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Everything posted by Farrol

  1. I would happily see the Aspiring Knight's Vest Republic side looks be available as a moddable chest. It's, for me, by far the best looking chestpiece. For some odd reason it gives me the idea and picture of a worn down and rogue Force-user, be it Jedi or Sith. Much like a Force-user partially blending into regular galactic society. Without a doubt I would grab one of these for my main character, a Human Juggernaut.
  2. Translating into numbers: 5+30*(1-(1-(0,01/0,3))^((2000/50)/2,5))+30*(1-(1-(0,01/0,3))^((300/50)/0,45)) which equals 5+30*(1-0,58)+30*(1-0,64) which equals 5+30*0,42+30*0,36 which equals 5+12,6+10,8 which equals 28,4 This is only a rough calcualtion, the actual value with 2000 wp & 300 crit is 28,47. Don't forget the skill/talent buff as well which may increase crit up to 11%. BTW copy & paste the 1st line into excel or the equivalent to get the exact result and/or toy around with different numbers for wp & crit rating to get the desired result/threshold.
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