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Everything posted by AranTalas

  1. ich darf also nichts mehr für swtor kaufen. ist bioware wohl zu reich für mein geld. bei der wahl zwischen onlinebanking, kreditkarte oder paypal (bei dem elv noch häufiger nicht funktioniert als hier) und "nicht kaufen" ist meine entscheidung zumindest sehr eindeutig.
  2. Ich wollte grade die Erweiterung vorbestellen und musste feststellen das ELV dafür nicht angeboten wird, was ich sehr schade finde. Ich zahle schon immer mein Abo per ELV. Wird sich das bis zum Ende der Vorbestellungsaktion nochmal ändern?
  3. Same Gender Romance Arcs. They said they would happen this year, ... time is running short.
  4. lets not discuss majorities or minorities. nobody knows how the consensus is today. i only know what it was back then and that the moment i see a Christmas tree (or anything like it) I'm out of here.
  5. you must be new here. some time ago there was a long and pretty one sided discussion about holiday events. the bottom line: HELL NO this is star wars, there are star was holidays we can use for ingame events but please, PLEASE no Star Wars Christmas Special in swtor
  6. thank you..... the reddit post saved me. Btw. the original button config is still there, they just commented it out.
  7. so pvp is the only source of raid ready equipment? how about endgamequests they give hard-mode ready gear. try crafting. while not the best gear its also hard-mode ready. pvp is an option (maybe an easyer option) but there are plenty of other ways to equip your char.
  8. what for? once you had max flight skill there was nothing left.
  9. and how is this surprising or bad when you compare a themepark mmo with a sandbox mmo? if you expected the same kind of free gameplay swg had or eve online, this is your error.
  10. you have to finish your current set of story quests before you can access your title. a bit strange, but thats how it is.
  11. because it probably was never intended as a base for combat gear and every class can wear light and because most social gear LOOKS light. Imagine slave clothing in heavy.
  12. you are aware that we are currently playing on 1.1.0b not on 1.1.1 right? these were the testrealm patches.
  13. i hated underwater combat in wow. so no swimming = no problem. having one area setting that is just "right" for the planet you are on is great. This wouldn't be possible with weather or day/night. (and i would always have to play at night.... not cool) And for all who are angry over the two zones on tatooine: you want anchorhead to be camped by imperials 24/7? great idea.
  14. They are in the launcher, alternatively: http://www.swtor.com/de/patchnotes/1.1.0/aufstieg-der-rakghoule
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