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  • Interests
    Playing video games, reading, Knights of the Old Republic, SW:TOR
  1. Thank you. Also, when I click on my name, it's showing I got a message in my PM box, but when I look, it's gone. How do I retrieve / recover this message?
  2. I rather hate Windows 10, and I've been thinking about looking into getting another operating system (Linux?). Currently, I am running into issues where Win10 takes entirely too long to boot up (even compared to older systems like XP [single core!], and Windows 7 (Dual-Core / Quad Core). As for the OP's post about them looking into Valve- I hope not. Valve Steam has already gotten to be rather soulless with their seasonal events. It seems Valve has lost its charm and charisma - replaced with blatant money grabs and ridiculous systems. Even so, it would be far, far worse if Microsoft got their hands on it because it means that they would be likely to (in my opinion) discriminate against users who run on other operating systems.
  3. Hello, I am Auron Starglider, and I've been a member of the community since before the game launched. However, due to real life circumstances (and a lack of interest), I had stopped playing the game. I am now picking the game back up, and was wondering, what all has changed? I've noticed that there are no threads so far indicating what the plans are for 2018. :/
  4. Cool! Looking forward to finally being able to run some Flashpoints for a change (prior to breaking, there were hardly any players on Krevass City, and most weren't interested (or able) to run the Flashpoints at level. That all being said, I am hoping they made the LFG/LFM system less clunky.
  5. Thanks everyone! So, how does Rage/Focus work now, and did the Sentinel ever get an ability that made them more survivable, or are they still as squishy as ever? I've also heard about AC changes, does this mean my Bounty Hunter Tank's Armor is not as good as it used to be when I played up to last March, or did they make AC even better?
  6. Equal in Power wherein sometimes the Republic wins, and sometimes the Sith win, rather than one side or another always beating each other on any given server? Where can I read all of the patch notes?
  7. Decided to give the game a spin before they release the F2P patch sometime this fall. I stopped playing before last April (RL and all that). What all has changed since then? Are Jedi/Sith still equal in PvP? Did they merge any servers (Krevasse City in particular)?
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