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Posts posted by Palonto

  1. No, you WERE reasonable. People just like to act like jackholes on the interweb. You have done nothing wrong and you've been extremely civil in your posts. Please don't let a few jerks sway you from posting or speaking your mind.


    The problem was not the way that he wrote his question. I have a problem with people who shout out things like: BIOWARE DOES NOTHING ABOUT X" when there are videos of guild summits, dev posts, blogs and so on that state otherwise.


    Don't get me wrong, it is not wrong to ask questions, please, im here to help, but if you ask a question, try to look first, use the search function google or youtube. And please don't scream that devs are incompetent and stuff when they are clearly answers your questions already

  2. Also, in regards to the dev tracker. ..While from time to time I see a good response or info it seems mostly full of junk. I keep seeing them answer questions related to the vanity pets, that's all in good but while many of us sit on servers with 2 hour que times for WZ's it seems like a rather small issue. Would be nice to see them prioritize and address the bigger issues via the dev tracker.



    This is clearly a case of "my problem is more important then somebody else his/her problem" in other words "Im special and I want to be treated that way"


    Also issues that are being addressed in The dev tracker are answers by the community reps, and not by devs directly.


    This means as a question is being asked, the rep has to go to the dev an ask the question. If he gets an answer, that he can post it.

  3. It makes now sense because of the legacy system. The idea is that if you level say a sith pureblood, he becomes part of your legacy. That means that you can "breed" a new sith on the republic side. That's the idea of bioware.


    If you play a Sith to 50 and you unlock say a chiss, that makes no sense legacy wise.

  4. I was going to the fleet to get my PVP quest and when I heard the report over the speaker I got goosebumps! The I saw the terminals and when I clicked it saw the news report.


    I went to tat and had a blast, people were helping each other and speculating. Thanks bioware you really made my day. I really hope that there are going to be more of this stuff!!!

  5. This is my opinion:


    Lately I have been PVPing a lot more (warzones)


    The win / lose ration (for me, again this is on my server and when I play) I normaly get is 10 losses to 1 win.


    I am a trooper commando, gunnery tree. Normaly this is how it goes:


    1. Game starts

    2. 5 sorcerers come running in

    3. I get stunned, lighting (crits 6000K damage) stunned again (no whit bar yet) again lighting and I'm dead.


    I have full champion gear, and lighting still crits 5000K to 6000K. I have 16K health unbuffed. I last 10 to 15 secs against a single sorcerer.


    I'm not the only one. People see this and say. I want that. Thats awesome and roll Empire.


    Also allmost all the counterpart skills are faster or better on the Empire. At least for the Trooper/BH/


    But I'm not gonna roll a empire. FOR THE REPUBLIC!!! :D


    (Again this is my opinion and I have no prove that this happens to other people or other servers)

  6. To put it gently, I didn't bother reading their opinions as I am capable of forming my own. ;)


    ^^ this


    Also I stopped reading after he mentioned WoW. When do people understand that not everyone likes, IMHO, that Awful game. And that you cannot say well this game has X that game does not have it so it is a bad game. It's different. agreed that does not means that it is always better.


    That would be saying like "OMG that car has a electric motor so it sucks, the car I always had. had a Petrol engine..."

  7. * = I should say, everybody can complain, but I am sick of the "OMG feature X that is in WoW and Rift is not in this game, if you do not add it in 12 hours and 40 minutes, I will cancel!!!" or the people that complain endlessly about maintenance.


    ^^ This! ^^

  8. My damage parser is missing from the UI


    I'm getting sick of this kind of post. When I was in the military I did not have a parser to asses how many damage I was doing. LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS!


    I hope they never add it, and if they do I hope they will make a option to turn it off. Even if it means i'm going to be kicked out of every guild on my server, I will solo.


    I play the game, learn and hope to become better and better. I play by instinct and if that's not good enough, tough luck, I will be enjoying it.


    I will not be a part of "Spreadsheet Online: The numbers Count"

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