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Everything posted by jarjarloves

  1. Overall really enjoyed this season and the finale. As for the last episode a few thoughts
  2. in a way yes, i mean if we just look at what it gives you ie power, you can certianly be addicted to having power so it would be more of a psychological additcion. But if you mean is it a chemical or physical addiction then no I would say it is not.
  3. Believe me I get that and Yeah I do wish this was Star Wars but it's everything I wanted in SWG so i'm able to look past it. Ehh I don't think Bioware would have ever made a sandbox mmo. i mean it's bioware sandbox isn't something they do. Still I love the Stories in SWTOR and love it for what it is.
  4. I'm not talking about a quest. I'm talking about lets say you decided to become a pirate and you attack another player, You disable their ship, board them take all of their cargo. Sell it but then you get a crime stat which means a bounty hunter can go after you and get payed for killing you. Then you get killed by a bounty hunter and get sent to prison. While you are in prison you can either work your way out, join a prison gang or break out of prison. If you break out of prison then you need to get to a security station, hack hte computer to clear your crime stat. As for salvage currently you can strip the hulls of destroyed ships and either sell the material or use it to repair your own ship. They are currently adding ship componets so lets say your ship is damaged in a battle and your engines break or your sheild generator. Well if salavage an enemy ship you might find componets you can use to repair or replace the ones on your ship. I'm not just talking about RP obvioulsy as Star citizen is also a sand box but there are actual game mechanics that allow that to be possible. All of this in an open world with 0 loading screens once you load into the game. If you see something in the game you can get there. No invisible walls everything is physical in the universe.
  5. no worries but yeah you absolutely can have more depth as there things you can't do in SWG such as actual smuggling, prison breaks, salvaging, piracy and even ship boarding. But i am right there with you i would love SWG 2 but that's not going to happen. SC is as close as it comes.
  6. then what you guys want is Star Citizen. It's the closest you will get to SWG but with more depth and fewer lightsabers.
  7. lol whut? She is one of the most popular characters. Her merch is selling through the roof (not as good as grogu but still one of the best) 1. Literally the same rate as Luke and had the same training as luke 2. her parents were no one, its her grandfather who was someone 3. thats JJ falling to angry youtubers but still doesn't contradict anything really. as for the op Star Wars doesn't need saving, never has. It survived the Holiday Special and the PT and it only got bigger.
  8. Nah more likely she will get her own series about rebuiling Mandalore called The Mandalorians.
  9. Sorry i'm not saying you did GeneralGyro did and said it was my fault because I didn't look. But of course I don't know how I was supposed to know that.
  10. What the heck?? THAT"S WHAT I WAS SUPOSED TO CHECK? How was i supposed to know I have to click on the item then go to show items and then click on one of the items and read the tiny text. How is that a warning?
  11. nope i equiped them because I was planning on unlocking them in my collection. ONly to go to my collection and see they were already unlocked.
  12. yeah I'm still not seeing anything saying it's in my collection even if i click buy it all it says is I can return it if i don't claim it. But it says that for stuff that isn't in my collection either. I'm gonna be pretty pissed if I can't even sell it. That's the kind of thing that would make me stop playing this game especially after I bought all those cartel coins.
  13. i'm hovering over it and no is no pop up saying it's in my colleciton https://imgur.com/WyY7m07
  14. can you show me where the caution sign is in this screen cap because I don't see it https://imgur.com/gS5kGZj
  15. Hi it's been a few years since I played but decided to jump back in and imeditly saw some items on the Cartel Market i wanted. So I picked up the infamous bounty hunter armor got equiped it then went to bind it to all my accounts only to find out i already did that... Seems last time I played i bout that set and already unlocked it to my all accounts. How do I go about getting a refund for that since I already purchased it and can't do anything with said armor.
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