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Everything posted by Absolvus

  1. Not true really, I can quest fine with pure healing spec (currently lvl 45 sage) and Qyzen as companion. Normal mob packs you can just aoe down and it sure isn't slow. Elites might take bit longer to kill than dps spec but you don't really have any downtime ever. I kinda would like to see dual spec too but I don't really see pressing need for it as a healer myself.
  2. Played WoW from EU launch to about half an year ago. I see absolutely no reason to go back. Ever. SWTOR for me completely replaced WoW.
  3. Only on imperial side. (courtesy of original star wars movies) Also, what the hell are you on about Top Gear?
  4. I also love the game. Haven't had this much fun since WoW EU launch (which was by the way horrible, horrible train wreck). There are warts and all but nothing I can't wait to get fixed. Few days to max level and then I'll take bit easier, maybe get back to playing BF3 too on the side. Have already alt though that needs attention and can't wait to see the smuggler class story.
  5. WoW world PvP was fun until they implemented BG's. After that it was only occasionally fun when the World Bosses were in the game. They got rid of those too since apparently that was too much too and removed all incentive from it. BG´s itself are mostly horrid. Most fun I have had is WSG with premade vs. premade but that too was actually stupid since it was not optimal for grinding honor ranks... And there are few 7 year old BG's in that game, they have added only few in later years and we are talking about 7 year old game! Arena's are kinda good idea for formalized competitive PvP though. Team balance again being never-ending imbalance with monthly cookie cutter teams. About other players, I don't know what level you are and note that if you are like me 40+ that most other players aren't. There are world PvP areas ie. in Tatooine but I'd bet most people are more intent on leveling atm. Depends on the server though and the faction balance. Seems most aggressive PvP kids flocked on Empire (evil is cool!!!11) and now moan that there are not enough aggressive republic PvP kids..
  6. GTN works. Everything is inside the category it is supposed to be and thus quite easily found. Just needs to be searchable and it's already semi-decent. Not saying they shouldn't improve it, just that you can find everything you need easily. I haven't had any real problems with it. Stuff seems to sell too. Now it's not WoW AH with auctioneer but I really didn't expect it to be that.
  7. Like I said, depends on the manufacturer and the warranty. Some specify that you can have ie. 1 non-bright dead pixel and not be able to return it. Again you are misinformed if you think all cases lead to replacement.
  8. WoW has terrible world PvP and instanced PvP. And yeah, WoW seems packed since everyone is sitting in same city and queueing for instances. That's all you do there, instance, capital, instance, capital (chat in guild chat while in capital). Huge MMO.... right.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I want full addon suite etc. Healing with current UI is not close optimal due small debuff/proc/buff icons. At least the raid UI is passable for healing and can be used in normal groups too. As for LFG, it was known beforehand that it wouldn't be in the game. I do want better system for looking groups inside your server but I really dislike server cluster lfg like WoW's. If you expected it you weren't informed even though the info was out there. Combat logs is still minor complaint from us hardcore and most people don't still need it. Not many people use outside parsers and few can bother manually shift through all that data. Don't know what is wrong with combat system though, works fine for me. But I have been focusing on my healer who is caster so guess I should play melee more since it is more reactive and move's around more. You get better feel with them imo. About complex end-game content, I'm not in hurry with that. You just can't expect Naxx-40 from new game. Overtuned BWL maybe to ********* raiders and keep hardcore banging their head in the wall.
  10. It's more MMO than WoW where you sit in capital and queue for assorted instances with automatically chosen participants from very large pool that goes outside your "server" (server is the place your capital exists, and your guild). After said instance is over it pukes you back to capital where you queue for another instance with random people all around certain server cluster. Meanwhile you chat in /g (chat room).
