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Posts posted by LadyVix

  1. then what't the point of early access?


    The OP clearly stated that they DON'T have early access, thus, in his case, the earliest he can level past 50 will be on the 14th. For those of us who did pre-purchase the expansion prior to Jan 7th, we will be able to move forward on the 9th, and probably be at 55 by the 14th.

  2. Anybody knows if level 55 will be in effect once 2.0 will be live, on 9th of April or after 14th ? I have the expansion but not with 5 "early days" and was curious to know if i can start leveling after 9th of April.:rolleyes:


    No, you won't be able to level past level 50 until the 14th.

  3. I personally feel it shouldn't be on time invested. Myself and the rest of the team that won the game should receive a large amount of xp for playing the warzone objective and ending it quickly. Another thing is that games are never consistant with lowbies. Even with a 4 man you can't guarantee a timely win because there is always going to be new players who have no idea how to play the warzone. Lastly, this is also giving the wrong ideas to new players when they hit 50. Believe it or not there are people who attempt pvp at 50 and have no clue what they're doing *gasp* Just farming stats in lowbies because no one plays the objective screws over people in 50's because the new players think thats how everyone plays.


    I'd say that while your idea certainly has merit, it would only serve to encourage more premades in the 10-49 bracket and cause further imbalance. Your recommendations may work, however, if they remove group queues to keep things a bit more evenly balanced. I'd also like to see a penalty for abandoning a WZ. Maybe a 2 hr lockout?

  4. I don't believe they ever said "there is absolutely nothing wrong with our game", but they have the metrics. If they see a lot of Windows Vista players with 2GB of RAM trying to play the game, yeah, it's your memory.


    4GB of RAM, but only using Windows Vista 32-bit? Yeah, it's your memory.


    Even if you have 4GB on Vista 64-bit, yeah, it's your memory. I know this specifically because I just came out of this situation.


    But if you have 8GB of RAM on Vista (which I upgraded to), then it isn't your memory. It's a memory leak issue that only occurs if you have the application running for many hours, or go to sleep and leave the game on and it logs you out and sits on the server select screen for several hours.


    Memory leaks aren't an issue when you just start up the application... they show up over time.


    That being said, they released patch notes several patches ago that stated in very clear English text that they had fixed part of the memory leak issue that should improve performance for some players, and that they weren't done and still looking to be able to fix it entirely.


    The computer in question is my X58 backup system, an "old" i7-940 @ 4.2 GHz and 6GB (now 12 GB) of DDR3 running Windows 7 Pro. Back when I used to game on it, it was capable of ripping through every other game I had without issues, but would "run out of memory" after 1.5-2 hrs of SWTOR gameplay.


    Again, what I'm annoyed with is that they pretended like the problem was all on my side when they knew this to be false. I can accept that SWTOR has problems, all I really want is honesty on the part of EA/BioWare.

  5. After months telling me that the memory issues were in my system, now we have a patch to fix a "significant memory leak."


    While I've know all along that the issue was on their side, I'm dismayed that they tried to play me, a paying customer, for a fool, rather than be honest and try to offer real solutions.


    I'm glad it's being fixed, but I'm pissed that they weren't honest about it.

  6. I found your post both rude and condescending and although I understand you did not mean it that way it still comes across that way so an insult is an insult. I actually support all girl guilds/clans as I think both genders can find something meaningful in having a single sex guild but your post does not in anyway do it justice instead it invites ridicule. Anyways as I am a man this was not meant for me I will go on my merry way and try not to hold it against this guild/clan.


    I'm sorry if you were offended by my post(s). That certainly wasn't my intent. In my opinion, we all have our own play styles and preferences which can often be defined along gender lines. (Based solely on my personal life observations over the past several decades) As in real life, men often group with guys, and the ladies group with other women. It's not bad, it's just how things are. I love guys, I just don't share many of the same interests, and often found that groups of guys tend to lead to a more aggressive environment in which I don't quite fit.


