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Everything posted by niceguyy

  1. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    No, I applaud the pvpers who figured out what gear/mod combinations they needed to still be able to wear armor and not get 2 shot instead of coming onto the forums and complaining. Never once, in any of my posts, did I say pvping naked is the way to go. I'm not against it but I'm not for it either. If you want to pvp naked that's fine just know that you are at a DISADVANTAGE to those of us who know how the new bolster works. What's interesting is the Dev post saying naked bolster is providing better stats than wearing ANY gear. According to my testing and the last few hours of pvping, this IS NOT the case.
  2. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    At least some people get it (only a few) but forums are usually 10% of player base anyways. I applaud the serious pvpers who have learned 2 adapt to this new bolster until they hit 55. I do want to recant one statement I made: PVP gear does still exist, the vendors are now on DK/Coruscant. As it stands lvl 40 pvp gear is better than 50 because WH/EWH is being phased out. However, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BOLSTER! It's making for very balanced pvp matches. The issue lies with WH/EWH not providing EQUAL stats to 49s in purple. Most of the players complaining are the ones who expected to 1 or 2 shot lowbies in pvp because they had BiS gear. So sad for them that skill actually matters now more than certain gear that was only obtainable to higher lvls. Boohoo QQ
  3. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    You keep forgetting. PVP gear doesn't exist UNTIL 55. Yes, you now optimize by using pve gear unless BW decides to bring pvp gear back. IF they do that it will screw up their new bolster which IMHO is working better than ever.
  4. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    Actually, if you use purple mods (not sure yet what lvl) this will give you better stats. Still, if people want to pvp naked I say more power to them. It must hurt when I stick my glowing lightsaber in their naked flesh.
  5. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    Running around naked is viable but it's not the best current setup. I really feel sorry for those who grind pvp gear for stats because as far as I can tell those days of pvp in SWTOR are gone (lvl 55 might be different). I pvp to PVP, nothing more needs to be said. I just wished you would all come join me so we can decrease queue times and have fun!
  6. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    Exactly! Gear doesn't make much of a difference anymore! It's funny because the real pvpers are having a great time right now pvping in what the majority of these forums calls a broken system. I also found that Purple mods > Blue > Green. This is great news for crafters! I don't care if you want to remain ignorant to the fact that 50 pvp gear is no longer viable. That's the l2adapt part I'm referring to. Adapt to your new environment because once you do I bet you'll have as much fun as I'm having or at least I hope you do.
  7. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    NEWSFLASH: GOING NAKED IS NOT THE BEST WAY TO GET HIGHER STATS IN 50 PVP. I've been doing WZ as a 50 for the past 3 hrs and I'M HAVING A BLAST! Seriously this is some of the most fun, balanced pvp ever. No, I'm not being sarcastic. Yes, I removed all my WH/EWH mods gear etc, replaced with lvl 30 greens, but then i found some of my lvl 40+ gear was BETTER than the lvl 30 greens. I'm still experimenting but it's really trial and error at this point. Seriously guys stop QQing so much and l2adapt. Now even lowbies can use their same gear and be on par with lvl 50s. Why is that so bad?
  8. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    This is pretty much what I wrote. I just did a WZ as a 50. I removed all my mods etc, implants, earpiece, relics, but kept my awesome looking gear (just WH shells) and had a blast! I wasn't 2 or 3 shot, more like.... 10-15 as a DPS jugg. I forsee great things coming once all the QQers leave the game or L2adapt.
  9. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    I already stated that current 50 pvp gear is worse than obsolete. It gives you negative stats because the new bolster doesn't calculate it correctly and why should it? That gear no longer exists. Moving forward though (after players realize WH/EWH is only good now for their appearance) I think bolster will do it's best to ignore item progression ie high lvl gear being way better than low lvl gear.
  10. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    From my understanding, level 50s can lessen this gap by buying gear with Planetary Comms. I believe we can't get any PVP specific gear until Lvl 55.
  11. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    I feel your pain about grinding for the best gear in game (hell I still remember Battlemaster Bags) but the fact remains that the only way to balance pvp is to lessen the stats that higher level gear provides. This is exactly what the new bolster is doing. What happened to WH/EWH wasn't explained properly enough by BW, I agree. It's not just that you can't buy it anymore, the new bolster system doesn't calculate the gear correctly. Therefore it puts you at a disadvantage by wearing it fully modded.
  12. niceguyy

    lol bolster

    Why I should expect some common sense in this day and age is beyond me, but here goes my attempt at explaining why there is LITTLE-TO-NO ISSUE with current bolster. More than 50% of players complaining are WH/EWH BiS etc. THIS GEAR NO LONGER EXISTS! It is worse than obsolete, therefore pvping naked is going to be better than wearing gear that doesn't exist. Now, if you want to run around naked in warzones that's fine by me, but I prefer the look of armor and will thoroughly enjoy stabbing/slashing/blasting my naked enemies! I grind gear for appearance not stats. If you were expecting to have better/equal stats with gear that doesn't exist it's a sad day for you. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO BE COMPETITIVE AGAIN AS A 50 IS REMOVE ALL YOUR MODS ETC. Under 50 players might still have a slight advantage BUT 50s have all of their skills to use against them. With the new bolster system (lessening the advantage of stats provided by higher gear), this could be some of the most balanced pvp for SWTOR ever!
  13. The purple/yellow arrows on the mini-map during Huttball show which direction to run with the ball. Since players also show up as purple it can get confusing. Anyone know of a way to disable those arrows on the mini-map?
  14. Sadly, they removed the blue glow from the gatherable nodes. I have no idea why they would do that because now trying to find the nodes even if your standing on top of them can be difficult. I hope it's just a bug...
  15. Kinrath Spider is definitely shaping up to be a great PvP server! I'm glad I chose it. I'm having tons of fun in WZs. The first day I got EGA was actually the 2nd day, the 14th, and I was a little worried because there weren't any WZs popping. If they did it was always huttball empire vs empire. Now, nice variety of games, fast ques and I'm starting to see more and more high lvl republic showing up. Can't wait to see what open world PvP will be like on this server! Like blackpool mentioned, rivalries are definitely starting to form! See you all on the battlefield! - Shanks - Imperial Agent
  16. ^ Pretty much this. You'll have 1 TA left over. If the target is close to dead you can either use Laceration again or Carbine Burst (if you need aoe for some reason). After the killing blow I usually pop Stim Boost and restealth, unless I need to Lacerate another fool.
  17. niceguyy


    AFAIK from watching EGA streams today, the datacrons are still in the same places. Look up a guy named illituracy on youtube. He has really good datacron vids.
  18. AFAIK, you'll be able to level up the gathering skills Bioanalysis and Scavenging as soon as you get them. Even at Lvl 1 on your starting planet. You don't need your companion first. I'll be going to the Fleet when I first start to pick up the skills I need and get all the xp from talking to the trainers just like the OP mentioned.
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