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Posts posted by RDeanOU

  1. The Republic storylines on Taris occur first. The Imperial storylines occur later.


    This is reversed for Balmorra. There the Imperial storyline is earlier and the Republic storylines are later.


    So, yes, your level 30 Assassin on Taris is in the future relative to your level 20 Guardian on Taris.

  2. you're probably having trouble with guardian because of your attitude, not the class.


    with the exception of one person, everyone actually tried to help you and all you did was complain some more and throw around insults.



    congratulations, you are now that guy.


    I'm also going to agree with this. For someone who is asking for help you are awfully rude and ungrateful. Instead of dismissing all of these people telling you that your attitude is a big part of your problem, maybe you ought to stop.....take a deep breath....and then maybe consider that you should adjust the way you are speaking to your fellow players.


    Instead of complaining that people who have honestly tried to help you weren't helpful enough perhaps you could try thanking them for their attempts to help and then phrasing your questions more specifically.

  3. DS is more powerful than light. We're told that in lore.


    Sorry, but I have to call this out for being factually incorrect. We are told explicitly that the dark side is NOT more powerful than the light. It is quicker and easier, but not more powerful. Luke Skywalker is the most powerful force user in the universe according to canon and he is a light side jedi all the way.

  4. I can see that you are also as constructive as they get....:rolleyes:

    So here's a solution for you, buy more RAM or lower the bloody details and the chances of having this problem will magically decrease, close to being nonexistent, shocking..i know.


    Yeah, instead of fixing clearly broken programming we should tell all of the users to upgrade their systems. That's the solution, genius. You nailed it! Great job.

  5. Never had any memory leaks with this game, or crashes to desktop that were caused by them.

    Not saying that some people aren't having problems, just stating my experience so far.


    Stop wasting everyone's time. We know that the memory leak doesn't affect everyone...that doesn't make it suddenly not a problem for the people it does affect.


    I don't understand the urge to pop into a thread where people are sharing stories of a bug affecting them to say that you have had no problems.


    This is like a news report telling everyone that a building is not on fire. No one cares.

  6. It's the game engine.


    No, it doesn't affect every user, but it affects a lot of them. That doesn't happen with a game engine that is working properly. They have a memory leak among other problems. This seems to affect a lot of people, but those with little RAM obviously notice it a lot more easily.


    I have played other MMO's and I have never seen one that was this broken. The worst part is that it seems to get worse with every content patch they put out instead of getting better. I love playing this game and seeing all of the stories, but at this rate the game will be unplayable on my machine (and many others) after a few more patches.


    They need to put the bulk of their team to work on fixing their technical problems. It's really frustrating for someone that loves this game to see the performance issues linger forever and often actually get worse.

  7. You are also on Harbinger?


    I am on Harbinger and I'd still like your stuff. I don't see why it matters what Valor rank I have. If you are leaving it shouldn't matter to you.


    If you still have an attachment to your stuff it likely means you aren't really quitting and are just pouting on the forums. So which is it? Are you pouting in an unconstructive way or are you going to give me your stuff?

  8. I agree with soluss, who cares if multiple threads about 1 topic is posted, how does that affect you? Just don't read it.

    Also, you could do a better job of not acting like a douchebag


    But on topic, ye it kinda sucks, thought I would be able to run straight through the missions and then it turned out he just straight sucks. Hopefully a fix will be in soon


    The Community Managers actually prefer people not to make redundant threads. It's more constructive and useful to keep the discussion consolidated. Threads like this often get locked b/c they are redundant. So, yeah, you happen to be wrong about this one.

  9. Character names are an extremely trivial problem.


    For the overwhelming majority they are so trivial it simply isn't factored in when deciding whether or not to play a game. The miniscule handful of people, such as yourself, that consider this a substantial problem represent such a tiny minority that their numbers are insignificant.


    It's sometimes difficult to accept when one's concerns are vastly out of step with the concerns of the rest of humanity. You, my friend, appear to have more emotion connected to this issue than probably every other person in the universe combined.


    The 30 or so people world wide who would decide not to play this game over this issue should not matter to anyone connected with the production or maintenance of this game.


    Personally, I would be insulted and disgusted if the devs spent a single second considering your problem while the game is still plagued with technical problems and bugs that actually do matter to players. For that matter, I'd be insulted if they spent a second on this problem while purely cosmetic issues like hood up/down toggles haven't been addressed.

  10. Nope! It's an individual character perk - you can choose to unlock it for an imperial character or a republic one, a million credits at a time. :/


    Wow, I'm planning on finishing the chain to unlock him this week. If this is the case I would agree that it is very lame indeed to make us pay 1 mil for every single alt.

  11. Guardians aren't as good at soloing content as some other classes. We have no CC. At your level you don't even have awe yet. We have no heals either. Again, at your level you don't even have Doc.


    I could solo tons of content on my Commando and Sorcerer. My Guardian just came up short trying to solo Heroic content.


    Of course, as a Defense specced Tank you should never have trouble finding a group for heroics when you want one.

  12. So your position amounts to:


    "I knew when I purchased this game that it required a monthly subscription after the first 30 days if I wanted to play it at all. Now I want to be able to play the game without paying that subscription and the fact that they are offering a limited version of the game somehow entitles me to that."


    I am hoping you realize how absurd that position is. The version of the game that you want to play has always required a subscription and you knew that when you purchased it. So please explain to everyone how you are entitled to play that version of the game (the one we have all been paying a monthly sub to play) for free without the restrictions.