  11. So you rather play LotRO with it's clunky combat mechanics? And Rift has one of the most bland fantasy worlds. Neither of those is nowhere near as fun to play as SWTOR. (never even played Aion due the expected grindiness of it)
  12. Shrug, it only serves very small part of the playerbase. Most people don't need the combat log since they have already those BIG NUMBERS popping over the enemy's head, that's the important part apparently. Only us who use parsers etc. want it for those purposes. Hell, I don't even need it unless there's some other way to consolidate the data than manually browse through log. So with hps/dps addon/parser yeah, I need it, otherwise it's pretty much useless.
  13. This is just plain crazy, the voice acting was planned so much beforehand that suddenly spending money somewhere else would had to be done years before which means that the game was in completely different phase of production at the time. You have to realize that they are probably already recording voice overs for content patches that will come over 6 months later. And I wouldn't be surprised if the expansion storylines were already in production. Also, the game is already better than WoW.
  14. Having unrealistic expectations and then crying when the sky isn't limit though is your problem. It is new MMO, if you expected WoW after 10 years of development (they started way before they launched) but better in all aspects then you were just plain delusional. The launch was much better than WoW's which is already a lot. Most of the bugs are minor annoyance and will be fixed in due time (NOTE: few weeks is really fast, if you were expecting anything faster again you are delusional). And this is coming from someone who is lvl45/17 on his characters. btw, game works for 99.99%. Your television analogy is ridiculous and even in that silly analogy you might have dead pixel or two and not get new tv due manufactures policy.
  15. Use keybinds so it doesn't matter where your quickbars are as long as the keybinds are mapped.
  16. People keep talking about lack of MMO in this game, yet it is more MMO than WoW where you sit in capital and queue up for instances.
  17. You actually have good points there. Having server wide (and only server wide) LFG tool would still help with the community but also would give faster and easier access to the Flashpoints. This I personally have nothing against. Current system doesn't really work since best place to get group is fleet and that means you are only doing GTN, Crew skills and some shopping there, no questing. You can add LFG comment but not many people seem to know how to make it, or how to search players (you search by level range to check if someone is tagged LFG and has added instance name in comment) so it doesn't work that well. Some help for flashpoint party making from game would be really helpful.
  18. I'll just quote your signature:"Huh?" I communicate much with people now that you have to find party inside your own server. Have many of them in friendlist too since it's not just some randoms from different servers. It's more MMO than WoW where you just sit in your capital and queue up for some instance (PvP/raid/dungeon) and chat in your guild channel.
  19. I have seen one person to complain in general and I'm levels 42/17/11. So yeah, not much whining in there. Now people discuss bugs and sometimes are not fully happy with some features but the kind of rage that exists in forums is not present at all inside the game. Personally I'm very happy with the launch and can't wait the game to mature. Will be fun ride, will be playing for a long time.
  20. You can't be serious! And I mean the part where you agree on all counts. Not that I'm disputing your grievances but it implies that you actually managed to read through that horrible slaughter of english language.
  21. Don't care, don't need it. Well, care a little bit since I really don't want sped up day/night cycle where every other hour it's night and then day again. So either 24 hour cycle or none at all. Both fine.
  22. Good for what it is trying to do. In the long run it needs to get more depth though for people to continue be interested in it. Surprisingly I personally like it. It offers nice change of pace from questing/flashpoints and I have been doing dailys every day. But like I said, in the long run it needs to have more depth since I bet it will get old at some point.
  23. You can hide, or you can use it as last name or you can have it as "the [name] Legacy". The last option shows below your characters name, above possible guild name. This is how I use it and not as last name since having multiple species with same last name does not work for me. Some just use their mains name there so everyone knows that it's that characters alt. It's fine as it is in my opinion. People just confuse it being *only* characters last name which it is not. And maybe not even meant to be. Of course *paid* name change would be nice to have.
  24. I'd like to see *paid* name change too. For both, first and legacy name. Then again, you can bet your bottom that they will come up with that eventually since it's nice extra money for bit of work. It's just that this is launch month and they have more pressing things to handle currently.
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