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Posts posted by Sikssix

  1. On 3/28/2023 at 7:57 AM, StrikePrice said:

    What the spec needs is burst. Merciless Slash should do its damage and collapse all DoTs on the target. Give this spec something interesting to do. 

    We got Force Fracture for that, and even the buffs they applied to it in 7.2, it's a bit underwhelming, about 1 to 3k dps loss compared to traditional.  It is pretty bursty, but not enough to do justice as you still have to wait for Overload Saber and Force Melt to be applied.

  2. On 12/22/2022 at 7:37 AM, Ardarell_Solo said:

    No offense, but I'm not looking for insight on how to play the specc

    Thanks for that clarification, 


    On 12/22/2022 at 7:37 AM, Ardarell_Solo said:

    I've known Watchman rotations inside out in all forms from 1.0 on and had top Watchman/Anni and partially top overall dps parses in several expansions and have also written a few guides on the specc (including Dotsmash, when that was a thing). Character name is El'ethon, if you care to know or are looking for reference. Not saying this to show off, but to undermine that I do know just how boring exactly the current rotation is in comparison.

    I know who you are, I have seen you and competed on top parses before.  Had top spot as well for a good minute back then too.  


    On 12/22/2022 at 7:37 AM, Ardarell_Solo said:

    What's probably even worse is that Slash also does the most damage (not even counting the burns it ticks, just its own damage) with a whopping 21.8%. Saying that all the nice things you learn as Watchman like Merciless, Cauterize, Force Melt, Overload Saber are just sidekicks to your main ability Slash that every Knight knows from the very beginning.

    As I said, Slash is now Cowbell.  I do agree with you on everything else however, the whole spec feels dull and has been something I stated on the PTS forums.  I don't intend to discourage or undermine, I trust any and every good player to do their thing, and if I see people parsing higher than I am, it just encourages me to do the same, as I hope to do the same to others.  

    • Like 1
  3. Treat your slash like CowBell.  Just don't use it twice in a row or so while under zen. 


    From what I understand, The opener is:

    Force leap + Overload saber right after
    Zealous Strike + Inspiration + Valorous Call (depending situation)
    Merciless Slash
    Zen + Force Melt
    Twin Saber Throw

    What I learned from the changes, as well as talking to other players, I can verify the changes basically means Slash = Cowbell (I hope you understand the reference).  This tidbit is from one player that currently is posting the highest parse at this time for our spec.

    1. Use Anni/Merciless Slash of CD no mater what, plan you rage so you will be able to use Anni/Merciless Slash as soon as it will be ready. This is ability is more important now, since Devious Wounds/Smoldering Burns got serious buff.

    2. Never ever use non rage/focus spenders outside berserk/zen window

    3. You want 12 rage/focus when bers/zen is over for consistency, in order to achieve it you have to do stupid things some times like in example Assault/Zealous strike(if both Ravage and DST on CD) when you have 12 rage/focus during last moment of bers/zen. If you are RNG god you can skip this, it's absolutely possible to generate 30 fury/centering with 10 rage/focus at your disposal when bers/zen is over, but your dispatcher should go gigachad mode, and yet you will probably will not be able to do Anni/Merciless Slash of CD in that case.

    4. Don't use combination of two abilities in a row that proc Spiteful Saber(VS/Slash, DST/TST, VT/Dispatch) inside Berserks/Zen window, since you will drastically reduce chance that your fully stacked DS/Overload Saber will eat 2 bers/zen stacks.

    5. Do not hesitate to use Rupture/Cauterize if bad RNG got you, this is the only ability that cost 2 rage/focus while generate 4 fury/centering and apply DS/OS stack. Otherwise you will be forced to delay your FR/Force Melt by 1 gcd which is worse alternative. 6. There is probability that it worth to use DST/TST before Pulverize/Mind Seer proc(only inside bers/zen window ofc), since you will be able to use it in two blocks in a row some times, but i can't confirm this.

    After a hefty amount of testing and verifying some changes, I managed to get to 31K.  I am aiming to get back to where I was before the latest patch.  I also noticed, whenever you pop Zen right before Force melt (assuming you take the Melting Center and Burning center combo), you would want to use Twin Saber Throw before Slash, never use Slash twice or Merciless and Slash in a row while you're in Zen.  If you want the highest DPS with Watchman, you have to be a bit more precise now than before.  Thus not entirely feeling smoother, and more Cowbell.  

