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Posts posted by PhatMcMuffins

  1. Agreed with phat on this one


    haha thanks. i know we often disagree on these forums but you often make good points and acknowledge when others do.

  2. Waaait a minute. If you're talking Wakajinn pre2.0, that build was better than full Deception. Significantly better burst with Recklessness up, better AoE pressure and only slightly less single-target pressure. I still ran full Deception because Wakajinn was squishier (he didn't take the 30% armor increase) and I wasn't good enough to play it without getting blown up, but playing it at a high level made it definitely the superior build.


    :p Also I was never a fan of the 30% crit in Madness because self-heals overrated, but going 0 crit seems like too far the opposite spectrum. I think I run 24.37% on mine, and still have 850 bonus dmg so it still hurts.


    This. Wakajinn was the bees knees pre 2.0

  3. Full darkness guard swapping is almost impossible in arenas. This tank is too weak for target swapping from dpss and even more squishy. Try deception hybrid with tank gear or hybrid with dps gear and darkness stance for regs.


    This is just wrong.

  4. i just got crit for 12k by a merc on my sorc, i have 2018 expertise



    i think we're fine


    lol and I've been hit for 10.5k heatseeker while on MY merc (fully brut)

    Its called relic procs and crits. It doesn't matter your armor class.


    Madness sorcs are extremely strong right now. I wouldn't say OP, but the strongest ranged full spec in ranked.

  5. Pure DPS classes should always do more dps than hybrid classes that can off heal. Period.... facing a class that can equal or out dps you while doing some decent healing is ridiculous.


    Then there would be no point to ever bringing a non-pure dps class as your dps in a 4s game. Everyone fills a singular role. @ dps do damage, a tank tanks and a healer heals. Off heals and taunts are nice for a dps to have but do not help them fulfill their role. If pure dps do more damage, then your dps choices are sniper or mara.


    You realize you can't heal and attack at the same time, right? You're at least spending a gcd not doing damage (and thats if its an instant heal)

  6. Yeah, it is used, and it's the wrong spec. I've been over this mathematically and logically enough times to demonstrate that spec is ****, enough so that it's surprising anyone even believes it's remotely an option. The facts are out and the judgement has already been made about this spec. If you guys truly believe those sins aren't gimping themselves by not going full deception, you simply lack the knowledge about how the class works.


    They're running it as the tank for their team... Things change in 8 months.

  7. I definitely meant 36, not 31. Eh, regardless. I am still not sure what to go. I would agree that the extra crit and damage on force technique seems like a very minor boost to damage as opposed to the benefits from the points in Dec. Do you go 30% armor or stealth speed?


    I go for the extra armor. It ends up rasing damage reduction by almost 3% if i remember correctly (I calculated it)

    Again, not saying its optimal or anything, but i like it

  8. - With the buff given to Force Barrier on 2.7, it should now have casting time. With penalties to heals received, while on Force Barrier until Enduring Bastion ends. Once Enduring bastion ends, they should also have a delay on how long they can cast cleanse skills.



    This is my favorite part of the whole thread. Nerf Sorc cleanse moar!!!!!!!

  9. So should I mod completely for power/surge? 2 piece Stalker and 2 piece Force Masters? My character is undergeared and I want to know what to buy before I waste my comms on something I don't need.


    Oh and are you using 8/2/31?


    He runs 7/2/37. Its on his twitch page


    I don't think the points in the darkness tree are worth it, howver. Extra damage to lightning charge is next to nothing because lightning charge deals little damage and it doesn't affect the discharge strength. I run 0/7/39 and like it compared to the 7/2/37 which i've tried. but Waka is the one killing it in team ranked haha

  10. They could fix that easily without introducing new powers in to the skill trees.


    For the Sentinel/Marauder: Smash/Sweep have a 10 meter knock back when used.


    For the Scoundrels/Operatives: Their grenades have a 10 meter knock back when used.


    Simple fix to this problem without making them OP in my opinion.


    LOL /5char

  11. The merc and Sorc have heals (others) though, the sniper doesn't.


    In fact , the sniper has one way of getting medals. They can't really guard, off-heal, or taunt.


    The instant AOE from 30m on snipers was fine, if anything it's OP healers don't need it.


    So your answer is essentially Heal to Full?


    and lol at medals having anything to do with PvP balance.

  12. Does it go off the current or your highest achieved? I seem to plateau around 1350 and I'm thinking about retiring to maintain the tier 2 possibly. Should I keep going or does it go with your current rating?


    Last season was highest achieved. I'm assuming it'll stay the same for S2.

  13. I would definitely agree to bringing back the AOE flash bang.


    I don't see why scrapper can get it, but a gunslinger can't.


    It would work as an 'oh crap!' DCD, and allow a good sniper to escape.


    K so sniper needs 30m insta group mez, while both merc and sorc need to cast a single target one?

