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Everything posted by Damedius

  1. If you want them just run heroics. You get a lot of them out of the crates you get.
  2. You used to get one from every box. This is a terrible change. The RnG from command crates sucked by at least you could use schematics to gear. I just hit the unsubscribe button.
  3. No longer getting schematics for Command Crates. This makes command crates absolutely useless. When did they make this change?
  4. You can right now for tier 3 schematics but the margins are coming down and will soon rely on having at least one companion with max influence for crafting crits. Once enough of the crafters get to tier 3, the profit will evaporate.
  5. Farming mats for crafters is probably one of the more profitable ways to make credits. Most crafters will undercut each other so they lose money on what they make.
  6. I do agree that the story has gone off the rails. I really don't understand *** they were thinking with that. People seem to like it though. apparently Mass Effect in Star Wars is the kind of story people like these days.
  7. Just curious how long you have to wait in queue for ranked to pop or if it ever does?
  8. This would cut down on the gear grind a lot. WoW already has this and a lot of other multiple spec friendly features. Like dual spec. It means only having to grind one set instead of multiple sets.
  9. Yeah. Thank you for the new ops. I know that the forums can be very toxic at times but I am also glad to have a new operation coming.
  10. They give drops based on your command tier. So once you get to tier two you will get tier two schematics.
  11. Since you can already get all your companions back through the terminal, I'm not really sure what the problem is. As far as romances they seem to have broken them at some point and I'm not sure if they even know where to start to fix them. The game doesn't seem recognize the romances you chose in the past and assigns random ones to you for the story. The best I think they could do a this point is to make sure all new characters have working romances.
  12. I would go with Story Mode op's to get your tier pieces if you don't have them yet. Then I would go with crafting for mods and enhancements. The only pieces that can't be crated are the armorings which have the set bonuses tied to them. For crafting it means getting the rare mats and getting a Tier 3 crafter to craft them for you or buying them straight off the GTN. The latter will be fairly expensive. Your looking at 4-5 million per piece/mod/enhancement. Though prices will start to come down as more crafters get to Tier 3. PvP is useful for the dailies and weeklies which have a chance to drop rare crafting mats. Though you can also farm flashpoints and operations to get them as well.
  13. With this patch it is much easier for PvE players to gear than PvP players. I got 3 pieces in 2 days from story mode ops. That took maybe 5 hours. Playing warzones for about 12 hours(maybe more) got me 150 components. Enough for one and a half tier pieces. A good raid guild should be able to gear their raid team within a month. PvP players will be grinding for the rest of the year.
  14. It happens when they aren't white barred as well. I can force speed into a group of players use overload and sometimes nothing happens.
  15. No. This was in regards to the OP.
  16. This ability seems to not work quite a bit in PvP. I'm not sure what exactly causes it not to work but it's frustrating when for whatever reason it doesn't PvP.
  17. Is this because you had previously grinded a set that bolstered well and had an advantage over all those that didn't know how to figure out the goofy bolstering system prior to this patch?
  18. Thx for your two cents but your far less helpful than you like to think.
  19. Please read my post first before answering. I have those components. but it isn't giving me credit for tier pieces. You need the previous tier in order to get the next one.
  20. I have those. I'm saying it isn't giving me credit for tier pieces. You need the previous tier in order to get the next tier.
  21. I have Tier pieces but they don't give me credit when looking at the tier vendors. I am wearing some and some are in my inventory but when I look at the tier vendors they are red. It looks like it doesn't recognize I have tier pieces.
  22. 242 proc relics also work in PvP. At least they don't say that they don't work in PvP like the 240 ones do.
  23. Wait a sec. Kite 3-4 Electro-nets? Are you serious?
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