    Edit:  Be sure to use Dispatcher's package with berserker's call, don't touch Fearless Victor.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, joshrva said:

    I don't blame you for not wanting to go back in to ranked after that, but you are expected to know what you're doing going in to ranked, or at least show a desire to improve and an ability to listen to advice. Unfortunately, the population is far too small to be matched against players your skill as a new player, so players will inherently be toxic to you if you're there and throw games. But very few people will be toxic to you if you actually show up with at least some knowledge of how to play your class and show that you want to improve and are able to listen to what they tell you to do. They may be frustrated that they may lose a couple games with you on their team, but ultimately the population is too small to turn away players who want to improve. At the same time, the population is too small to not turn away players who have no desire to improve and simply want to farm mats or whatever and throw games, because games with those players will just always be unbalanced and unfun.

    The thing is, I have been playing since early beta, I believe I have enough awareness as well as able to adapt since I regularly run NiM content for years as well as recently run R4HM on a weekly basis.  I have also done a bit of PVP over the years too.  I never intend to throw any games as I want to enjoy it, whether win or lose, I play with what the goal is, never just try to get the most DPS/EHPS/Tankyspanky stuff.  

  5. 24 minutes ago, joshrva said:

    What do you think I mean by it. They're removing ranked pvp, the endgame of pvp. Regs =/= endgame.


    I didn't think of the PVP side of it honestly, I thought you meant things like OPs or dailies and what have you. Thank you for clearing this up.  In all honesty though, ranked PVP was insanely toxic and that is something I never would want to get into again.  Literally did one match and it ended up with people giving me death threats through the game as well as some of them even finding my personal info and threatening me.  All from one match, the reason?  It was my first time being in ranked PVP, I needed the mat from the weekly (this was 6.0 era) and the team I was on intentionally threw the match because I had a little bit of accuracy.

  6. It looks like they are pushing 7.2 on December 13th,  I got an uneasy feeling they haven't changed anything since they announced it on PTS.


    Adding:  Development team, what are the DPS targets you mentioned before?  I recall asking this awhile back.  

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

    It's pretty simple in my eyes, some specs "underperform" in ops not because of class/spec balance (could make a debate for MM and ARsenal) but mainly because of the horrible operation difficulty balance with the nerf of hp + 10 more iRating of 7.1. The only real burst dps check that is somewhat challenging is scyva ignite core, the rest can probably be done with a group of 2 tanks 4 tanks with dps gear and 2 heals so burst classes don't get their time to shine in what they would excell. 

    You would see way more burst classes in 7.0 for some fights compared to now, especially for fights like kephess in EC that the walker dps check was tight.  

    I dread R-4  NiM release if it happens to have a new set of gear with +10 iRating and new augments. If it keeps like this with the trend of gear creep and op difficulty nerf Ops difficulties should be changed in some months to "Super Story Mode", "Story Mode" and "Slightly more difficult Story Mode"

    Last I recall, I think the dev team is done with NiM content, but I can't say much since I can't verify this, just need to hear (or read) it from the horse's mouth.  As for the nerfing of OPs, I don't quite think nerfing the HP would do too much or 10 more IR, in fact, doing 10 more IR would be a bit OP.  The step up between SM and HM for R4A is intense, like camping, while I agree that the pun wasn't needed, I think something else needs to be adjusted on HM so it's more doable.  Nerfing a lot of classes that desperately need help, or to be untouched, while having over performing classes remain untouched isn't the answer.  

  8. 1 hour ago, jedimasterjac said:

    Isn't Plasma Vanguard/Pyro PT like the best spec for PvE right now?

    It's pretty viable in some fights, but other classes (to which I fail to recall) are required since they can be squishy.  I have been able to keep up as Watchman with those specs just fine.  It heavily depends on who you're running with and what they are capable of.  

  9. 2 hours ago, Aethyriel said:

    There's nothing new / no changes have been made. The way the changes were challenged by the players were handled in one of the most inept ways I have ever seen in my 10+ years of suffering errors from devs who fail the players by being too proud to admit mistakes and then ruin their game as a consequence. what we know for certain is that the devs will stick to their plan as awful as it is and the purpose of the PTS is really not about the balancing but the new area and pvp and finding and fixing bugs (well, trying to fix bugs). Nim raid groups are quitting one after another because there's nothing to do and because only a so few specs are playable reasonably in nim, no new players join the ranks. So, why even waste time balancing classes for content nobody plays? Anyone who wants to enjoy raiding will just play the new WoW expansion or FF XIV instead of doing the new daily area for 3 weeks before you have maxed out the reputation and never visit again.

