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Everything posted by malaclyps

  1. raid or pvp. (or craft and troll chat) what else would you do in an mmo at max level?
  2. (and with my own google fu i discover....that it apparently is just going and clicking on the pvp console in the upper right quadrant of the fleet station, inner ring. That sounds like the "intro to pvp quest" not even a daily.) wow.
  3. heh, it was a pally that originally taught me about forced crit healing. Given the slant of our talents it seems like a pretty obvious target build to me. alacrity will make a nice bonus where we can't stack more willpower and crit, but i don't see it or power being a major concern until we get real numbers on where we start hitting diminishing returns.
  4. Great thread, though it screwed with me a bit that you both have the same avatar.
  5. the thing to keep in mind about that..is that solo play is ezmode. and if you AREN'T in solo play, then your job isn't to interrupt, that's the dps job. your job is to heal, efficiently, on point, for as long as neccesary for the tank to live, long enough for dps to down it. EVERYTHING else, comes under the heading of "crap that doesn't matter unless i'm grinding solo stuff, which requires minimal thought or effort, and no efficiency" Now, obviously, that's only if you plan on playing with others, as a pure healer. but the point of a team, be it a raid or a heroic group, is that each component does it's job at maximum efficiency FIRST. if that happens, then everything dies and phat lewt is had by all. if you're not breaking a sweat, walking through groups of mobs, then you can play with cc's and stuff, but frankly even then...it's the dps job first. The tank must live. that's the first rule. if the dps lives, that's nice, but if dps is taking damage, they've already screwed up. (everyone stands in the fire sometimes). If the tank dies, you should be OOM. if you're OOM, then you should look at why that is. (sometimes it's because the tank sucks, but we shouldn't assume that) while you're keeping the tank alive, the tank should be making sure nothing eats you or the dps. that leaves the dps free to get fancy and screw with other variables.
  6. not neccesarily true, unless they've got some pvp gear and lots of interrupts, i can pretty much bubble/heal myself and laugh at 2 or 3 dps'ers trying to whittle me down until someone catches up and ganks them.
  7. I have to admit, my evil sith heart glows a little bit every time i read someone crying about the class quest being too hard. (leaving aside that one dude who couldn't understand why he couldn't solo the quests marked "heroic") Seriously, as a gamer, it's awesome that the only single player part of this game that requires you to have some idea how to play, is the class quests. kiting, cc's, interrupts, yes, you will need to use them. best to learn now, otherwise you'll never understand why you can't get invited to do anything interesting at 50. It's seriously a bold move, and i have to wonder how it was snuck past the suits. Anyone who thinks this crap is too hard...you should have seen the original hunter class quest in WoW. then....try to figure a way out of your little skyrim box where you can beat a dragon to death with your bare hands. i guarantee it's doable, as the dozens and dozens of max level characters can attest. Most of them did not bring a friend along.
  8. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=103820 personally, given the talents i'm thinking some kind of forced crit build, with surge as well. BUt it depends on how end game gear shakes out, and if we can approach 50% crit. edit- should have been clearer, the linked thread is some actual numbers to work with, as far as what benefits what, and how much of it it takes.
  9. you're a healer. you aren't supposed to be "facing" someone in pvp. you're standing behind the guy facing someone, healing the crap out of him, while he demolishes the opponents.
  10. sorcs aren't very mobile. but there's lots of good strats in here. i think at 21 i had 1 instant. i'm not even sure if i had force slow by then.
  11. lmao. i have to admit, the decision to make the class bosses the only hard content in the game is an interesting one, but i'm loving it personally. if you want to just hit attack until it falls over, there's always skyrim... before declaring it impossible, i'd point out the percentage of people who've managed to complete it. perhaps some googling for strategy would help? (it certainly did with this boss) there's no shame in looking for a new way to come at a problem.
  12. you should read Cory Doctorows "for the win" sometime. Completely rocked my understanding of in game economies and gold farmers within about 50 pages. Since he does everything under creative commons licensing it's available for free online. Back on topic...you can expec tthem to run down the same gamut every other mmo does of anti-spam prevention measures, but it's pretty akin to a continuing arms race. I remember watching them go down the list in RIFT. first the mail boxes, then the whispers, then the random screamers in the streets, all in like a week, as one avenue after another was blocked...<shrug> stuff happens.
  13. pull her all the way back to the base of the shaft. the adds spawn back at the pits and take forever to reach you, you'll only need to deal with one swarm probably. even faster if you save the poison barrel at the bottom and use it on the adds when they pop.
  14. hey OP, why lock parses behind a membership wall? Good data helps the community. I know you probably don't actually have any yet...just a suggestion for down the road.
  15. how many lockouts could you possibly have lost at launch + 9 days?
  16. Gosh, could it be because at launch they have the biggest ticket queue they're likely to deal with before the first xpac? the level of self involvement of mmo players is a little stunning sometimes. personally, i'd rather they were spending the time fixing bugs, rather than holding your hand and giving you the personal reassurance that you seem to need.
  17. lmao! just did it last night with a group that hadn't been there before (me neither) never even thought about just pulling him into the hallway. he's not that hard to do the right way...
  18. i'll give it a wipe or two before having an "emergency" requiring me to go do something else. Not to say i'm gone if it gets hard, only if the same person, is doing the same thing, causing the same reaction, over and over. ccbreakers, not keeping mobs off the healer, tank in non tanking gear unspecced getting hit for 3x what he should...you know, the little things.
  19. i feel it, grabbed a razer "tron" off of woot for an obscene discount a few weeks ago. love the mouse,but i've got like 4 buttons i can't map to anything currently...i figure with this being a big release they'll push something soon.
  20. there was an instance..an early one, althiss maybe? It was going a little rough, so i suggested CC, and we used it, and it mattered. and right there i was sold. (to be fair,my main was a hunter before hunters were cool, i'm sure everyone's got a different little hook moment) if pve grinding is too easy, do it without a companion. it's a lot more fun when you actually need some strategy and crowd control to work a pull, but i have to admit, when my heal specc'd sorc takes out a room full of mobs, it feels pretty good. Relearn how to kite, and to control mobs, it's fun.
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