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Everything posted by NvrShoutNvr

  1. I play this game to PvP and although I absolutely loved the community on my old server (Yes even you, Neo), a large chunk of the PvP'ers say they plan on transferring once they become available. Only question is.. when is that going to happen? It was supposed to go live with 2.2, they pushed it back. They then claimed by the end of June, but guess what folks, it's almost July. I only kept my subscription for June because, like everyone else, I was under the impression that Bioware would deliver what they said they would deliver. Will I ever learn? Pretty much sums up my feelings at this point: http://imgur.com/GoR7U9J The lack of PvP updates is also getting a little frustrating. 2.4 not until October? Seriously? Personally, I've been checking out Rift but I really want to play Star Wars. I've given them the benefit of the doubt for the past year, I think it's time the devs start paying attention to the PvP community and quit worrying about the Cartel Market and if it has enough Bondage clothes to keep the ERP'ers happy. get it together, Bioware. Or you might find what's left of your PvP population leaving for another game.
  2. i was going to comment something similar. before you write a guide to PvP, you might want to learn how to PvP yourself.
  3. leveling one and am unsure what mitigation stats i should be stacking for PvP. I've heard all shield/defense, I've heard ALL DEFENSE and screw everything else, I've heard 0 defense and all shield/absord. can anyone competent lend any insight to this? please and thank you.
  4. sounds very cool, sign me up if you ever get it together.
  5. fixed this for you brother, hope you don't mind.
  6. I'm actually glad it got deleted. It caused far more drama than was intended, which was none to begin with. It was just me rambling about my experience so far on the server. I just assumed that anyone who rolled a PvP server would know how to PvP and that was a mistake on my part, because you're going to have bad players no matter where you go. Very excited to go the the Bastion and play with the guys over there. Apologies if anyone was offended in any way, it was not the intention of the post.
  7. Just watched 2 hours of a <Hey im mvp> vs <Synergy> stream in ranked. and boy was I wrong about the bads. The Jugg tank, Justbaddies. I think i can honestly say he's the best PvP tank I've ever seen play. The streams I saw before must have been of a B team or something because these games were completely different. Ya'll can hate if you want, but these guys, both Pub and Imp side, are very good. and I'm excited to play with/against them and become a better player for it. I might get my **** pushed in for a month or 2, but it'll be well worth it can't wait to get over there. Watch out, Bastion. The RP'ers are coming.
  8. Nar'shadaa seems to be the popular place. There are also a lot of RP guilds/communities on BC as well, the most popular being <THE JEDI ORDER> community of guilds. http://www.jediswtor.com/ the server also has its own website for RP purposes. http://www.begerencolony.org/
  9. I'll still be around just not on any characters you know me as.
  10. thanks for your input guys. I play both Vengeance and Rage very well, but I'd love to give tanking a try, expecially in Hutball . Currently focused on getting my DPS gear consolidated, I'll be getting a Frankentank set together here in the next few weeks.
  11. iI'll miss your pocket heals <3 and I'm going to miss you melting me in huttball.
  12. what is everyone's opinion on this? As soon as server transfers are available, I'm heading here and looking to get into the Ranked scene. I'll be bringing along a Vengeance/Rage Jugg but a lot of people have been telling me to re-roll something else if i want to be taken seriously in ranked, so I'm going to start leveling something immediately in preparation. I've been thinking about a Marauder maybe? What can I say, I like Warriors . or maybe a Powertech Tank. What do you guys think? Thought and opinions down below
  13. what is everyone's opinion on this? As soon as server transfers are available, I'm heading to the Bastion and looking to get into the Ranked scene. I'll be bringing along a Vengeance/Rage Jugg but a lot of people have been telling me to re-roll something else if i want to be taken seriously in ranked so I'm going to start leveling something immediately in preparation. I've been thinking about a Marauder maybe? What can I say, I like Warriors or maybe a Powertech Tank. What do you guys think? Thought and opinions down below
  14. I'm from the same server as Approxy's guys, but I'll be coming guild-less. Happy to be here, hope to get some ranked action going on
  15. I've been playing on BC for the better part of a year and I must admit, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I've met a lot of really great people, come across some complete and total ******s (one can't help but think of Aggression when this word is said), and made some very good friends along the way. But ever since the unfortunate events that caused the PvP members of Faceroll Syndicate to either quit the guild or stop playing all-together, I've been contemplating on whether or not BC is the right place for my PvP characters. After talking with others who were wondering this themselves, I've decided to take my Juggernaut to The Bastion and test the waters over there when server transfers become available. I made this decision because I want to better myself as a player by playing a more competitive PvP scene, as well as meet new people and just see what the other communities are like. No offense intended to the PvP'ers who are staying, but there's simply nothing interesting to me about facing the same 3 ranked teams over and over again. There's nothing else for me here, in regards to PvP. I'll miss all of you (yes, even you Neo) who regular the battlefield and hope we cross paths again when cross-server ques become available. Thank you for the gg's, Colony. I'll wave the BC flag high and proud.
  16. Hi guys. I'm mainly on Begeren Colony. I had no idea what RP was until i was too far attached to my toons to re-roll on a PvP server, so i stayed. aaaanyway, with paid server transfers just around the corner and there not being much of a PvP scene on BC, i was thinking about maybe transferring to either here or pot5. What's the ranked action like over here? going to be playing mostly imp side as well. thanks for any input
  17. Hi guys. I'm mainly on Begeren Colony. but I have a few toons over here that got transferred here during server mergers. I was on The Sword of Ajunta Pall at launch if anyone remembers that one? aaaanyway, with paid server transfers just around the corner and there not being much of a PvP scene on BC, i was thinking about maybe transferring to either here or The Bastion. What's the ranked action like over here? going to be playing mostly imp side as well. thanks for any input
  18. On my server, Guardian/Jugg tanks are the most common. There's only 1 Powertech who knows what the hell they're doing, and Assassin tanks are a joke in PvP. The only sin tanks you see are some BS tank spec/DPS geared hybrid.
  19. Having a pretty rough time deciding what class I'm going to use as my PvP tank. By tanking, I mean guarding my healer and pissing everyone else off because I can never die. I have a level 55 Jugg that I swap between Vengeance and Rage, but I'd really love to give tanking in PvP a try. On the other hand, I have an up and coming Powertech thats just OP in Huttball (Grappling Hook FTW!) So what do you guys think? Make my Powertech my PvP tank, or take all the comms I've gotten from my PT and invest them into Jugg tank gear? Let me know what you guys think.
  20. leveling a vanguard tank and pretty close to level cap. i understand threat generation and all that jazz, but can anyone give me a general idea of what stats to stack? i.e.: of the 3 mitigation stacks, which ones take priority? As I understand it, Vanguards stack: Absorb > Shield > Defense Is that correct? and fully geared, what percentages should I be looking at? thank you in advance for any help.
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