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Posts posted by Palonto

  1. What I hate: When I want to give a companion a gift, I have to go outside my ship! WHY? Im there, he's there! Is it a gift free zone?


    What I want: More interaction on ships, I want to use computers, use the intercom (still don't know what is for, Troopers have no use for them.) I want to see Comps move around on my ship, do things not standing like statues. I am a sucker for fluff, so I want it :D

  2. My main gripe is during PvP there's that little "group" icon on the left near everyones name. I want the name list w/ that icon to go away so I can use the quickslots on the left part of my screen.


    You know you can move the group around? Just left click and click and choose the option tu unlock and then move it a little to the right and then click lock again

  3. Guild Functionality – Guilds are important to the long term health of any MMORPG. We have a huge list of guild centric features. This will be an ongoing effort that will probably never end. Guild banks are the first thing we’ll be delivering in our plans for increased guild functionality. Eventually we even want to deliver on the promise of the long hinted at “Guild Capital Ships”.


    This has been stated by James Ohlen the game director


    Source: Link

  4. Dear Sir,


    I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


    Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


    Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


    These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


    For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


    We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


    The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


    We thank you for your interest in our product.


    The Management


    C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!


    You sir... just one the interwebs!


    IF I hear one more time that he cannot make a simmer silk purse from a banvezir or something, i swear i will summon him near a rhakgoul pack and let them feast on him!

  5. Let me start by saying I love Star Wars and this game, however their seems to be "staple" things that Bioware just absolutely refuses to do which are common ground and as mentioned before "staples" in MMO's.


    - Chat Bubbles

    - Inviting people to group from guild menu

    - addons for end game players, more over "Target Dummies" so we can practice our


    - Collecter's edition mount that scales with mount speed.

    - A spacedock in Dromund Kaas city , or Coruscant City so players can zone right in and

    we all have an actual city hub and not some small circle tube thing known as a space


    - Proper segway from level 50 - HM Flashpoints - then Operations.

    - a published loot table for bosses, so players can prioritize what and where they need to

    go or do for upgrades.

    - Global cooldowns on abilities to make the combat feel more fluid, they feel to long.

    - Group summoning to instances.

    - Auction House that isn't clunky

    - Forced faction balance, Empire is bloated. Give republic something to make players switch.


    Iam glad to see things like guild banks and some loose ui mod coming as announced today, however some of this list like chat bubbles should have been in the game at launch and I like so many others do not want to see this game fail because Bioware refuses to give the fans what they want.


    do you want a win button as well? sound like you want a place where you login push a button and get loot. it is a mmorpg. I like to do stuff with my guild and random pugs. i have no trouble finding groups whatsoever.

  6. Dear Biowars Employees


    Posting Random Feel Good thread do not work the ship has sailed and sank-


    sure because everytime some one is positive it is a bioware employee...


    I like the game and i am not a employee.


    question for you: why are you still here? if you dislike the game so much, move on. I won't miss you!

  7. I just hit lvl 40. I WAS HAVING A BLAST with this game just exploring each planets questing,picking up datacrons. but my gosh darn friend who first convinced me to buy the game kept harassing me to try warzones..that was the biggest mistake. now I realise how boring.broke.static.non-fluid. and how this game is as dumbed down as WoW became after 8 years but 1 month after release. gear means nothing. nothing to achieve.every body looks the *********** same (yay for fluffly purple-looking assassins) and Melee pvp is so non-fluid and static it all turns into a flamethrower/missile gankfest cause everybody rolled Ranged classes (smugglers/BH) weeee cant wait for KoA: the reckoning to come out.enjoy your dumbed down game anyway. this just ruined my whole experience and I feel like strangling my friend. seriously the fact EVERYBODY WANDERS AROUND FULL OF GAME-BREAKING EPIC PvP GEAR?? why the gosh darn hell are every f'ng mmos having to go with both PvE and PvP GEAR??? FINDING/RAIDING/BUYING GEAR FROM GTN should be the way to gear yourself up not some *********** free to get lame *** gear that shouldnt even be ARTIFACT (SERIOUSLY WHATS THE POINT OF THE OTHER QUALITY OF ITEMS IF EVERYBODY REACHES ARTIFACT SO EASILY?) this is a whole pile of messed ****. THIS is what made me quit WoW. thx for doing the same with this game. overall, I miss the good old time of Diablo 2 the only game where gear meant something. and WoW on release where a single piece of epic was a big achievement but this.. welcome to Dragon Age2: MMO space


    Well... It looks like someone beat yout in PVP? vent your anger elsewhere please!




    Can I have your lightsaber?

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