    That is disappointing.  Like my Vanguard.... Major Disappointment.  Anyways.  We shall see how they go about it within the coming months.

  10. 21 hours ago, codydmaan said:

    I dont like these changes at all either. Especially the pvp updates their really bad. Most everyone seems to agree their bad as well. 


    They see our detailed responses of why their ideas are not good. Not just o I hate this baseless responses. People have reasons why their ideas are bad and their right. Especially with pvp and mara changes. 

    It's really sad to see the state of the game now. Been here 11 ish years. It's not managed the same as it has in the past.


    Please devs, 🙏 put a concerted effort to make the game better and the players happy. Your here for us, we're your customers, we buy the subscription.

    It seems like this is what they want.  I am considering of unsubbing not just because of the nerfs, but the way they are running the whole game to the ground.  The Ranked PVP ordeal I can understand and honestly, I support.  I did it once and my god the amount of death threats I was given on forums AND on game was unreal.  All because it was my first time doing it, and I was running with Accuracy at the time.  The win trading was real bad too.  The PTS from what I learned basically is:
    "Here you guys go, this is what the changes are going to be, we will let players find what is broken, nerfed, and the flavor of the patch is, we won't fix it, we won't listen, so enjoy!  PS:  We will tell you this information, mislead about it, then that information is completely false."
    I am not here to bash on BW or the community.  I am speculating and reporting what I am seeing.  If you watched the livestream, and I hate to throw names under buses, however it has to be done, Jackie seemed real estactic to do the livestream (speculated by a few players I talk to), while the others were not wanting to be there, exhausted, burned out, just simply did not want to be there.  I am not sure what everyone's position is, or what happens in the background of the development of this game, I do hope they all are able to get past their struggles, at the same time, to cure their cranial rectitus disease.


  11. On 9/29/2022 at 8:35 PM, Akureng said:

    If you check Parsely, Annihilation has a top 5 parse on every apex boss in every Op (I did not check R4) except Brontes, where Pyro PT's dominate, but PT's have always excelled on that fight. It has the top parse on Apex Vanguard. The reason it may not parse as well as other specs is that it is a rage intensive spec and you don't get the passive rage generated as you do in actual combat with outgoing damage and get no benefits from cloak of pain.

    TL;DR The spec is fine.

    For R4, it's arguably at top 5 as of now, it's struggling hard however.  The spec is fine for now until 7.2.  I have been taking a lot of notes, testing, and reporting back a lot about it.  Annihilation/Watchman is royally boned come 7.2

  12. 3 minutes ago, Aethyriel said:

    except it won't. You're losing way too much giving up rupture, especially multitarget DPS. There is just no reason to gimp yourself playing with a skill that is so utterly dumb in its design one has to wonder how any dev could just let it still be there instead of deleting it out of pure shame. You're losing dps both ST and AOE and gain nothing in return. Idk what more you could possibly find out?

    I have already tested it on live, as well as PTS. This set up is not ideal in the slightest for multi-target, but instead just focus target.  With the upcoming changes, the nerfs will make this ability even more useless since it did worse on the PTS.  I will report back after tonight's run.  I don't have any hope that it will do great, but I don't mind taking the time to test it.  

  13. 7 minutes ago, alexroof said:

    Totally agree with that carnage has to use that garbage "tactical overwhelmed offense" since god fang tactical was removed only after reintroducing god fang 2.0 carnage got at least decent back in the game with dps. just sayin

    I agree, a basic tactical is straight up booty, however, when I was testing it with Force Fracture, it worked.  It shouldn't, but it did.  I also tested this a bit in IPCPT, there were some hiccups in the run last night, so I will be testing further to see how useful this combo really is.  Even though it's 2K DPS difference between traditional and this, I believe this may work.  Will report soon.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Aethyriel said:

    I mean, just look at Veng jugg compared to other classes and the absurdity of the balancing becomes apparent where you gain ST dmg due to doing more aoe dmg. But it also has not been true for many other classes and specs. the bigger issue also being a lack of utility or survivability of certain classes when faced with generic mechanics. If these were minor then we could overlook those but some classes like operatives just offer so little compared to what you have to compensate one has to wonder why this has not been addressed at all. DPS targets are fine and all but Concealment used to be top ST DPS and still nobody played it due to how squishy and inflexible it was (nvm they nerfed the ST DPS for no reason making the spec even less useful).

