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Posts posted by salvadorellama

  1. I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


    Someone call the WHAAAAAMBULANCE!

  2. No, please, start. It's always fun to hear a rant about "I don't get X but they other side does" when you happen to get Y and the other side doesn't.


    Oh please. Purple would be the color of choice for many saber classes.


    That the Imps get it and the Pubs don't is just another slap in the face to the Republic.

  3. Ok, in another thread, someone was claiming that boss loot drops are completely random, but in my experience, 99% of the time, if I'm running with STR and AIM users, those are the types of drops we see from bosses in that particular flashpoint. Am I just the luckiest person ever, or does having certain classes in the party raise the chance to see their primary stat loot drop from that FPs bosses? I mean, I've seen the occasional WP item drop while running with a Guardian, Sentinel, two commandos type group, but it's extremely rare. Like once in every 20 or so drops rare.



    I searched the net before making this thread and couldn't find a definite answer either way.



    Does anyone know for sure?


    I have. We did Taral V and a for a sage dropped even though we didn't have a sage in group. We had a sentinel, but he'd have had to replace all the addons, making it pretty useless.

  4. I like mashing peoples faces in with my tracer missiles and seeing the QQ tears flow on the forums about ranged DPS being OP.




    BH's are pretty easy to kill for me. Sorcerers are the ones I usually have the most problems with. And Operatives, stun stun stun stun, run away, vanish.


    Edit: I can't wait till my RMA MB gets here. Playing F2P WoW on my mac is getting old. I'm not resubbing to WoW till I get my rig back together (if I resub at all...hoping BW will see the light and fix some issues I consider important).

  5. I agree with this, especially the last sentence. I think newer mmorpgs should deviate from the trinity system, but there are too many people that demand it because it's conventional and easy to understand.


    I played WOW from 2005 to 2010 and my main is a priest. The thought of healing gives me an awful feeling inside. I endured the Whack-A-Mole mini-game and the stress became overwhelming. It was the agony of healing under-geared tanks and overzealous dps, plus being ridiculed for wipes. People can be very abrasive and irrational.


    In contrast, I enjoyed topping damage meters with my warlock alt, which ironically got me invited to more raids.



    Agreed. I'd like to see TOR migrate towards an original EQ type play: 6 (maybe 5) character groups, classes devoted to support (tank, heal, dps is just old). Add a support type class (like shaman, enchanter, etc).


    When it came to true strategic type play, EQ was king. Too bad EQ2 was such a fail. It coming out at the same time as WoW didn't help either. It's not a bad game now that they've changed some things, but the F2P model (if you go that route) costs so much more money to buy extra classes and so on that I'm surprised they even have players.


    I'd really love to see a regression back to a D&D type RPG where support isn't just a nice option, but really needed in order to do real progression.


    Edit: Take a leaf out of the SWG (original, don't know if it was in the NGE) and and a squad leader type class that adds combat SUPPORT.

  6. I agree with everything you said.


    One thing to add. If you are going to build your own system dont go cheap on the case. Buy yourself a nice big case if you have the room for it. I picked up a antec 1200 a couple years ago and I think this case will last me a lifetime. I've seen others buy cheaper smaller cases and then get frustrated when the system outgrows the case.


    Agreed. The Coolermaster 912 HAF is 50-60 bucks and hold 2 200mm fans and 2 120mm fans. Remember, heat kills electronics. Cooling is one of the most important investments you can make.


    I'm currently using the stock fan that came with my I5 2500k and have never went over 55 celsius on any game on max settings (Crysis 2, Witcher 2, etc). When I add a better cooler and some good arctic silver paste in the future, I'd expect this to go down at least 10 degrees, at which point I'll feel OK about overclocking just a bit. I don't believe in OC'ing to the max as this is just extra wear on your CPU. If you have a good CPU and cooler, mild OC'ing (if any at all!) is more than enough. :)


    If a year or 2 when games become more intensive, OC then. By then CPU prices on current chips will go down so you can replace it cheaper if you wear it out.

  7. sith have better looking gear , better written story , anyone who played both factions knows that sith feels epic and reps feels meh... its not the abilities that ruins the balance, its the love sith got from devs.


    This is part of it too...


