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Everything posted by AxelStorm

  1. there are way too many abilities. i want a trim. anyone crying go leave, we dont need your ************
  2. I have 1 bay for crafting and prefer to sort by qualiity since theres so many mats. just easier to know what i got
  3. FYI. if you interact with box before getting tablet of victory and/or combining medallion, you have to abandon quest and get it again
  4. Agreed my server has an abundance of these *****s
  5. While i don't agree with everything op said, it goes to my point that swtor is a 2nd gen MMO on its way to extinction (see below) It would probably be more cost effective to just make swtor2. posted this in another thread. **Note - I am not defending 7.0 in anyway, but I do see the rational behind it** The MMO market is extremely competitive today. MMO's have to evolve to whats currently popular in order to sustain longevity. SWTOR is a 2nd generation MMO's imo (EQ2, WoW) (1st gen - UO, EQ1, SWG). Generation 3 is less button smashing and more mouse-based with positioning and precision. No one want to stare at their quickbars during combat and this game excels at that. It kills immersion greatly (yes the stories are great , but honestly, immersion by today's standards are direct interaction with the world, not cutscene dialogue + decision paths. Veteran SWTORs are going to argue once you learn and adapt to your class , its not bad. Well, kids today have no patience, let alone in an MMO in today's market when there are so many options and with ubisoft making a new star wars MMO, that could be the nail in the coffin for SWTOR. People want small learning curve and instant gratification. I agree bioware is going about this the wrong way and maybe it boils down to limited resources. Doing a complete overhaul of the combat re-vamp would be unfeasible... (maybe game is loaded w/ spaghetti code or such a change would take too much time).
  6. **Note - I am not defending 7.0 in anyway, but I do see the rational behind it** The MMO market is extremely competitive today. MMO's have to evolve to whats currently popular in order to sustain longevity. SWTOR is a 2nd generation MMO's imo (EQ2, WoW) (1st gen - UO, EQ1, SWG). Generation 3 is less button smashing and more mouse-based with positioning and precision. No one want to stare at their quickbars during combat and this game excels at that. It kills immersion greatly (yes the stories are great , but honestly, immersion by today's standards are direct interaction with the world, not cutscene dialogue + decision paths. Veteran SWTORs are going to argue once you learn and adapt to your class , its not bad. Well, kids today have no patience, let alone in an MMO in today's market when there are so many options and with ubisoft making a new star wars MMO, that could be the nail in the coffin for SWTOR. People want small learning curve and instant gratification. I agree bioware is going about this the wrong way and maybe it boils down to limited resources. Doing a complete overhaul of the combat re-vamp would be unfeasible... (maybe game is loaded w/ spaghetti code or such a change would take too much time).
  7. I think this would offer better efficiency to group content not queuable atm (World bosses, heroics, missions, etc). Right now only way i know to group for these is guild or spam general chat in fleet. Similar to WoW, players can create a queue and select from list of options that are currently not in activity finder. some restrictions would have to be put in place to prevent diluting current activity finder: Groups in a player-based queue cannot enter instances tied to activity finder (FP's, uprisings, story mode, etc) No changes to existing 'fast travel' / quick travel methods If player leaves the group, they are teleported back to previous location? (to stop exploiting of fast travel to certain areas) Existing level restrictions apply when tying to a mission , world boss, etc..
  8. # of abilities is not synonymous with difficulty. Go play ESO that has 6 usable abilities you can use in combat and tell me its easy. I played 140 hours of New World. The game is a piece of garbage, however, the combat system is alot of fun. Its the one thing they did right (rest is crap). It involves player skill with positioning, movement + knowing how to swing (timing L or R clicks) and would honestly be a blast and challenging in SWTOR (especially as jedi, actually swinging lightsabers).
  9. i returend as well after 8 years. Yes the game is extremely confusing and overwhelming. It took me weeks to get feel for jedi i created and even my commando i had before i left. Few things Use quick travel. Alot of the time, you can insta teleport to and from mission destinations and save a ton of time. Its annoying bc the quick travel map doesnt show mission obj locations so you have compare maps Max your companions to 50. This helps alot with story and solo missions I'd say read the guides on combat but thats changing in about a month
  10. I am for ability pruning as long as its done right (i.e. - doesn't impact your class's overall function) There are way way too many combat moves. Modern MMOs allow you only 4-6 abiltiies you can use at one time (you can select from more out of combat). the rest its movement/placement skill from the player. This however would require a re-work of the entire combat system with timers. movement speed , etc... which IDK if thats they're planning. on PTS with my commando, i only saw 3-4 abilities pruned which leads me to believe its not morphing into the aforementioned. we'll see. i'd rather have 7.0 delayed again in order to be done right.