    All of my stated opinions are my own, and as one who is not affiliated with the OP or her group, there is no reason to hold any ill feelings towards her of this guild. To the OP, I apologize for derailing the thread subject,


    Best wishes,



  7. Level 24-50 is doable, though it will take some time. I got my shadow from 31 to 50 last weekend, and still had all day Sunday to level other characters. (All via PVP)


    This weekends project is to get my level 18 operative to 50 doing straight PVP. For a change, I'm working to get her to cap without doing any quests except warzone dailies. Once I get to 50, I'll play the entire IA quest line straight through. Sounds kind of stupid, but I'm hoping it'll be a different experience.


    To minimize downtime over this weekend, I've already crafted all her armorings/mods/enhancements/augments through end game, and have transferred all my old purple skill barrels to upgrade her weapons every 2 levels.


    (Next week my project is to level my level 26 marauder.)

  8. While the "upsmanship and crudeness" is more common among men in MMOs, it's mostly because the population is predominantly male so this behavior is more prevalent among that gender. I've played with men and women who were too competitive or "testosterone pumped" for me.


    I'm not trying to say the women share equal behavior ratio to men, but just that there are plenty of guys who just want to have fun too. It just takes a little extra effort, or luck, to find those men.


    EDIT: Also, I think you were looking to post in this section.


    I think that it's more prevalent because many men find crudeness to be funny, and thus acceptable, behavior.


    We're different. Saying that doesn't imply that we're better, but rather that we may prefer a more atypical play style.


    In the past I've been involved in both all-female and coed gaming clans and guilds. I much prefer all-female groups, but just not sure that I can dedicate the time necessary to join a guild in this game. That's why none of my SWTOR characters are in guilds.

  9. What does being female have anything to do with anything? Other than seeking attention, that is.


    Playing with a female group can often be a very different experience. Things tend to be a bit more mellow, with less of the testosterone pumped "kill everything as fast as possible" attitude found in other groups. It's about having fun while we game rather than having things constantly revolving around one upsmanship and crudeness. Your reply to the OP is an example of the "you're only trying to seek attention" type of drama we seek to avoid.


    - Vixen, formerly of PMS Clan, [*Girlz*] clan, -=GG=- clan, Femme Fatale guild, and the Sorority guild.

  10. You can convert WZ comms to planetary comms while leveling at a rate of 40 to 1 in 2.0. It actually gives you access to more gear more frequently and is cheaper (PvP weapons cost 900 on live but only 560 WZ comms converted to 14 planetary comms in 2.0).


    Thanks for the info. I'm assuming, then, that the cap on planetary commendations will serve as the new restricting factor?


    Upgrading my gear was never really an issue, but having 20/40 armor to purchase with WZ commendations was a decent way to spend down my WZ commendations and gear my companions while I leveled valor rank. All my alts are outfitted at level 11 in fully augmented orange/purple armor and weapons, and I craft all my own armorings/mods/enhancements/augments/earpieces/implants.

  11. I'm more concerned about it because a PVPer is required to earn valor Lv 40 before they're eligible to convert WZ commendations into RWZ commendations. Add to that the ridiculous cap on the number of commendations that can be accumulated, and the lack of useful items that can actually be purchased with WZ commendations and you have serious depreciation in the value of PVPing prior to getting to level cap. If 20/40 armor is removed, the only thing left to use our commendations for are HP pots and adrenals. Hardly a step forward, IMO.
  12. A few guildies had a discussion about this last night, because the Black Hole/Section X dailies are designed for current lvl 50's and you cant access them till 50 will they have XP attached to them? Same thing with the PVE daily's/weekly's and PVP daily's/weekly's.


    From a design point of view when the missions were implemented it do sent make much sense to have XP on them.