    Granted, in the movies, the Jedi are humble and wear humble robes and aren't really concerned with fashion. This doesn't carry over into a game where aesthetics are an issue many people care deeply about.

  8. It was an interview or something I believe where BW did acknowledge the issue.


    I haven't seen any word on a solution. This is a tricky thing to address.


    One suggestion is give the Republic a new race, like Wookie or something.


    What are your thoughts on how to address the issue?




    Please read entire thread and note that suggested bonuses would in no way be game breaking. Also note that to recieve bonuses you would have to not log into an opposing faction for 3 days. Also note that you have to not log into the opposing facttion for 3 days before your character or characters count toward the census.

  9. What exactly would you like Bioware to do? Limit choice?


    I don't want them to do ANYTHING about it!!! I rolled a Pub and accept the problems the Pub side has because I WANT PvP. Any time I want PvP, I get it.


    The problem of faction imbalance is one issue that is NOT Biowares...it's YOURS! If you don't like your faction, you have several choices...roll on a new server, switch factions or quit. You've made your choice.


    PvPers will bring balance...not Bioware.


    Imps get all the PVP they want too, right now it's limited to Huttball but that's about to change.


    There's a hundred threads out there with suggestions on how to help balance faction. Don't need to list them here. :)


    And I haven't "quit', I've simply put TOR on hold to see if they do anything about problems I consider (and I would think many others consider) to be worth doing something about.


    Thank you for the feedback however.

  10. You'd be better off spending around the same amount of cash and building your own system. You can get parts that have rebates, on sale, and search for coupon codes. Don't limit yourself to newegg either. Tigerdirect has great deals too. And depending on where you live you might be able to get out of paying tax.


    Edit: If you post what parts you have that you might be able to re-use, I'm sure many people could offer you suggestions on a build. Example: if you have a monitor, a re-usable power-supply, a case, fans...etc.


    I built my system from the ground up (my case was 10 years old) and I got a new monitor (23' with tv/cable input, high-def 1080p) and only spent $1100. This is with a ASUS Sabertooth P67, I5 2500k, Radeon 6850 XFX XXX 1GB, SATA 6 SSD boot drive (64g..boot drive only), 1TB WB Black storage, Corsair TX750 PS, 8g (2x4) 1866mhz Corsair Vengeance memory, Coolermaster case with 2 200mm fans, 2 140mm fans, and a couple other goodies too. I also just got an Amazon gift card for my birthday from my wife and ordered another 8 gigs of memory. I can't wait to see how it runs with 16g. Next purchase is going to be a better CPU cooler so I can overclock (I've had no reason to OC yet it runs so well). I still won't need to OC, but I'm anxious to see just how awesome I can make it.


    Also, don't be intimidated. A 5 year old could build a rig these days. The hardest part of it is the cable management. :) BIOS's are so easy these days, I can't even compare to how a BIOS was just 7 years ago. DIY FTW!


    You can build a lighter system that is still upgradable and spend about that much, and know exactly what you have in it. You just have to do some research for best deals and compatibility and ask for help when you just aren't sure. :)

  11. A bit disgruntled.


    We all know the Imperials have the edge on numbers.


    We've all read about the "project vs. shock" and "nutkick vs. debilitate" and all the other related faction issues concerning abilities.


    Yet there's still no word from BW about addressing these problems.


    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing the game, it has a lot of good stuff. I also realize they can only work on so many things at a time, but these are big problems and they won't even acknowledge them


    I have unsubscribed (no you can't have my stuff as I might come back if fixes go in) and my RMA'd motherboard will be here either Saturday or Tuesday.


    I haven't played that "other game" in a year. Maybe I'll check it back out for a month and see how things are going on that side of the fence (and giving BW a chance to fix these problems).


    This isn't a rage-quit thread. I'm not raging at all. I'm just a bit disappointed that they still haven't even acknowledged that the problem needs to be addressed. Yes, the LFG tool will help underpopulated factions get groups, but it does nothing for the economy, etc, for underpopulated factions.


    I don't expect a BW reply (that would be like winning the lottery), but I sure would like to see an announcement about this stuff.


    Hope to see everyone on my server soon (well, with the exception of this one guy).

