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Everything posted by ColonelM

  1. Should have used mad face in your sig. Free server transfers SOON please! I've had exactly three random republic encounters in all of Tattooine, Alderaan and half of Hoth during my class questing (all three on Tattooine). That was the whole reason I picked a PVP server: to add to the Sith/Jedi experience through random encounters. Moal
  2. Which ones are the best for leveling a deception assassin? I've looked thru the first 5-6 pages on this forum and haven't found anyone asking/answering that question. My assassin just hit 40 so I'm not exactly min/maxing, just curious as to what the assassin community is experiencing with the different options out there. Should I be picking power, crit, surge? I'm basically looking for help in choosing which enhancements and mods to select from quest rewards and from mod vendors. Any guidance would be appreciated. Moal
  3. My argument is that there are bigger issues than customizing armor colors. While I may not be iterating my point very well, that's it in a nutshell. The game is still relatively new, regardless of how long it was in production/testing/beta. I just think people tend to QQ about relatively minor issues that may require major coding to "fix". I find TOR to require more hardware than feels necessary unless you turn down the graphics. I just don't see how adding overhead would be a good thing at this point. Let them fix the population issues, reported disconnects, class balance, endgame interest, supposed pvp inadequacies (haven't done WZs personally), ability to preview weapons (that one's personal) and accept the chest-piece color-matching as a hold-you-over until the bigger problems are resolved. Edit: BTW, I didn't intend to make my previous post a personal attack, so I apologize if it came off that way. I just happen to like what BW has done with TOR thus far and it feels like no matter what, people will find something they don't like. While it may seem minor to me, maybe it's not so minor to others. Moal
  4. Right. That way every game client has to have that many more copies of each item, just so you can have a purple hat or magenta boots. I'm sure those folks that use sub-par equipment will welcome the increased latency while their systems download/load in that much more content. How many colors would you like? They'll need to know so they can up the minimum system requirements on the tech page... Do I think the engine is efficient? No. Does it make sense for BW to add more overhead just to please a few RPers who aren't satisfied with blending their armor items to better match the chest piece? No. I'm not usually a dick, but when people say something like this is "needed", I get pissy. Moal
  5. I think what a lot of folks forget is how "not easy" some of these changes can be, on the technical side. "XYZ game did it and it was awesome". XYZ game likely had its own engine. That sort of thing. Personally, I think TOR is still in its early stages and would rather BW work on bug fixes and the apparent population issues and put custom colors on the back burner. I think the option they added in 1.2 was a nice "here, take this for now while we work on the bigger issues and we'll get back to this when we get the bugs fixed." You can't please everyone, we all (should) know that. I see lots of folks complaining about tons of issues. The fact that they gave a piece of it should let RP'ers know that they're not being ignored. Just mHo. Moal
  6. I'm a bit confused in this area as well. I seem to remember at launch (or was it in beta?) there being instanced areas. In order to group with some of my friends, we had to switch instances so we could see each other. I wonder why that's not the case anymore. Is it just because I'm not playing on a high-pop server or is this completely gone now? Moal
  7. I think the key is to make it *Limited* server transfers. You don't have to open all servers as transfer targets. They could even make it possible to search for your character name to see if there's any conflict before you move to satisfy those that don't want to lose their names. Moal
  8. Check out this link... http://tor-loot.com/Home You can check the loot by class feature to see what drops where. Typically, the same-named items will appear as a "set" and tend to look good together. The links they use are to Torhead and most have screenshots, but not all have both-faction looks. Still, it's a place to start. Moal
  9. Funny, I've started skipping a few of these (because I can) because I found that doing all of the optional quests put me 1-2 levels AHEAD on the next world, making things a lot less challenging, and therefore, less fun imHo. If you don't consider that a bad thing, you're usually going to be killing the mobs in the area anyway, so why not take a few extra minutes and kill a few extra? For the added XP, Legacy XP and commendations (and potential drops) why not do them? Moal
  10. The reason I picked a PVP server is for the added "realism" of running into the opposite faction while questing and exploring. Lately, running into a Republic player on Infinite Empire seems nearly impossible. Switching to my Jedi on Sword of Ajunta Pall is the same story. Now, if I could move my Sith to SoAP and kick the crap outta my Republic guildmates... well, that I'd be willing to pay for. Seriously, I'm glad to hear they're "working on it" and sincerely hope it's not just press bs. Moal
  11. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I'd gladly pay a nominal fee to move my toons from Infinite Empire and Sword of Ajunta Pall to a single server that had a higher population. Random PVP encounters are all but nonexistent now and LFG for heroics/FPs takes forever. I really hope the devs are looking into a way to make this happen sooner, rather than later. The longer it takes to make it work, the more people are going to get frustrated and take their money elsewhere. Moal
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