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Everything posted by Nidza

  1. That's early release,game release was on the 20th I believe
  2. it became very optional for my friend too http://i47.tinypic.com/2ytxzk7.jpg
  3. You just teleported me to 99 when MMOs and bandwidth weren't free.
  4. How does it feel when someone who paid $$$ gets 1/5 more hp than u in WZ? I think they are walking a dangerous line.
  5. I have a lvl 50 scoundrel full wh (scrapper) and healer-dps hybrid operative in WH on ToFN and I must say,that concealment and scrapper need either 5-10% bonus damage for pvp,15-20% bonus sustained damage for PVE and we need about 15% improvement on our shield probe to follow the residuals from massive gear improvement from the release to the point where the spell scale is just tipped. Saying all that scrappers are fun to play and they don't got it nearly as bad as mercs and while possibly being the only true anti-class for marauders and sentinels we got it pretty good but only if you are BiS otherwise your burst is going to be so bad it won't be worth having and that's why everyone and their mother is playing healer,it's just easier and much less gear dependent.
  6. When was the last time u cleaned your PC from dust?
  7. does your group use focus assist?If not you have no business in a rwz and should stick to normals
  8. rotation for pvp for alpha damage Flech,shoot first,flech,backblast,sabo charge,sucker punch,blaster whip,flech,backblast usually the target dies at sucker punch.
  9. As beer drinking scoundrel 16 games I finished it stone cold sober only having to drink 5 times which didn't even finish my bottle.
  10. My friend used to run quad 580s and had 1 fps in ilum,so im guessing none
  11. Your stats are more than fine just keep stacking power from now on out. That is quite a good game for you but it always depends on what you watch,if you wanted high dps I would play dirty fighting spec (3rd one) if you want to annoy people nothing beats concealment,I am leveling my operative once I ding 50 I'm going to send the gear from banana and we could play some. also mods and enhancements nothing beats field tech boots and pants buy 5 of those each for them mods and enhancements.
  12. You apply aplha strike,stun sucker punch x2 and if the target is not dead you kite and heal because most people when you get out of stealth and get them down to 30% hp they'll start running or burning CDs in desperation.If they run it doesn't matter what you press,if they are burning CDs then kite and heal and finish them off. On a personal note I enjoy running from people as much as killing them,sometimes I just go in Shoot first,backblast and start running just for the lulz.
  13. Staying in stealth does not hinder my movement and gives me a huge advantage,also I finished all my gear grinding so I just fight 2-3 guys and that way I don't do objectives but neither does my target so it's a fair trade. Alpha strike is Shoot First,Backblast,sabo charge,sucker punch it's the biggest burst we got. Also thanks for the kind words,i'll make a real pvp movie in 720p in the next couple of weeks with WZ and world pvp footage.
  14. A regular huttball game and me having some fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkWN6Jif4NA&feature=youtu.be
  15. Highlights: http://oi47.tinypic.com/20ayuk4.jpg Scrapper PoV on PvP now you can see what we good for nothings really do in WZs. Objectives ...what are objectives edition Notes: never done any movie editing or recording ever this is my first try. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkWN6Jif4NA&feature=youtu.be
  16. No thanks,that would be awful and I know of many who would unsub if that would happen.
  17. Take a break and come back with limited expectations Then conquer the galaxy on the mean lean loading machine "SSD Tortanic"
  18. Even though this game is a maze of paradoxes just waiting to make u mad and punch your monitor. I will probably resubscribe because I like star wars but bioware is on my Dev ****list ( I dont care that they dont use the same divisions to make games Im never buying a EA/bioware game again,until they get rid of the scumbag EA but bioware is not the same bioware that released the top sp games 10 years ago and this is a sp game with multiplayer enabled)
  19. I like ppl who think they're going to need MACBOOK PRO in college or at any point in their life which is 30 000 days (82 years optimistically average) get a grip lol
  20. Nidza

    I knew it!

    Very nice of Bioware to apologize I guess their morale is running a bit low with the impending doom of layoffs.
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