    Mob kills grant decent EXP in Black Hole and Section X, although I'm unsure about EXP granted for completing the daily quests. My best friend is leveling her 48 sniper, and accompanies me when I do my dailies on my sniper and mercenary. With no boosts and no quests, she picks up approx 1/4 level off of the mob kills per Black Hole/Section X run.

  13. What concerns me is that the PTS download for 2.0 was over 25GB for me. If we need to go through that again, it's going to take a VERY long time to download, and if it uses the login updater, it effectively locks us out of the game until the patching is complete.
  14. On my four Level 50's (and at least one more over the next two 2x EXP weekends) I am working to:


    1. Working to ensure that all of my 50's are, at minimum, geared with augmented 61/63 armor and weapons.


    2. Upgrading "main" companion armor and weapons to at least augmented Tionese.


    3. Working to max out my WZ/RWZ commendations on all 50's.


    4. Stash the cash. All 50's are run through all daily quests in Black Hole and Section X for credits. Daily commendations are used to gear companions, but should all be at max for launch.


    5. Made sure that all 50's have at least one Lv400 crafting profession and two Lv400 gathering professions.


    6. I'm completing (but not turning in) 15 high EXP quests on each character, to be turned in as soon as the cap is raised. This leaves me 10 quest slots for dailies, etc. (Which will be also be maxed in the final days before release)


    7. Maxing out all legacy EXP perks, and buying/stashing as many cheap EXP boosts as possible.

  15. We’re thrilled to announce the launch date of Sunday, April 14, 2013, for the release of the first Digital Expansion: Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Introducing five new levels of gameplay and the vibrant new planet of Makeb, Rise of the Hutt Cartel will be available for download beginning April 14 or for players who qualify for Early Access*, beginning April 9. To start the download, simply log in to the game and click Play.


    Read More


    How big will the download be? Please tell me it won't be 25GB+ in size. I'd guess that with multitudes of people all downloading at once, a large download will effectively take many hours, (possibly days for those with slower internet connections) and negate the early start benefits. Also, if the download is done like updates/fixes, many players may not be able to get in-game for a significant period of time awaiting download completion.

  16. Posts like this come from a misunderstanding of the game mechanics - another player CANNOT flag you for PvP on a PvE server (not shouting, caps was for emphasis).


    There are only three ways I am aware of to become flagged:

    • You enter a PvP zone and ignore the "you will be flagged for PvP" warnings.
    • You target a flagged player and use a defensive/support skill on them.
    • You target a flagged player and use an offensive skill on them.


    Anyone claiming to have problems using AoE in a non-PvP zone, check your controls and untick the option to auto-attack next target. Problem solved.


    Lastly, PvE servers are not PvP exclusive. The 'PvE' tag is purely a desriptior for the primary content, but all servers are all inclusive; that is you can RP, PvE and PvP on any and all servers.


    Not entirely accurate.


    During the Gree event we had a quest to find several droids on various planets. To my knowledge, all were located in clearly PVE areas, but surrounded by "protector" droids which needed to be cleared before interacting with the target. When completing the stage on Hoth I AOE'd the protector droids, and was immediately attacked by a sith assassin who was stealthed at the NPC droid. He wasn't there by accident, he was there to force flag questers. Luckily I was on my gunslinger who was geared for PVP (1390 expertise/augmented WH/EWH) and was able to send this jerk home before reporting the incident for griefing. This was the 3rd time I, or a member of my party, was force flagged like this in Hoth PVE areas.

  17. Isn't it in the best interests of Bioware/EA to make people level up over a longer period of time?


    Actually, NO.


    Lowbies don't have a reason to buy the upcoming expansion since it really only affects max level characters. Financially speaking, it's more profitable to get people to cap ASAP, thus the 2X EXP weekends.

  18. The OP has every right to point the finger at the exploiters. It does negatively impact the game for him, me and you.


    1.) Ilum is over crowded with low level players making it very difficult for players of the appropriate level to find a pylon and the mission


    2.) The servers will become bloated with level 50 toons with players behind them that do not know how to play them causing the quality of pugs and queue groups to go through the floor.


