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Everything posted by Azzirith

  1. I would assume not, that'd be too much time and effort involved with no benefit. This is a game, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to play it. That said, my first time through on my Guardian, I watch basically all the cut scenes (aside from the Ughnaughts, their squealing makes me want to punch babies), however on my Shadow the non-class quests, let's just say I couldn't hit my space-bar fast enough. And my Sentinel? Only thing I watch with him is the outcome of my dark side choices as I rolled my Guardian light. "But you're skipping the story!!!11!" No, I'm not. I've already done it, and even if I was, it's my game, I'll play it how I choose.
  2. I have a Jedi Guardian who's wearing a traditional cloaked Jedi robe, it's a moddable orange chest plate that dropped off a quest reward, it's heavy armor. I don't see why they can't mirror that over to the Sith side for Sith warriors who prefer that particular look. The whole purpose behind moddable armor that you can improve as you go is to find that custom look that you absolutely prefer. Hell, I have three saber hilts I swap between depending on which I prefer the look of at that particular time. I see no reason they can't have light/medium/heavy social armor, if we get social points to rank up so we can buy social gear, at least let us use it the way we see fit.
  3. If a 20-30 minute queue makes you balk, try playing on Harbinger... 2 hours seems to be the norm... I don't want to lose my progress... but a less populated server is looking better and better...
  4. That's my thoughts exactly! If he wanted the story to end after ep VI, he never should've let other people play in his sand box, and he damned sure shouldn't have collected money for it. When he hired someone to handle canon, all bets are off. It's canon if it's published, unless it has an "Infinities" tag, which is intentionally non-canon.
  5. It's not that Jedi can't have or even show emotion, but they are supposed to act with a level head without their emotions clouding their judgement. Jedi are still sentient beings, not omnicient or omnipresent, they still get and show emotions. The Jedi Code is often times misinterpreted to believe they're emotionless robots.
  6. I've actually got a good sized (40+) guild all chomping at the bit for access. Most of us have been playing WoW together for five years or so. My main argument for pugs is that I've met some exceptional players in PUGS. Granted, not always, but you never know 'til you try, and you could be missing out on some really good people if you just stick to your own little clique.
  7. Right on, thanks for the input guys! Gives us some info to work with
  8. Check torhead.com. Great site for info!
  9. Right, so the person who actually NEEDS the item as an upgrade has as much chance of getting it as the person who'll AH or vendor it. Great thinking!
  10. Go right ahead... And enjoy getting kicked from groups when you do and start copping attitude when called on it.
  11. No hard feelings intended, I apologise. My main concern is of course the language barrier, and schedules. If we schedule events on US West Coast time, what concerns we might hit into on Harbinger.
  12. So... My guild got assigned to Harbinger, PVE West Coast server, and upon researching, it appears this is an unofficial Oceanic/Brazillian server. I was just wondering if there were any other Harbinger dwellers from this side of the equator, or if we'd be better served looking for a different home.
  13. Totally agree with you. How else are you going to find good people if you don't PUG every now and then? And since I typically roll tank, I find it a heck of a lot easier to form my own groups than not. And again, i agree with you on the aspect of making sure to post loot rules at the start of the run, it's always hard to change it after the fact!
  14. Gotta say, the moment I'm in a Flashpoint and someone rolls need "for their companion/alt/friend/mother's neighboors cousin", without checking with the rest of the group, they'll probably get kicked. Grouping for quests and heroic missions where they actually use their companions is one thing, but if you roll need for someone you're not using on a Flashpoint when someone else needs it for their actual character, that's just bad form in my opinion. Remember, your actions have reprecussions. Start ninja'ing, people will recognize it and it'll be harder and harder for you to find a group when you need one.
  15. Another reason I'm glad I rolled Republic... KOTOR was good for its time, but I just can't get over the overhype on Revan...
  16. Long story short, check with your group before you roll need for your companion. Would you automatically roll need on a drop for an alt? Say you're tanking, and there's an item that drops that you'd like for if/when you respec for dps, would you automatically roll on it even though it's inferior or incorrectly itemized for what you're currently doing? The answer to both those questions should be no. If, however, the other group members don't mind after you ask, by all means roll need. Remember, we don't have cross server junk to deal with, your actions will have reprecussions through the server you play with. Act like a jerk, people won't want to group with you and your name will get out to the rest of the server.
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