  12. What kind of rip-off is this? It's basically useless once you hit past level 10 because of the low stats on it. What exactly is the purpose of this crystal?


    Isn't it meant to make you use it in 2 years from now and people go :eek: omg he got eet i want :eek:


    But who would be crazy enough to use this at 50 in it's current state?


    Simple idea could've been to make it scale with the highest color crystal you have atm but I guess no Einstein is working at BW.


    It's better than the one you get in your starter weapon. It's also good till 15 (if you get a purple quality crystal at 15).


    If you thought you were going to get something you could use until level 50, you're just being silly. It gives you a nice starter crystal that you can replace at 15 if you get a purple quality crystal, or at 21 if you can wait for a blue quality crystal.


    Imperials destroy the pvp in this game. All they do is zerging, camping. They dont even want to play fair fights.


    The root of the problem is that there are too many Imperials and not enough Republics.


    As long as they have the numbers, nothing is going to change.


    How then do you get the factions better balanced? Well, there are multiple threads concerning this topic and hundreds of ideas.


    No, you can't get people to start playing Republic. You can however offer faction changes and incentives to faction change. You can offer incentives to new players to choose Republic. You can improve the horrid graphics/aesthetics the Republics get stuck with. You can improve the ugly ships the Republics get stuck with. You can improve the ability descrepencies between mirrored classes. The list goes on and on and on.


    Now the real question, will BW do anything about it before they start losing more customers? I have 4 days left myself. I'll gladly come back if these issues get addressed.


    To finish, anyone that argues against balancing is probably an Imperial, happily doing their flashpoints, premade PVP team, owning Ilum, better working abilities, and all the other perks that go with having an extremely higher population than the opposing team. They'll whine and scream and say you're wrong, call you a whiner and everything else you can dream of. All that does is prove that we, the Republic loving members of the community, are correct: this game is biased in favor of the Imperials in more aspects than I care to type out.

  13. In my opinion of course...


    The best thing for the genre of MMO's would be a "reboot" of the original EQ.


    Keep the zones the same, keep the requirement to level with groups the same. Add LFG tools. Add a "group vs. group" PVP (maybe some other neat stuff in PVP). Make the zone transitions seemless. Make dungeons/raids instanced. Improve the graphics and put in a modern engine. Make it a easier to level (i.e. you don't spend 2 weeks at level 35). Etc, etc. etc.


    Take everything that was great about EQ and keep it. Take everything that was bad about EQ and improve it. EQ2 failed at this IMO.


    I'd pay to play a reboot of EQ. The people that scream "I want community" would have it. Those who love nostalgia would have it.


    Of course even if they got started on it today, it'd take years, but man...that would be awesome.


    I know this is off topic, but I don't really have anywhere to post (and get flamed!) other than here...and that's only for a few more days. I might resub if they actually get around to fixing this game...it does have aspects that are well done (but whoever decided to put all the time and money into voice acting that people just spacebar through anyway...well you can draw your own conclusion there).

  14. :eek: Did you guys really just fail that hard to actually reveal that the issue can be caused on purpose for those sadistic enough to implement it on purpose?!! This is a giant oversight!


    Reporting someone who left the match earlier because his kid started crying in the other room? Oh yeah, sounds like a perfectly valid excuse.



    That's exactly what I was thinking.


    Now people can do this all they want, grief other players, and claim their system locked up, or their baby needed changing, or any number of excuses.


    Posting that was about the stupidest thing I've ever seen from a developer/forum policeman. No offense dude, but did you leave your brain at home the day you posted that?

  15. It's not impossible.


    It can be done, it'll just take a certain set of circumstances to make it happen. Those circumstances won't take effect overnight (when/if implemented), maybe even for a month, but they could happen.


    Saying it's too late on a game that hasn't charged for it's 2nd billing cycle yet is crazy talk. :)


    I've given suggestions on these forums, as other people have. There are no end of ideas out there. If the proper ideas were implemented, and people offered the chance to switch faction based on those changes, as well as incentives for new players to play Republic, then yes, it could be turned around.


    If we were over six months (instead of less than two)into release and it was still skewed, maybe. If they implement some changes quickly (the correct changes), the problem could be solved.

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