  13. ur theory is ur own problem


    yes i know theres is lots of other bad parts, who were more responsible for driving players away


    and still i claim this,,if this is the perfect way to set up a mission,,we would see it a lot more


    the reason, that it doesnt get so many complaints, is the fact , that it IS a rare form of mission


    something "new and exciting",,yes,,but other than that it fails all logic


    I'm actually struggling a little bit to make sense of this. Is English your first language?

  14. this thread is mostly occupied by fanbois,,about 10% of playerbase,,some of them even believe this


    game is still doing fine,,,and if the smuggler story is so great, WHY ARE SO FEW PEOPLE PLAYING IT?


    my ideas may not be great,,im not a writer,,but the story isnt either,and i have the numbers to prove that:




    Correlation =/= causation. 95 % of all deathrow inmates have eaten pickles so pickles must cause murderous behavior, right?


    There is absolutely no evidence that declining sub numbers have anything whatsoever to do with the playerbase being dissatisfied with the Smuggler storyline. In fact, I will go out on a limb and say that is the most absurd and completely foolish theory I have ever heard for why sub numbers are declining. You are suggesting that all of these people are unsubbing from the game not because of game mechanics, lack of end game content, continued performance problems/bugs, or any of the other numerous legitimate problems this game has. No, in your view the most rational explanation for the drop in sub numbers is because people were upset about a specific story choice early in the Smuggler's Act 1 story.


    I'm just not sure you are serious at this point. If you aren't serious then +1 internetz for this performance. If you are serious...then wow....just....wow.

  15. i dont count the fleet on its own, but add esseles,,and u spend 1 or 2 hours there,,thats a small "planet"


    and in this game han DOES lose his ship,,without being able to do ANYTHING, thats the first mistake


    secondly,,an important part of the jedi story is to get their first lightsaber,,this would have been so much


    more natural here


    third when i finally do get my ship back, it just feels weird , when i go on board again,,for the first time


    i mean the introductary tour on "my old , trusted ship",,really?


    playing a version , of how han got his first ship would have been better


    or a version of one of the missions , where u hacked maintenance droids


    PS! and if someone steals ur car,,painting the neighbours fence prolly wont get it back


    getting a faster car and and driving around might be a better idea,,since u cant just call the cops


    1. A flashpoint and the fleet =/= a planet.


    2. You absolutely can do something about losing your ship. You chase the jerk down and reclaim it. I'm not sure what else you expect to do about it.


    3. Your story ideas are terrible.


    4. The writers of this game did an exponentially better job coming up with ideas for the smuggler than you.


    5. No one in this thread agrees with pretty much anything you've said.


    6. The fact that #5 is true ought to tell you something.

  16. Lets be realistic to lore though... IF they put one in game... it should run at 60% speed (cause no way it's fast as a speeder), and it should only be usable on ice covered terrain.


    Oh... and you should also have to feed it, comb it's fur, and probably hose it down during stable time. :p


    Hence, it's of little practical value... and should probably never have resources wasted on it.


    Because mechanical speeders never require maintenance and fit in your pocket like they do in the game, right? :rolleyes:

  17. I did not claim to know the reason for every player's departure from ToR. But I've never personally met, online or in person, a player who left due to financial reasons, despite absolutely loving the game. While I'm sure they are out there, I'm also sure that BioWare isn't telling the whole story.


    The charge against BioWare is not that they misinterpreted the unsub reasons, but that they are attempting to spin them.


    "Our game is awesome. People love it and want to play it."


    Their game is not so awesome that everyone who left really, truly wishes they could still play, if only they had the money. That's the message they are attempting to spin.


    I mean, do you really buy this reason, when 10 million players are willing to pay for WoW? Yes, obviously, the reason players don't play ToR is just that millions of players "can't afford" their game, despite "loving" it. Even though millions of players can afford WoW, not even 1 million players can afford ToR? Don't be naive.


    Before you knock the comparison to WoW, I will point out that ToR shares a demographic with WoW, and BioWare purposefully designed it that way. It wouldn't be fair to compare, say, EVE Online to WoW, due to their completely different design philosophies, but ToR is fair game. BioWare designed their game to play like World of Warcraft and be familiar to that crowd. They were targeting that crowd from the beginning, you know, the crowd that has been paying $15 per month for the last 9 years to play an MMO.


    Price is a constant between the two, so it CAN'T be the factor that makes ToR less popular than WoW, you must see that. If both games are the same price, but one is more popular, it means that players prefer the content of one game over the other. That is a quality issue, not a financial one.


    Now, I don't expect ToR to ever hit the same numbers as WoW (no MMO will, not until WoW shuts down it's servers, anyway.) But to say that the problem with your game is the sub fee, when there's a giant like WoW out there saying, "What problem with sub fees?" you're obviously not telling the whole story.




    Quoted for truth.

  18. The only thing on there remotely worth any salt is the ranged. Seriously, if you're relying on your sages/sorcs to bubble and heal then you're doing it wrong. Also, remember, when they're healing, they're not dps'ing so now they've become a weak healer. And please don't bring up the "well if you lose a healer at least that sorc can heal and maybe help your group get past the fight" argument because someone dying means you're not doing it right.


    Also, Marauders have a ton of defensive CD's to make their survivability go up. Plus an Anni spec'd one will dot heal the raid for way more than a Sage/Sorc would and with AoE damage like on Operator IX, that dot healing is far more useful than the 3k heal a DPS Sorc is going to throw out while doing 0 damage.


    This....exactly this.


    A Sentinel currently has more utility AND more DPS and their utility functions while they do what they are already doing.

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