    Imo the goal of balancing a game should be to allow players to play what they want and not have significant drop-offs in group performance on almost any boss. Rn though, you're massively handicapped the fewer Pyro PTs you can bring like you were previously handicapped if you couldn't bring an operative for kolto burst healing pre-nerf. Like what they did to lightning - just no reason to play it over a sniper except maybe self cleanse. But if that was somehow super important and you needed range, you'd still always go with IO or even Balance over Ling. The spec offers nothing. Similar situations arise for operative specs, Deception, APT, MM, Arsenal - heck, even Hatred, Rage/Fury due to leaps are just strictly worse than alternatives.

    The pool of useful classes is so limited and some classes are absurdly niche in their usefulness like Hatred being great for Dominique and virtually nothing else. And the Anni DPS argument is simply refuted by the statistics of operations we have at our disposal. 6th in overall DPS, 7th in boss DPS across MM operations and never the best in any challenge statistic (burn phases and such) outside of Nahut where it's top 2 - but then again, almost only 3 specs were ever played there.

    So, if a 4m melee without any burst is overperforming so drastically DPS wise, what's up with the rest then? What is the goal? This is nonsensical and misguided by the devs. 

    I have people telling me to swap to juggy to obtain said better DPS and viability, or become buff bot since some groups don't want me to play as Watchman in R4 HM because some believe it makes the fight that much harder.  As I said, I fail to find any reason to disagree with you at all here. 

  15. 17 minutes ago, Crystal_Mind said:

    Question: what would you define as an "AoE Spec"?

    Many specs have some level of passive cleave or dotspread, with Engineering perhaps being the baseline example of a spec that sacrifices none of its ST dps to gain that cleave, but even engineering is grossly outperformed in a proper AoE situation by Vengeance and Hatred, which are indisputably melee dot specs. Can you expand a bit on your thought process?

    (I have no dispute on the first two points).

    I should have clarified this is what I believe what it should be, my apologies for the miscommunication here.  My thought process is difficult due to my mental disability, I even have a hard time understanding it at times.

  16. 1 hour ago, Aethyriel said:

    just fyi, melee dot specs were supposed to be +5% above target DPS according to the devs and the current changes to a melee dot spec make it perform one step below target DPS - which is obvious as it's about a 7% nerf overall. Ofc they also wanted melee burst to not be top dps but fury will obviously be top DPS after the patch, so I guess they just don't care anymore or don't know what they're doing - and I really believe it's both.

    Here is what I feel, and I hope this makes sense for everyone and I will do my best to make it coincide to your statement.


    1.  Any DoT spec should be more or less heavily focused onto bosses and SHOULD do +2 - 5% above target DPS.  If the boss is down most of the time, this spec should shine over Burst or AOE specs.

    2.  Direct (burst) DPS specs should prioritize on heavy and fast hits, in bursts.  If the fight has quick mechanics and/or the boss/mobs phase in and out quickly, this spec should shine over DoT or AOE specs.

    3. AOE DPS is sort of self explanitory.  Their DPS shouldn't be high end for prolonged fights or quick mechanics, instead, when it comes to mob heavy fights, their DPS should shine over DoT or Burst.


    This hasn't been like so in awhile if I recall.  

  17. 13 hours ago, Sikssix said:

    After testing Force Fracture alone with a few other things, here is what I can say about it:


    It is bursty.


















    Wasted space for lols.  After testing between Cauterize + Spiteful Saber as well as with Force Fracture + Overwhelming Offense, there is only a 2K DPS difference, looking at graphs while testing Force Fracture and reviewing a typical pull, it is apparent what needs to be taken into place:


    Live server:

    23: Melting Center for obvious reasons

    27:  Debilitating Slashes for focus regen (if possible, or go Trans depending fights)

    39: Force Fracture for the test

    43:  Could have made more DPS burst with Force Clarity but the centering regen (or lack of) was brutal, opted for Burning Center to work with it

    Rest doesn't matter.


    The rotation rarely visits Slash as compared to Cauterize + Spiteful Saber.  The opening is almost similar, however, instead of applying Force Fracture once (like you would with cauterize), you start spamming Force Fracture about four times, then use TST or Blade Barrage, then rebuild centering until 30, which with the choices above, should be quick, by then, get your stacks and DoTs on and use Merciless Slash, then spam Force Fracture again.  Further testing is obviously required, this is something I wanted to report for the time being, I will test this again on the PTS soon.

