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Everything posted by coille

  1. Once you've done the story line quests they finish with an introduction to the Battle of Ilum flashpoint so presumably you can go off and start doing flashpoints and hm flashpoints.
  2. It is hard but doable. I did it solo. What made it extra harder for me was using an underpowered laptop. It would have been easier if I had a better faster computer. Some of the bosses are real hard. A couple come to mind that stick out. Since doing the JK I did the Consular which was easy; never used call on the force at all. Smuggler, Sith Warrior and Inquisitor seem easier too. Never used call on the force with them yet either.
  3. I had a couple of goes at this two nights back and died. I was surprised as I hadn't had a problem so far. After reading this thread I realised my problem was I had another go last night and it was really easy all I did was It amazing how a really difficult quest becomes really easy when you know the strategy.
  4. "Frunobulax" A giant poodle dog from the Frank Zappa song cheapness.
  5. I think I see where I've been going wrong now. I did this twice last nioght and died. Probably because I went down the cave mouth to kill everything that came out of it. Should have hung back.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I'm about 26% crit rating and DPS so I think the crit crystal would be the way to go.
  7. I was in the same position. I was level 48 by the time I beat her and that was using a medpac and call on the force. Having finished all my quests I can now say that this was the single hardest battle of the entire game.
  8. One thing I have been trying to decide is whether I want a +41 critical rating crystal in my light sabre as opposed to the +41 endurance one which I currently have. If I change this will mean a big drop in health points. Does anyone think the extra damage this will cause will be significant enough to be worth the drop in HP?
  9. I liked it a lot but did feel that there were many planets that could have been dropped with no impact on the main story line. I thought the end was great with an epic feel to it.
  10. I'm on 17,400hp but trying to ramp this up a bit. Need an implant and earpiece plus three more pieces of gear yet. Still lots of room for improvement.
  11. Normally I would form an opinion on someone based on their grammar but when your playing this game you do not have time check what you are typing. Last night I was doing an HM and needed to get a quick message out. during a battle I did not spell check it and it was in capitals but the guys got the message quickly and acted on it. I wouldn't expect quality grammar when playing this game.
  12. I didn't know and am glad to find this out. I had tried this months ago and no go. This must be a legacy change. I'll hop on when I get home from work and send some cash to my sith warrior as he desperately needs new gear.
  13. A couple of areas really stood out for me. Voss was great. I liked the autumn woodland look. I also like the tomb area of Belsavis.
  14. I sure would. I'd prefer if they were a quality build rather than cheapy tat though.
  15. I made one last week with an augment slot and it was the first attempt. Got lucky.
  16. Didn't like Hoth much as it made me feel cold with all the ice and snow. Probably a good one for summer. I do like Belsavis though, the tropical bits are good and I liked the Rakata themed bits. Getting around can be a hassle and I do know what you mean about having to fight trash everywhere. Still I see it most days and don't mind it at all.
  17. Just to add to the last question if I had an option to put a high crit rating crystal into my light sabre, would I be better to use that than a high endurance one?
  18. I'm 47 and act for a major insurance company representing our cases in disputes with the Financial Ombudsman Service. I think they'd be surprised to know that I deal with bad guys outside of work too.
  19. You need to do the Jedi Knight role
  20. I did this the night before last and was astonished at how easily I had beat him. I had put this off for a bit as I expected something as bad as Col Hareth. I did prepare a bit by starting to use T7 to finish off Corellia so I could get used to him. I geared up too. I also read the threads here about the force blast one shot kill. I didn't see how you started the puzzle although I think I saw bits of it. I just wanted to get to the fight so didn't waste time on it. Anyway the fight couldn't have lasted more then 60 seconds. My attempt was really a test run to see how hard it was so I didn't use a medpac, stim or call on the force. I just laid into him and was carefull to leave force kick for use only on the force blast. I was amazed to see how quickly his health went down. At the end T7 was still alive and I was on about 20% health, probably because I went in first rather than sending T7. Before I went into this I thought I'd spend ages at this trying over and over again.
  21. I had the same problem the other night. I made about 15 blue enhancements and re engineered them to try to get a purple schematic. No luck. I was re-engineering them as soon as they were made. I spoke to a guildie who suggested having ten in my inventory and then renegineering them so I did that and it worked first time. Maybe that's the key?
  22. Good guide very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to post that.
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