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Everything posted by weshaw

  1. I am anni spec and I see that I have the choice between 2 set the challenger and the weapon master. Which one is a better fit for my spec ?I'm planning on stacking the power augment on my gear. Thank you
  2. Im looking for the advanced might armoring 26 and only saw a few commando one on the GTN (bastion server) going for 1.5 mil . What flashpoint/ops do they drop from? Thanks
  3. Thank you so I should be able to find those armoring through the GTN
  4. I was wondering if it possible tu put a lvl 61 armoring in the legacy belt, like WH armoring because I tried to put the armoring of my old battle master chest piece and it is bind to chest shell only
  5. I was wondering if using a willpower rakata adrenal would boost the bleed dots dmg as well as the healing bonus when spec anni ?
  6. Are you planning on adding more PVP/PVE armor with new design?
  7. Hi I'm marauder lvl 40 should I put point in short fuse or defensive forms?
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