changed in the past month.


    It hasn't.

  7. You can, just change the confi to 12 x 1 instead of 1 x 12...


    Because 4 is more than enough... Plus a companion bar as well...


    Kind of flies in the face of your second question...

    I have no smart *** answer for these questions.


    I can see where he's coming from, no need to be like that. If you use consumables frequently (e.g. biochem + pvp's) and hotkey both your trinkets, that eats up 5+ slots...then hotkeying your speeder is another one. I could use at least 1 more bar easily, but I get by.

  8. A "squad leader" type class that specializes as a support class instead of a tank, healer, dps.


    Maybe let their main thing be to have a pet out in groups and 2 out in solo situations.


    That's just a big problem with a lot of MMO's now. It's all tank, dps, healer...there's no support classes. A tank, healer, dps, and a support class should be an ideal group. Maybe make FPs a bit harder and up group sizes to 5.


    This isn't going to happen though. The game is too new and no races or classes will be made for a long long time. They still have to get out of the red from development costs and have a profitable product before they spend that kind of cash upgrading it. Maybe they already have, but I doubt it. They probably have at least 400-500 million invested in development, servers, production, etc. I really doubt they've made it up.


    Couple that with people dropping subs and other anticipated games coming out, I think they'll be lucky to break even on this game. They've had 4 months to fix the game since it was released and hardly anything has been done.


    As much as I looked forward to this game I'm sad to say it's just not the success many people thought it would be. It's fun the first time though (for some classes anyway), but faction imbalance and low populations kill level 50 content (even more for Republics who have trouble find groups for FPs at 50 due to extremely low Republic populations).

  9. I see so many posts now how ppl hate being in guilds and being forced to group to do some of the things in game.


    Why in the heck are these ppl playing an mmo? If these ppl had their way we would be playing a single player game ( which at this point we are not far from ) but they are only making it worse.


    What has happened to the mmo gaming world? It used to be great ppl wanted to group and all that stuff now it seems ppl have become very antisocial.


    I personally miss the good ole days of MMO when you HAD to group (EQ1). If you didn't group, you didn't progress...or you rerolled as a mage or druid (and spent hours upon hours of levelling instead of having fun). WoW is also responsible for the "solo leveling" experience. Sure, get to max level by yourself...then you have absolutely no idea how to play in a group when you get there.



    WoW killed the MMO market by getting rid of support classes and making it a 3 playstyle game (tank, healer, dps).


    I guess I enjoyed the time I spent in WoW. I won't go back to it...but I did enjoy the time I spent there. But now, looking back...I hate them for what they did to all future games to come. There will never be another MMO where you "have" to group to advance...and if there is it just won't be popular enough to have enough subscribers to push new content, bug fixes, etc.


    Sadly, this bridge is burned and those days are gone forever.

  10. Absolutly false. U can still buy them at the vendor, but u can't equip til 49/50. Read the patch notes before trying to help someone.


    Stop trying to flame. It's pretty obvious that he's a new player and isn't going to have enough credits to buy them.


    Even if he did, why buy something now that you can't use when it's possible the price will go down before he ever gets to the proper level?


    Learn some manners and quit being a jerk.


    Edit: Just noticed you play a Sith/Imperial. In hindsight I'm not surprised by your poor attitude.

  11. according to the guild summit. rep numbers arn't as low a you think, the problem with war zones, is, the sort of ppl that are attracted to playing PVP happen to be the same sort of ppl that like to go empire. i can see the connection


    Pick a random server and get a toon to the station on the Empire and note the numbers.


    Do the same thing with a Republic toon.


    Now don't effing try to tell us that the faction balance "isn't as bad as I think." I see the numbers everytime I log in, thanks.

  12. The changes in 1.2 put the final nail in the coffin for my subscription. You guys and gals dropped a bomb on Star Wars lore. With your inability to put appropriate Crystal Color solutions into place.


    Remove the LS / DS restrictions but, if only on the RP servers you should add restrictions that adhere to the traditions during this time period (Sith and blaster shooting classes use red only, etc).


    Ability to have a Bounty Hunter Force Choke someone is a joke as well. Why didn't you just unlock skills that don't give someone such a large Force advantage like that? Such as Imperial Agent unlocks a Stealth Generator skill. Or Jedi Consular can unlock your ability to rally your allies with a temporary buff.


    You decided the ability for a Trooper to Force Lightning was okay because his dad was a Pureblood Sith Inquisitor? Seems pretty far fetched.


    I really think your design team needs to do a better job of customer profiling and reviewing analytic data on your community of players.


    /disappointed :(


    Can I have your stuff? It's been quoted here millions of times that Exar Kun himself used a blue saber. I don't personally read the books, but the way I understand it Sith prefer a synthetic crystal which usually produced a red color, but no crystal is restricted as I understand it.


    So, cya!

  13. I just made (finally) 50 about a week ago and since I've opened probably 15-20 champion bags from daily and buying. I've not seen a single piece of gear come out of one...just commendations.



    I thought it was like a 25% chance? Am I just that unlucky or is there a bug floating around?

  14. No.


    The Republic has far far far far fewer people that play the faction.


    Seriously, all the classes are almost exact mirrors of each other...skills just get called another name and have a different animation.


    And project takes too long to hit while shock is instant. Pfft.

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