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Everything posted by -Arcane-

  1. lol at this, realy? Well guess what, Guards/Juggs will be charging a lot more after the next update.
  2. Good video, well played Combat.
  3. Lol if they did that i would wear my rakata pve gear and facemelt 0 expertise fresh 50's. nice balance idea
  4. For someone who's unsubbed why are you still crying on the forums? trololol
  5. lol who cares about expertise when there are so many other issues, skill delay, fps, skills not correctly effecting the target but still giving you a GCD, skills refusing to trigger at all etc. All these are way way higher priority than some 10% buff thats "unfair" even though its very easy to get it.
  6. Simple soloution, take the armour profession linked with your class and craft exceptional/mastercraft Rakata belt and wrists. Now reroll biochem/bioanalysis, takes about 16h with 5 companions (maybe a little less if your very active) and you can be afk for 50~ minutes at a time near the end.
  7. 100% agree, this needs fixing. Also while we're at it how about some medals in huttball for actually getting the ball, passing forwards or scoring? I was not impressed after I had scored 4 times and assisted once more to find I got low "objectives" and few medals. Guess medal farming > playing to win
  8. Sorry but I disagree, having it fail the way it does looks like a bug and we tried soloutions to fix a bug, not to look for other mechanics on the fight. Misleading, no fail message, no reset. These things do have an affect on groups ability to solve the puzzle as many looked at it said "its bugged" and stopped trying. If this was intended then I am pretty dissapointed at bioware, the boss is a mess.
  9. Pretty weak that there is no reset for this boss you must clear trash again as it just locks up. it should print some "You fail" message on the screen and reset the pylons. As it is, when you fail it looks a lot like a bug.
  10. Why ti does not display a "you failed" message and reset like all other bosses I dont know. Clearing trash 20 times in an evening is boring as hell.
  11. Ability delay is the biggest issue with swtor. FPS in warzones is the second. Come on bioware, pull your finger out.
  12. -Arcane-

    500k+ DMG Club!

    What a supprise, ranged easymoders boasting of damage.
  13. Why do i look like a golden droid? if i wanted to be C3PO...
  14. Lol, realy? PvP gear is so easy to earn in this game to get to 10%+ expertise bonus takes a week or so. Realy dont see the issue here. or did you want a fresh 50 to be comparable to a valour 100 battlemaster geared player? The advantage is slight, 15% max oh no! good players will still win regardless of expertise.
  15. The issue is ranged dps. Melee must get to the target before they can do anything, ranged can sit at 30m pewpewing for the same if not better dps. But yes give grav rounds a CD. Trooper rotation is about 5 buttons, Sentinel rotation is at least 9 + melee. Makes sense ya?
  16. That all sounds great. As long as they fix the insane skill delay in warzones first.
  17. LOL Op is joking right? Ranged have it easymode in this game.
  18. Why is there no /readycheck function? As raid leader it is very useful to be able to get a yes/no response from players before starting the encounter without having to resort to jumping, moving to a position or voice coms.
  19. We tried it again multiple times last night, even when we got an 8/8 spawn (the puzzle is solvable in 8 clicks on each pylon) we then got a NEW bug where one plyon finished and the other required only 1 click more to finish, the console was blue (clickable) and when you clicked it it gave you the debuff but the wheel didnt turn and the encounter didnt finish. How this made it past beta I dont know.
  20. Totally agree OP When progressing Nightmare mode bosses stacking ranged makes the job so much easier.
  21. ROFL we have been facepalming for 2 days because of the EV pylon bugs tomorrow we're going to KP and thats bugged also? Realy? 6 years in dev and your 2 launch raids are broken? gg bioware
  22. /sign this pisses me off constantly. yet another bug that should never have made it past beta
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