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  • Location
    Odense, Denmark
  • Interests
    Games, photography, games, and games ^^
  • Occupation
    IT Systems Consultant
  1. Lium: Man that sucks. I'm one of the PvE Republic people through and through, but I know that so I stay on a PvE server. Why the hell would you roll on a PvP server if you don't want to PvP? Some people. I hope you find the game you're looking for on Imperial side And remember - you don't have to be an evil *** just because you're an imp. There are light side Imperials too.
  2. There's always a lot of cries and gushings in official forums, whenever any change is made. This post is just a simple "nice job", to show that the advances and features you're implementing are compelling, to some people at least. I hit 50 near the end of Dec. but since then I've only played erratically, and both myself and my girlfriend eventually stopped. We haven't played for over a month now. Then we watched the 1.2 trailer; the planned features for this patch show that you are addressing several of the issues we've had with general game features as well as adding content, and it is appreciated - and makes us want to play again. Keep at it BioWare
  3. Sorry Fullbeard, can't give you what you're asking for - because the answer you want doesn't seem to be the right one for your question. Personally though (I'm in the same boat as you) I'm gonna just wait it out. I imagine BioChem will be nerfed soon, and the other crafts will get a buff way down the line, maybe in 6 months or more... but they will be changed. Currently it's just a broken mechanic. So since BioChem is likely to be nerfed soon, I don't think it will be a huge boon to have it, so I don't mind just leaving my synthweaving be and waiting for it to become relevant, months down the line. I hope they'll add some consumables to all crafts, like WoW finally did (belt buckles and extra sockets for blacksmiths, armor patches for leatherworkers etc... so not only Alchemists had something to sell at top tier), and some current top-tier crafting recipes (whatever that tier might be at any point in time).
  4. Wow... this fight will be fought for eternity. It was fought in beta and it will be in the future, whether we get them or not. It's always a heated debate, a lot of people are very passionate about them, either way I just want meters because they're fun. For me it's an extra minigame I enjoy: "See how much I can push my little red bar to go up, while still paying attention to the mechanics of the fight". I usually don't turn them on when learning a new fight, but when I know what I'm supposed to be doing and what I should and shouldn't be standing in, it gets a bit boring. The little bars keep me entertained, and help push me to try and squeeze out just that little bit extra ^^ It's also a nice tool to help me figure out my rotations. Finally it also very simply adds a bit of oompf to the coolness of getting new gear. The bars go up further - I feel I got value for my drop. Since so much gear is customizable, my gear will look much the same now as it will later, so I'd like those little bars to help feel like my character is getting more pimped out. I've rarely used them as an actual tool to decide who gets to raid with my group, it's only been a factor once or twice, and they probably would have been asked to leave anyway - simply for constantly Standing In The Fire™.
  5. I'm pretty sure the reason it looks fine in preview is because there's no physics enabled there. If you look at anything with a cape, it will be all rigid like a board and silly looking in preview, but look nice in the game world. Same reason, opposite effect. As has been said, the bulge is likely there to avoid clipping/geometry intersections during movement, but it just... looks terrible with that butt it creates. For girls who's already got some booty (the biggest model), it's even worse - especially because she's got so skinny arms! (seriously, who decided to make a full-figured girl with twigs for arms?), so she just ends up looking like a spinning top -_- I like girls to not always be stick-figures or athletes, so it was kinda disappointing to make a jedi girl and get that silly shape. Couldn't take it seriously and had to delete it before even reaching level 2 :s
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