  14. If you can find a non-tank spec with more mitigation than all the stuff I listed feel free to say so.


    Agreed on madness sin tho



    Dare I say Vengeance Jugg? Less passive mitigation but more DCD mitigation. Endure Pain + Saber Ward + Saber Reflect + ED provides far more survivability than AP PT.


    Pyro PT even has better ability to deal with focus due to buffed kolto overload which also has its cooldown constantly reduced by damage, Chaff Flare's increase to defense AND resist (yes, includes resist), Flame Shield's damage mitigation plus somewhat focus deterrent due to the damage feedback and its passive dot mitigation.


    I'm not saying you don't have good points about AP's mitigation. But due to changing meta (from nerfs/buffs to itself and other specs etc) it is far less valued. Class that have more of a mix of ways to mitigate both types of damage (tech/force and ranged/melee) are far more favorable.

  15. Sorry, kolto overload and dot reduction were from pyro. Rest of that is like I said, it's the tankiest non-tank in swtor.


    WAS the tankiest. Now AP gets eaten alive by most things on its own (dots especially). Only stun it to stop PTF and you're golden. Still great as part of a team because it has the strongest AoE attack in the game. But with the smash nerf, its far less appealing than it was.


    Either way, madness sin isn't OP. It's kinda squishy but DoT'n'kite with the 2 piece Force-master bonus will win ya some fights. It's were it should be, in my opinion.

  16. There are always people who can push classes to their limits. But what will happen if you give such people classes with a better potential? They will clearly get better results. It is a max potential of a class I am talking about.


    I play Watchman from release as my main, because I like it more, than other classes I played in game. After I came back after a break, I rerolled watchman and played it almost exclusively. Prior to 2.8 it was not easy, though still fun. I think damage changes in 2.8 are nice and needed, they brought Watchman back, but just not back enough PvPwise. Sure, in WZ against random opponents watchman can shine in right hands, but it is still bad choice for ranked.


    Well, watchman does not require anything major now, just a little love here and there. I think making it last longer is right thing to do, and that giving it more damage is not. Let see where it goes, BW is not great in constant adjustments for a balance sake, they more into fixing things which are clearly broken (or, sometimes, things, which are not), so it may take some time, before they will look back at Watchman. But when they do, I hope they will balance it in par with other specs.


    You missed my point. People who are the best at their class/spec can bring out the full potential. If the full potential is competitive, that is what matters.

  17. Fair point. However, are there any Group Ranked teams consistently running Annihilation/Watchman at the present time? If so, I haven't seen them.


    My Guild teams are still running Carnage/Combat when we bring a Mara/Sent.


    <Midian> ran DoT cleave madness sin + anni mara and kinda stomped <Clickers> over and over. Granted its Gudarzz, one of the best maras playing the spec he's always loved to play, along with Waka. But who better to showcase the ability of these two specs than these guys?


    Also, how ya been Alpha? Our playing times haven't lined up for a while unfortunately.

  18. 0/30/16 for regs, team ranked or yolo

    Has no downtime. Has great AoE. Has great burst. Has practically unlimited force. Has both bubble stun and electric bindings (not to mention root/slow on chain lightning)

    EVERYTHING IS INSTANT! Lightning leads to insta lightning strike leads to insta chain lightning. Lightning also leads to insta CD.




    Full madness with Fadeout for yolo queue

    (not nearly as bad as people think for 8v8 with the addition of lightning burns to CT)

  19. <All That> didn't exist in S1, and I don't think I've ever vsed you in team ranked?, so I still don't know what you're talking about, not very good at this trash talk...


    Same people, different tag. oh well.

  20. 1. I actually have no clue what you're talking about, bragging about face rolling a pug team?

    2. how *********** dense are you?, before I reply to the rest


    lol mine was the pug, yours was the <All That> team


    But regardless, I was a tad drunk when i posted that so sorry for sounding like a total dick. Not at all what ranked and especially Bastion PvP needs. Meant friendly trash talk and banter but came off as an ******e haha :o

  21. Lol Agonyy, Bangerz and I facedrolled your team until you stopped queuing with a pug team we threw together in S1.( not to mention i was merc healing against your op heals and fotm carnage/madness sorc comp) If you're getting farmed by Waka and Midian, its because they're better than you. not because madness sin is OP
  22. Electric execution, in combination with at least 3 other talents in the madness tree (as well as the 2.8 buffs) will provide a huge dps increase in your dots...


    Even on live, I'd been getting decent numbers on DoTs, where the max damage over 18 seconds was supposed to be 3-4k or something (just in what the talent says in and of itself) whereas I was getting an end result at least 5-6 times that.


    Electric Execution does not buff discharge dot. It buffs damage from lightning charge.


    I'll test this out and see if i like it, but on paper i like my spec.

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