    I have just did my first few pulls with Force Fracture with this set up but on PTS, I can easily say, with the changes for 7.2 PTS, Force Fracture just became useless, even after buffing it.  I have only managed 28K DPS, without any debuffs on the dummy.  The rotation is completely skewed now because of the changes here.  I didn't stop there, I also decided to go back to the traditional way, and since the PTS has been updated, I can't even break 27K DPS on a debuffed dummy.  After trying with multiple combinations to boot. 


    As of this post, they have implemented the nerfs to Melting Center and it is completely useless, even with Burning Center, Burning Center isn't proccing the centering as it claims too.  I have to use Force Clarity to bring my DPS up, and the most I parsed was 25.9K DPS.  With Force Fracture + Overwhelming Offense I did 28K Flat.  I am very confused as to why this spec is becoming burst over DoT.  These changes, the nerfs and deceiving information the developers have provide, and their confirmation of the nerf without knowledge how a DoT spec should be played shows they have no future for this class at all.


    Chris, Jackie, anybody really, What is going on?  Why are you changing up the spec so much that it skews everything?  You claim the Watchman/Annihilation spec isn't meant to be bursty and DoT specific, yet you place Force Fracture as a burst ability instead of a replacement for Slash, you change the class completely to where any of the abilities chosen don't work well with any combination provided.  You nerf this class to the ground, just as bad as any Ranged DPS, but Juggernaut/Guardian DPS as well as Shadow/Assassin remains untouched, exploiting their DPS through the ceiling, forcing players to abandon their favorite classes just to clear content, especially with R4 Anomaly.


    I can clearly say this with confidence, the BioWare development team has no clear sign and has lied to their players/subscribers.  I call a vote of no confidence in the development team of BioWare.  They have shown signs that coincide with EA's thirst for power and wealth instead of quality for their fanbase, and has tarnished the name of Star Wars.  Call me toxic about this, I am aware of this, my biggest fear and concern was if this game will get past the ignorance and arrogance of the team, because I honestly enjoyed this game, to every last detail.  I often enjoyed helping others through their quests and endeavors, I know 7.2 isn't the last patch of this game as no one knows the end to this game, but I feel it may come sooner than we anticipate if they keep this kind of work up.


    I will condemn them though for the amount of work that has been done to the recent planets, and attempt to story write, however, I feel these are becoming rushed and lackluster.  I am unsure of what is going on behind the scenes, I do believe if the developers are requesting for help, hence the PTS, they should take in criticism and suggestions, instead of ignoring them and claiming they are listening to their players.  So I have to ask this once again, Chris, Jackie, anyone in BioWare, what is going on?  Some of us are scared, concerned, angry, and worried.

  18. 4 hours ago, Deaconik said:

    They posted something bakc in 5.x or 6.x where they ranked multiple DPS specs and showed their target DPS, it shouldn't be hard to post this for the current version. As they seems to have this and follow this.

    I hope they do share that information with the current patch.  They have always talked about that but haven't shared since then.

  19. 2 hours ago, Aethyriel said:

    It shouldn't. Nobody should have to use some generic +x % dmg tactical. it's simply not fun. I mean, I don't even understand why the skill exists in the first place while you could've just given the effect to Force Scream instead. What do we do with it now? use it when >4 m from an enemy and no VT / DST / FR ready as to not waste a gcd? Then, FF could've had a cooldown and do a lot more burst dmg - making it an actual burst option instead of a joke. And shouldn't it provide more ST dps as you give up aoe dps? You just lose both? Who makes that crap up?

    Testing the new 'rotation' on the PTS is just a dumpster fire fueled by lunacy. You play Draining and Bleeding and then end up with 28 Fury as FR becomes available because you had crappy luck with dot crits or you just happen to fall into a slump with rage generation via bleeds / implant due to lack of crits again and you're short even more Fury as you're forced to use BA which you should not be doing as you can't use any non rage spender outside of Berserk or you'll very likely lack Fury. That is supposed to be fun now? Having to rely on pure luck of whether or not you're gonna get enough Fury or Rage? Completely taking the control away from the player and just making it an RNG fest. because that's what players totally love, right? Having no tight control over their own performance, just having to rely on dumb luck like you're some sort of Deception Assassin.