  11. they really need to open the floor up to community mods.. the UI is very antiquated in some regards and they dont have resources to keep it modernized.... they have more pressing issues to address anyway
  12. I'm not saying the hook count = deco max count.... but it is ridiculously less where i cannot evenly deco all the expansion rooms i have..... the walls and ceilngs have 10+ hooks in some rooms... and i think we all like to fill those up... but it ends up accounting for almost 50% of max deco space.. agian. needs to be increased, substaintally.... or atleast put a higher max on the wall and ceiling decos...
  13. One of UI improvements woulda liked to seen in 7.0 is an overhaul of the world map. Atleast on the planetary level ,where its more dynamic instead of paginated (i.e- mouse wheel to zoom in / out to areas of the planet (map fog would still exist) Its annoying when on missions having to click thru 50 pages to the map to see where your next objective is... (determine if quick travel faster vs. just running there, etc...)"
  14. Why is that message still in game if xpac is already out? Why does everyone say on my server that it hasnt come out yet
  15. um because the expansion is NEVER COMING OUT? and the mechanics in the game indicate it STILL IS? Go click on SoR vendor in fleet , you'll get message saying pre-purchase xpac to access this vendor.... if not remove this stuff, atleast change the interactions in the game that indiicates its an expansion thats coming out.... existing content will be a short-lived side story....
  16. This was supposed to launch in 2014. I have overdue library books that aren't this old. Get rid of the quests and vendors in fleet station. All it does it add confusion to a game that already has too much. Its like The Sopranos, ITS OVER
  17. To me , this is the dumbest restriction in place. why would you buy max expansions, only to find out you cannot place all the stuff you have options for?
  18. If they made the combat system like new world (granted the rest of the game is a complete FAILURE) but the combat system is actually fun, this game would dominate the entire market.
  19. Combat is boring and feels like work.... why do on flashpoints is the objective to sneak past as many mobs as possible? because no one wants to fight ****. That shouldnt be the case, combat supposed to be fun. theres many ways to influence combat with either loot tables or changing combat system completely to be more interfactive and less button smashing. why on planets are 98% of the mobs ignored? theres no point in killign them unless mission requires it. No rare random drops , no beneficial gain..
  20. There are way too many combat moves / buffs / triggers. I'm returning player as well and with my 75 jedi sentinel watchman, theres a total of 32 items on my hotbar for this class. this includes combat moves/ buffs/ triggers and hp recovery (out combat). Its why SWTOR playerbase has dropped. This is an antiquated approach to MMOs now. Sorry to say and i'm no newbie, i've been playing MMO's since 1997 when ultima online came out. Fact is the games combat needs to be more mouse movement based like guild wars or even ESO. I've finally tinkered enough with my quickbar bindings to make it managable , but to the average casual player, its overwhelming and most people just give up... the lack of interface tutorial for what/how to use skill combos doesn't help either...
  21. 130% is too slow. Not with the ever expanding and very large worlds that keep getting added. I get they had limited event items like razors that boosted speed but there needs to be permanent boost to 200% or something higher than 130. Intergate the upgrade thru a quest and make it bound so cant be traded like the razor.
  22. decided to come back after 8 years due to terrible choices currently in MMO market. However after sampling alot of the other MMOs out there, this game has great core experience with classes and content, however it is very overwhelming when you've been gone for a while Way too many combat moves/skills. Playing Jedi Sentinel and commando trooper, there are 10+ combat moves. To the un-initiated, they display the rank on these (at first I'm like rank 10 skill, should I even use? appears answer is yes, but misleading) Story and class quests. From what i see if you abandon class quests, you cannot unlock legendary status and its impossible to reset classs quests. This is kinda ridiculous and needs to be changed to allow you to pick up. Its easy to mistakenly do this and not understand the full impact of the decision. Choices like this should be more forgiving , especially for new / returning players
  23. Agreed space is big but its just empty space. On the client side, theres not alot to render.... black enviroment drop with some stars and maybe a planet, moon or space stations thrown in. EVE online has largest 'world' of all mmos , sure it could be done here... but then again, this could be game engine limitation....
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