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Posts posted by PhatMcMuffins

  1. tier 2 alac (1.3s gcd) is the way to go. stack crit/mastery after that


    you're also better off running the dot refresh on sweeping blasters/DFA tac. once you learn how to integrate it into your playstyle, your dps will skyrocket. it is the strongest tac for IO

  2. I think the most positive improvements are actually the restructuring of how we take talents.


    The new tiers allow for Bodyguard to take

    Tier 1: Jet Escape, Improved Vents, Gyroscopic Alignment Jets

    Tier 2: Power Shield, Energy Rebounder, Power Overrides

    Tier 3: Thrill of the Hunt, Trauma Regulators, Supercharged Defense


    This combo with the moving rapid scan tactical fixes most of the main issues with merc heals in high-end PvP.

    The interrupt protection from Power Shield AND Supercharged Defense is huge when you can still have the safety net of Trauma regs to tank damage and recover it while focus healing a teammate.

    Thrill of the Hunt with moving Rapid Scan increases mobility astronomically, allowing mercs to re-position more often without sacrificing HPS.


    When the crit set bonucs starts working, it'll feel even better. I'm very excited. Play Bodyguard on PTS is a night and day difference from Live.

  3. Honestly, very excited about a lot of these things.


    The healing tacs all could all potentially be rad and could bring merc heals up to par in ranked pvp which would make me a real happy camper.


    2 rocket outs its pretty chill for me. Can't count how many times i've gotten snagged on some random texture. A 2nd charge would fix that and just be incredibly useful when i'm not screwing up haha

  4. Plz, no. DoT spread was a bad idea on so many levels. As Hatred/Madness I would like my single target damage back, ty.


    The best madness sin ever was was in S2 when we could dot spread with a 30m death field


    Deception is for single target.

  5. This is from a pvp perspective playing Hatred:


    Set Bonuses:

    Pretty meh. Nothing has stood out to be really impactful



    Nothing improves the cleave/dotspread playstyle of hatred.

    The CD reset with + crit/cost on leaching strike can give you clutch self healing bonus and kinda burst, but that isn't the point of hatred. The force cost pretty much wrecks your force management as well

    Spreading slow on death field is pointless. if death field APPLIED force slow all on its own, maybe it could be dope

    Chance for creeping terror to tick on melee either needs to be increase or apply to discharge as well. probably both honestly


    Start focusing on what this spec is about: cleave/dotspread

  6. In my opinion,just about everything in life has a working set of rules that are meant to be followed. If you don't follow those rules, typically there are consequences.


    Square alert:rak_03:

  7. You think? ok. Now, how many op heal queue with you, and how many mercs/sorc?

    How many operatives heal more then 2,5Mi?

    How many DPS insta lock operatives cuz they are easy to be killed, and ignore sorcs?


    They are very good for ranked using voice chat. But for regs, they can't carry anyone, like my sorc/merc can.

    I dont think you play the same wz as I do. Good op exists, indeed, but they are rare, Now every s*** can heal 4mil with their sorcs and mercs.


    And you said it again "positioning". I dont do that with my merc. I only kite and stay immortal.


    First of all, I clearly stated ranked arenas. On SS, there are maybe 4 merc healers total in q in a season. The number of operatives and the viability of operatives is much higher.


    Literally any spec in the game works in regs. You're clearly not hitting your actually healing potential if you're not paying attention to your positioning. Total heals also means nothing. HPS is a better indicator but still no the ONLY indicator of how efficient your healing is.


    It sounds like you're talking about regs and not ranked which is fine but every single spec in the game works in regs if you're good. That is not the case is ranked arenas which is what I'm talking about. Sorc is by far the best arena healer, followed by op and lastly merc which is where merc healing has been for the entirety of this game.

  8. Thats the point. You MUST do that with your operative, otherwise you lose. Sorcs and mercs do not need it. BUT if they do, they are immortal.

    Some ppl say. operatives must LOS and be 20-30meters full time if they want to win. The other 2 do not need to LOS, but if they do = immortal again.


    Honestly bud, you're high if you think that only operatives have to LoS and contribute to team control.


    You're also REALLY high if you think merc/mando heals are in a better spot than op/scound in arenas. Sorc is definitely the strongest healer but operatives are in a solid second place with amazing energy management, aoe heals, aoe insta mex and insta casts. They have the highest hps potential but lack in burst healing. Merc can keep itself alive better, maybe, but definitely not the team. I think you just need to work on your awareness and positioning.

  9. No.


    This is a short sighted viewpoint from only one prospective (likely pvp) you need to understand that a massive portion of this game population only plays because of lore. If you choose to remove lore you will lose so many subscribers/CM money this game will shut down in 2 months. Like it or not pvpers do not make up the majority of this game (some do pvp but don't make it a focus) in any business you cater to your majority then tweak it for the minority, if and only if, it minimaly affects the majority. Removeing lore entirely from this game I promise it will not go well for a game that already has 2 feet in a grave.


    There are plenty of times in lore where members of opposite factions share private communication. There are plenty of times where you work with members of opposite factions in the story line of this game. This does not break RP

  10. I was so confused when you and the sent on your team indyantly died. My teammate said it was a stuck caus your sage ****ed up, but I thought it was too quick for a stuck. Well that sux m8. Sry


    lol yeah, dude got globalled first round. It was a bummer because that was shaping up to be a fun third round.


    GGs the last few days btw man

  11. Rating system would theoretically work if we had a good population so that people actually would play with/against similarly skilled players (and if people weren't toxic but that never happens in any video game unfortunately.)


    But for the population size and attitude of swtor, it definitely needs to be changed. Overwatch has a much better system that takes into account your actual performance and not just wins/loss and your elo vs. theirs. It also has a better system for leavers/throwers etc. Amove towards a system like Overwatch's could be a good step imo


    There should also be decay at higher elo. This would incentivize people to keep playing to maintain that rating and also make it more difficult for those backfillers etc who have very little wins with high elo. They'd have to maintain it.

  12. So, somewhere near where you drop down from your spawn is some piece of terrain that is bugged.


    3rd round of a yolo match, i drop down and take maybe 1 step before being killed by Instant Death which is the new system for preventing players from getting to unintended areas.


    Just throwing this out as an FYI. hopefully it gets some attention and is fixed.

  13. Personally, I find the 6-piece bonus very lackluster


    Suggestion: Make kolto missile work like lacerate for Hatred but for kolto shell. It will apply 2 stacks (i think 1 is too low as kolto shell is already the weakest "HoT" when compared to the actual HoT of op probes or the damage stop of sorc bubble) of kolto shell to all targets as long as it hits 1 target with kolto shell active


    this would allow us to more easily sustain kolto shell which is difficult to reapply mid fight in ranked arenas due to not having any extra GCDs with all our cast times and the heat cost of shell

  14. Tier 1: Vent heat when stunned, lower cd on vent heat, lower cd on cc break

    tier 2: longer hydraulic overrides

    tier 3: double power surge, heal after shield goes down (you could take the lower cd on shield when taking damage instead of double power surge)

    tier 4: better kolto overload, supercharged gas buff (could take moving unload instead of supercharge gas buff)


    This is what i like. I run it for heals or dps in arenas

  15. I'd say 99.99% of the time all the "cheats n hacks" is just lag and or animations not wanting to trigger.


    When was the last legitimate thread on the pvp forum anyways?


    And lol Meet Killface. I thought it was zhentil keep. (Yeah don't care if I didn't spell that right).


    ZK is too bad for anyone to hate. They're just kinda entertaining to watch. Like if the 3 Stooges played swtor and had their own guild.

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