    I mean, ofc you can play Juyo and Blood Fury and have all the excitement and managing power of the old Draining + BF spec but without any of its DPS or being rewarded properly for doing something comparatively difficult (at least to other faceroll specs out dpsing us after this moronic patch). I mean, it's 800 DPS that vanish as soon as you spread dots that quickly eat your berserk. what garbage.

    It shouldn't, I agree with you, but the numbers didn't lie, I just got done with our run tonight, it was real rough and the burst isn't enough with this set up, the DPS was there, but at the same time, we had some alternative changes, I will retest this tomorrow night and see if I can get better numbers as I am not fully set on a rotation on IPCPT yet.  I also still need to test this on the PTS.

  20. 12 minutes ago, Aethyriel said:

    This is one of those things were you show your utter incompetence. What do you mean 'like more burst?' What burst? it needs 2 dots applied before it can 'burst' and even then its damage is not any higher than VS with a rupture tick. Not only is it not equal to anything, it's just strictly worse all the time in all scenarios. So what is the point of having it? Shouldn't 'all choices be more equal' - then why does this suck? Why does the root on Ravage suck and Predation is always taken? there is no class that mixes up what they use for max dps - there's just things that are clearly better all the time. Your pulling this crap about wanting to diversify choices out your behind. 

    You're literally creating a class with mostly 4 meter range that suffers a hefty DPS loss with minimal lost uptime on a target doing 2k+ less DPS than other specs that aren't marksman or Lightning without burst capacities and the thing it still has is healing. what garbage design is this supposed to be?

    Currently testing FF on Live server, as of this writing, I am 2K DPS below than my typical Cauterize+ Spiteful Saber parse.  Force Fracture works best with Overwhelming Offense tactical.  Further testing is requited still, from the data I have been collecting, the DPS between Force Melt with Melting Center and Force Fracture is decent. give or take 12% difference.  The graph I have been seeing shows the burst points than compared to the steady line.  I am going to be testing this on IPCPT in R4 HM tonight just to see what is wrong with it as well as what can be improved.  This response is not to defend what ChrisDurel stated, I am collecting data at this point.  I have been following your posts and so far I haven't disagreed.

  21. After testing Force Fracture alone with a few other things, here is what I can say about it:


    It is bursty.


















    Wasted space for lols.  After testing between Cauterize + Spiteful Saber as well as with Force Fracture + Overwhelming Offense, there is only a 2K DPS difference, looking at graphs while testing Force Fracture and reviewing a typical pull, it is apparent what needs to be taken into place:


    Live server:

    23: Melting Center for obvious reasons

    27:  Debilitating Slashes for focus regen (if possible, or go Trans depending fights)

    39: Force Fracture for the test

    43:  Could have made more DPS burst with Force Clarity but the centering regen (or lack of) was brutal, opted for Burning Center to work with it

    Rest doesn't matter.


    The rotation rarely visits Slash as compared to Cauterize + Spiteful Saber.  The opening is almost similar, however, instead of applying Force Fracture once (like you would with cauterize), you start spamming Force Fracture about four times, then use TST or Blade Barrage, then rebuild centering until 30, which with the choices above, should be quick, by then, get your stacks and DoTs on and use Merciless Slash, then spam Force Fracture again.  Further testing is obviously required, this is something I wanted to report for the time being, I will test this again on the PTS soon.

  22. Just now, Char_Ell said:

    Considering most, not all, of the responses to Chris Durel I have to think this is where BioWare has to really consider the wisdom of providing any direct written response to players' concerns.  "You're not listening to the community at all" seems quite hyperbolic to me.  Many players seem to think that if they tell BioWare something then BioWare should do what they say.  What we have here is a classic disagreement.  BioWare explains their reasoning and some players make their argument for why they think BioWare is wrong.  Listening is not the same as doing what one is told.  Someone can tell me to go jump off a cliff and I can read and understand what they said so I "listened" to them.  I just chose to not do what they told me to do.

    Are you fine with the changes coming 7.2?  I am going to simply state, I am aware my input and my concerns will be heard/read, but I am also aware that won't change anything.  I am sure they have reasons, however, those reasons can be either good or bad, which this case, it's pretty poor.  For some reason I keep reading this as you supporting their choice, but that is not what I am assuming.  Some of the changes are a bit extreme and they have yet to provide any data on their changes as of this post here.  What I do hope is they would consider and further communicate with us and test with us on the PTS to find the perfect median for everyone to be happy.

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