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Everything posted by KonaiNobi

  1. I will address your concerns in order; What crisis are you talking about? It's way too early in the game for crisis, so stop being an alarmist. By it's very definition of action, being able customize the way your UI is layed out and sized is definitely "UI Customization" ( even if it's not the kind of customization *you* want ). Patience young one... Give it time, awesomeness will come. It's taken Blizz over 5 years to make WoW the monster it is today. BW is doing a superb job and we all need to remember that this game is just now only *one month* old. So let's relax, enjoy the game, and watch it evolve into the most expansive, immersive, and amazing massive game in history. May the Force be with us all.
  2. "PvP sucks!..." "Blizzard pays more attention than BioWare..." "I want my new content (aka chocolate milk) now!..." Good lord people... The game isn't even a month old and this thread sounds like a pack of spoiled five-year-olds crying and whining in a candy store. Here's some perspective... It's taken Blizzard over 5 years to get WOW to the polished state it is now, SWTOR destroys it and has just been launched. Things *will* improve, balance *will* happen, and the things that are important to one are not the things that are important to others. Knowing this, gives me a sense of calm and understanding that everything will be ok. Over all, my experience with this game has been absolutely fantastic. Are there things that I would like to see improve?.. Of course. I'd love to see; More advance Graphics config options ( like there was in beta before the final weekend ) Chat Bubbles ( I cant believe this wasnt in at lauch... WOW and RIFT both have them and comic style chat and emote bubbles ( ala SWG ) would look superb with the graphic novel art style of SWTOR. For people that don't want chat bubbles, add an option to disable them. ) Persistent Chat Logs ( What were we taking about yesterday?? ) The ability to control what chat channels are sticky ( Accidentally sending Party chat to the General channel is way to common of an occurrence. ) A fix for the 'Re-Tell' function. ( Currently just puts /tell in the chat entry box instead of /tell [name_of_last_person_you_whispered] ) The ability to easily toggle all Nameplates on and off. ( Mainly for screenshots ) About a hundred other things... But am I worried about any of these to the point where I would consider not playing what is, without a doubt, the best MMO ever released? No, why? Because I know that BioWare has an amazing track record, cares about it's customers, and that all of these things will eventually be addressed. All that being said, there is *one* thing that, IMHO, must be addressed immediately; Please BioWare, for the love of all that's pure and decent... Fix those GOD-AWFUL green sheets of light pouring from the weird plasma towers on every single freaking planet. They are nasty-horrible and seriously disturbing. Either fix the towers or remove them completely, I don't care either way. Looking forward to all the new goodies ( especially the UI customization and Guild Banks ) May the Force be with us all.
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