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    Indiana, USA
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  1. We were having this same discussion in my guild a few days ago. There is a guild specifically on our server that has ridiculous stats when our match is completed. Crits like crazy, stuns that go way beyond just exploiting cooldowns and rotations, leaping halfway across the battleground, speed increases on classes that normally wouldn't have a speed increase, and to top it off they say the most horrible stuff to people (which isn't a hack, just general disrespect for other players). We spend a match getting yelled at by them and getting totally annhilated and then we gotta turn around and be on same team as they are and try to have some semblance of teamwork going on. We win when they are teamed up with us, but it feels bad because we don't feel they are playing the game fairly and they totally degraded us the match before. We are all experienced pvpers and although we can't always pinpoint precisely what is going down, we know it isn't right or normal. I do think this has become a terrible problem and I guess we will just have to keep logs and screenshots of all of these things so that Bioware can remedy this situation. It makes me not want to pvp at all since I do play by the rules. Like you said, we aren't QQing because we don't really roll like that. We are frustrated and saddened to see someone has to cheat so they can berate others and make themselves feel awesome. Makes a lil lady frustrated!
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