    3.) Given that ilum is the path of least resistance and that its been promoted all week lower level planets that were designed for the leveling experience will be abandoned. The minority of players that want to play the game as it was intended will not have a vibrant planet with grouping opportunities abound.


    4.) Giving people free level 50s speeds them toward running out of content even faster than double xp already does. This will effectively cause population decline as people will get bored with it. Once the novelty wears off on the fast leveling you are left with a game where more than half the content has been made irrelevant.


    5.) The lack of effort required to hit 50 being diminished also diminishes the sense of accomplishment a player gets from it. This may cause population decline.


    1. There are 3 pylons in the PVE area, and 3 in the PVP area. Six per channel x 9 channels = NO SHORTAGE


    2. Many players already fail at playing their class. This changes nothing.


    3. I've played lower level planets since all this started. No shortage of players, IMO.


    4. The majority of content doesn't become available until cap. All this does is re-populate the diminishing number of players for end game content.


    5. Lack of effort? Grinding mobs for hours isn't enjoyable, just a means to get to cap and join the majority of the server population doing the "level exclusive" Ilum event, etc.

  19. Meh... taking away bolster won't change a thing.


    If we're locked out, I'll simply organize an ops party of level 40-45 players, then obliterate all the mobs in section X instead.


    Bolster was nice, but at level 41 it added only a few hundred HP and less than 50 primary damage. Grinding will still be doable.

  20. the problem with this is that exploits ruin a game by making everyone level 50 no one builds there characters right, warzones become filled with weak lvl 50's, and just overall is stupid


    i am fully for this patch if your to lazy to level your alts the right way then dont make an alt simple as that


    if you want a pure example of what this game would be like if this were to continue and not be patched i would advise you to download Perfect World International which has 2 lvl exploits


    The expansion is all 50+ content. If players don't have max level characters, there's no reason to PURCHASE the expansion. Let's be real... EA/BioWare isn't running double EXP weekends to be nice, they're doing it to create a larger base of expansion purchasers.


    The power leveling situation has created a few issues in regard to inexperienced and/or under-geared players in warzones, but it all balances out when one considers that the inexperienced are polluting both factions. I'll admit that I was upset when I entered a 50 warzone with my fresh 50 sniper (NOT leveled in Ilum, but almost entirely in PVP matches) and I was the only one with more than 21k HP... hell, I was the only one with more than 18k HP, and one player only has 12k. They don't have optimized gear, but then again, how many fresh 50's do?


    Bottom line is that EA/BioWare NEEDS more people to hit level 50 ASAP. Shutting down power leveling while giving out double experience just doesn't make sense to me.



    Some people, myself included, will rarely get to experience raid type gameplay in SWTOR due to the player imposed gear requirements, etc. For us, Ilum was an opportunity to participate in a large party environment where the focus was on working together to grind mobs regardles of your gear, etc. it's regrettable that some choose to needlessly deprive us of that.

  21. Very glad to see the patch. For all the naysayers out there, BW just said that it was not was intended. Don't act surprised your "Level 50" button will soon be removed. You may actually have to play the game now.....:eek:


    Let me ask you this... when you run a flashpoint, do you clear all the mobs in your path, or are you like the vast majority who run crazy, convoluted paths to bypass "trash" or other non-essential mobs? Those mobs were put there for a reason, and killing them is what EA/BioWare INTENDED for players to do. I'd be really interested to find out how many of the people calling this an exploit actually participate in the aforementioned type of run. Any that do so are, by our own definitions, exploiters and cheaters as well.

  22. I'm really confused as to why so many people feel like this is a horrible offense. People leveled in what is (arguably) the fastest and most efficient way possible. Why is that so bad?


    Lowbies form ops parties and farm difficult mobs for EXP gain. Capped players form ops parties and farm difficult Ilum world bosses for drops and reputation. How are the two any different?

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