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Everything posted by Soluss

  1. Might be your level. I think you need to be atleast 28 to get them.
  2. did you tank...atleast the last guy...on the platform by the chest. Thats what solved the problem for my group.
  3. yeah happend first day but i figured it out. dont just exit out of the instance with the minimap thing. You have to run part way back and when you get a message you can then exit out.
  4. I cant seem to find the vendor. He is either moved or he is gone but he isnt where he was on day 1.
  5. I actually solod it at level 11 with my companion. It is not easily done and I did die a few times but it can be done. The light side I found I couldnt solo though as the boss pulls with the 4 or 5 bosses was too much. However... it is not a solo quest and is meant for 2 real players.
  6. I just turned 28 and I generally have no issues. My only problem is AOE threat. There are just not enough skills to single each mob and keep threat on them all in a group of 4 sometimes. Im getting better at it though but I do wish we had some wider AOE skills earlier on.
  7. Ok ill check that out thanks for the reply
  8. Is it just me or is there a complete lack of heavy armor with defense stats on it. I have found pretty much zero armor with defense on it. I found quite a few medium armor pieces with defense on it though. Im level 28 get plenty of comindations. Kill damn near every mob I run into. Completed all quests up to Nar Shad so far. Have done every instance up to and including Mandalorian Raiders multiple times. Why no defensive heavy armor gear for us Sith tank? I even see plenty of it for the Assasin tanks.
  9. Did the instance again today. I made sure to tank the last mob like right by the loot box. We got loot this time. Try again and make sure to fight the last guy on the platform the box is on.
  10. Mandalor Raiders is a bit tougher but I think they are fun atleast.
  11. Did this instance last night for the first time. The first two bosses had no look and the chest didnt do anything on either of the fights. We fought them in their respective areas. I found it to be challenging to hold the aggro on stuff. They ping ponged all over the place. Very fun and is probably my favorite instance so far.
  12. One shotted the boss. Fun fight. Kite the fireballs for 20 secs or so, not hard.
  13. Ive found Arthis fun and Mandalorian Raiders a bit of a challenge at level 25/26 group Try that one. There are 2 boss(s) fights that are pretty challenging to lock down aggro and also stay on the damage that happens in them. I also think that the instances having things in them for crafters is different and pretty neat. So far, Ive noticed an extra boss with a biochem as well as fighting pets, scavenger getting shortcuts and pets, slicers getting shortcuts and I think a bonus boss with an arctifact dude. I also found a couple areas that I could use my force leap to get to an area otherwise not accessible and there were loot boxes there.
  14. woooptie doooo. I was first yay for me. I never understand this. What is the great thrill about being 50 first.
  15. Thats an exxageration. There was always going to be ques in this game no matter what they did. The que times here are nowhere near what Aion and Rift had at launch. I think the devs are doing an awesom job keeping it limited. If they open up too many servers then they are just bound to have to merge servers at a later point... which is bad for a game. There will always be people that play no more then a couple months and flop to the next game or back to WoW. If they do too many servers then some of those servers will end up dead. Ques rarely last more then a few weeks when populations stabalize and alot of people no longer play 24/7 from the initial excitement and work vacations wearing out.
  16. Its not being overly cautious...there are just THAT many preorders. If you are whining now then I guarentee that you would be whining if they let everyone in at the same time and you were sitting in a server que for 5 hours. Then when you got in youd be whining that you couldnt move because so many people are on the starting planet then the next planet. This is a good thing whether you think so or not. Server ques are already around a half hour on my server and many others and not everyone is in yet. Theres probably 100 servers. The fact that you paid 60 bucks like everyone else is both wrong and moot. I paid almost 200. I also did so the first day. The fact that you are not in yet tells me you didnt preorder until like december. Its also moot because the game doesnt officially launch until the 20th. Early access is a bonus and does not cost any extra. I dont understand people that complain because they want a smooth launch and are trying to keep people from having 5 hour waits in server ques. Yes there actually were like 5 hour waits for people in beta... only to have a server maintenance and those same people have to wait 5 hours again.
  17. yes yes dont understand question characters will be saved. in beta they wiped them every build almost. that will not happen in live no you will have access in early release when the 20th hits you will need to input a box code and setup a subscription to continue
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