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Everything posted by Master_Reuben

  1. I thought this. Servers which even just seem like they are more populated are more fun to play on. That's why I can't wait for when I get to transfer to A-P servers in April or whenever it is. It's more because the population is concentrated in these few servers than the dramatically reduced latency, although that'd be great too for pvp.
  2. MASSIVE BATTLES AS SPACE COMBAT PVP! I really didn't think space combat pvp was too far-fetched pre-launch, and I still don't think so. Whatever ship imbalances may occur can be straightened out/adjusted/whatever easily enough I reckon, making this idea worth the effort. Player ships in pvp can relate to each other just how they do for toons (like with stats and level adjusting, etc.) Imagine epic space battles that players can collectively take part in. Also, if they have more PVP which affects the galaxy long-term (like Ilum), space combat could be a part in this.
  3. Until I read someone's earlier post did I not realise that extra race/customisation options for new toons means I will have to delete and re-roll some of the toons I have on a server which I max'ed out the character slots for in order to actually use these rewards.
  4. Actually how good I think the voice is depends on if it matches what I intended my character to be like. That's why female JC I think I like the most. JK male voice is the worst one I've heard. Obviously, unless they add some patch where you can adjust the frequency and add effects like distortion to the voice, or alternatively release an expansion with new voice options, you're gonna have a toon which must fit into a predefined personality; well, with the range obviously provided by the light/dark alignment. I wanted to have a short, mysterious, coarse-sounding pureblood Sith Inquisitor, but I accepted that I had to settle with some British dude who likes to show his eloquence. The whole British thing they got going on with the Empire I actually don't mind. I also wanted to make an anti-archetypical SW, very -unserious, so I rolled a funny-looking Zabrak with Body type 4. But he's obviously still gonna have the "fear me! I'm serious!!!" thing going on. I reckon it's not to unplausible to have new voice options released. Something to add even more range to the kinda of character you can be. They could have like 3 kinds for each class: Mysterious, what they have now (normal?) and goofy... maybe?
  5. Togruta species looks cool, and a storyline about a Wookie on Kashyyyk wouldn't be difficult to write, but that's like if they were willing to have a species/class rolled into one, or they could have a couple of classes for Wookies but the storyline is common to the species instead of the class, but yeah, that's kinda being inconsistent. As for classes, I was thinking Imperial Guards look cool, but there probably isn't a lot of scope with their story. What they've practically done so far is base classes on roles from the films, so there's not much else I can think of besides like fighter pilot, which wouldn't go very well in a duel against like a Jedi Master or Sith Lord... unless they were in a ship. I was thinking of this the other day but can't remember what I came up with. I know I was thinking another faction could accomodate a massive range of new classes, although that was a fleeting thought as that would be kinda hard to implement and they practically have classes that are already based on what would be unaligned roles played by characters with some obligation to the Republic/Empire (Smuggler/Bounty Hunter). Pirates are cool! They should have one which is like a pirate! And then the other faction could have something like a ninja! TL;DR? They should have like pirates and ninjas.
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