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Posts posted by jediharrsion

  1. So I learn today that a guild mate of mine was reported and falsely accused of "Exploiting" because some clueless republic jerk didn't like the fact that they had found a way into there base on Section-X.. Really? I think the guy that reported this should face the same penalty.
  2. I want to thank the ebon hawk PvP community! For the fun times, the bad times, the **** talking and the laughs. THe competition, the scrubs, the times we spent! This is goodbye and i wish everyone the best of luck! Good hunting!

    I'm really sad to see you go bro. I wish you all the best. Honestly I learned how to fight by having you beat me down lol

  3. I find this thread to be very offensive. First off calling all people that play Sentinel's and Marauder's idiots is just plain rude. Secondly if that player that is playing that Sentinel/Marauder knows how to play there class then they will be very effective damage dealers. Finally I Play both A Sentinel and Marauder and 9 times out of 10 I find I have to baby sit the tank's and Healers. Oh And Surprise the Tank's and the Healer's Are always the first ones to die in Operations/Flashpoints/Warzone/Arenas....
  4. The whole force thing gives a ridiculous concept advantage which lets devs create dumb overpowered skills.


    First you can get a SORCERER DEFLECT a sniper's TAKE DOWN and survive. Simply because he GOT LUCKY and had a lightsaber in hand.


    Now we get to the worst part of the force users, the HERP DERP 99% DEFENSE SKILLZ.

    Oh i am losing, might as well pop up all my ridiculous cooldowns that increase defense, deflect chance, damage taken, give immunities and that on ridiculous percentages.


    All those cooldown skills needs to be nerfed considerably so the force users will be balanced to normal classes


    your just jealous......The force is weak with you

  5. I know this might sound like a small detail. but sence we don't have a hood up or down option. might be a good idea to make the players selected hair style some what visible with the hood up
  6. The middle skill tree for Assassin's/Shadow's is stupidly overpower simple because it like any other stealth class relys on mass stuns which imo is very dishonorable. These stun locking classes have to be balanced to match the rest of the classes. ether that or remove all stuns from the game completely. This is getting out of hand. ( I have played both the classes in question here ) please Bioware can we start seeing some real action here
  7. Hi there is something that I have wanted to see for a long time. this is partly because the companions have this ablity as well. Lets say that if you played a Inquisitor/Consulor. depending on your alignment path that you would have access to both the abilitys/powers of Both advanced classes (I play a jedi sage if I fall to the darkness I want to see the ability to use all the lightning attack that a sorcerer would have.) (Just imagine seeing a force storm-force lightning coming from a jedi sage or a spike coming from a shadow) I have played both classes on both sides. this would be awesome to see..



  8. Why don't you noob prepubescent boys man up and try something a little more difficult. I'm calling out my Rep brothers as well. It's time to graduate up the ladder past a four button "learner spec". My Annihilation/Watchman/Carnage/Combat brethren are owning you when it counts in ranked because you have spent too much time placating yourselves to what came easy when you started the game. We're playing chess to your checkers. Time to man up Noob Smash!


    I have played all 3 trees and I have always liked playing carnage. but when it comes to pvp Smashing is the only real answer. As for your "Brethren" Anyone can talk smack when they are running a premade.

  9. Not nerfing is not an option. They need toned down. Right now it takes 3 coordinated DPS to kill ONE Opr healer in a WZ. Two would be fair but three, while being attacked by the other team, isn't balanced.


    My team and I had to do this to every op healer we found in the arenas today and it took ALL 4 OF US. healer had to jump in to. in order to kill 1 op healer. So I understand what your saying bro toneing them down may not be good enough. its plain simple bioware ether need to A- Nerf the operative healers. B- Restore the damage that that marauders/sentinel use to be able to do.

  10. Not even a day old and I hate the new arenas for 1 reason. Bioware did not nerf the operative healers/Smash monkeys.and now I find out that sentinel's and marauder's will be getting there damage nerfed. where is the logic in this move? Very soon all you will need in arenas are 2 tanks and 2 healers.
  11. Stun locks suck, ive never played a game with such stunny oriented pvp and that people are so relying on it and spaming it, cc is ok because it breaks when you get attacked. But stun locks need to go, pvp is about fighting a player not standing there and watching yourself get stuned to death,boring as hell, to me stuns have no place in pvp.

    Its to the point every fight starts with stuns, pathetic.

    Its way to full of bunny hopping stunners who cant fight.

    Just remove them from pvp so people actually need to fight!

    Most people i know who quit was because the pvp is so stunny, would probably have double the pvpers now if they had removed stuns, but hey leaving them and losing pvpers is way better right...


    You sir deserve a medal for this statement.. Well said

  12. You miss the point completely. Without bads, there would be no quitters. It's that simple. What these new stupid dailies mean now, is that no one really has to bother to complete their daily/weekly. Just turn up and sit there.


    And the point you seem to be missing I that in some cases it will take that very same player more then week to complete a weekly. Why you ask? it because warzones have become so repetitive because they can't win in order to finish the weekly.. So this change imo is the best change bioware has made for pvpers to date

  13. Ralen I appreciate what your doing here. you are the one that's "Honorable" enough to speak up on a issue that needs changing. only the true committed players here will be able to make a realistic changes. Thank you Ralen please keep up the good work. don't let the haters get to you :)
  14. Greetings and salutations members of the Ebon Hawk community,


    For those who may not know me, my character in-game is Râlen. I am a level 55 Jedi Guardian and I am also the GM of Republic. Generally speaking I don't typically follow threads or post on MMO forums, as they tend to be counterproductive, filled with drama, trolling, flaming, etc. However, in light of recent events, my hand has been forced and I come forward to all of you with some questions about our aging server.


    With SWTOR quickly approaching it's second year anniversary, I have some concerns about what kind of community we are posing for our server. I have personally been witnessing an increased spike in hate, drama, and overall misconduct in warzones as of late. This drama and hatred is going so far as to personally attack individuals in the most heinous and despicable of ways making them question whether they should even keep subscribing to SWTOR or not.


    Now I know trash talking and drama in PvP is unavoidable. I have played MMORPGs for a very long time and it's always the same vicious cycle with many in the PvP community. That being said, I think we can improve the conduct of our server and I believe this is a necessity not only for our server's health, but the longevity of SWTOR. With that being said I'd like to open a dialogue with anyone and everyone in The Ebon Hawk Community.


    Reporting these offenders can only go so far and it is the responsibility of the members of The Ebon Hawk community to stand up and uphold proper and decent conduct in PvP. I'd like to hear solutions from everybody about this growing issue. Communication and feedback is imperative for any community to improve and flourish. I fear if we continue to allow current trends to progress as they are, we will inevitably see our server continue to die even more than it already has.


    Above all else, please be honest and truthful in your posts. I want to do everything in my power to make this game as friendly and as fun for everybody as possible. Otherwise, why are we even subscribed to this game if we are miserable playing it? That's not fun for you. That's not fun for me. It needs to be resolved. Lets come together as a server and community and make the kind of server everybody on The Ebon Hawk deserves.


    Thank you for your time and I look forward to your responses.


    All the best,


    Imperator of Republic


    Good evening Ralen i'm a pvper that has been very frustrated in warzones lately in large part due to all the "Pug Stomping" that has been going on lately. from personal experience this happens to me Every Night I play after about the 3rd or 4th match of being steam rolled I will admit that I start to rage quit and that I will start to call people out.. That being said when this happens (And I have no doubt it will continue until be see some actual warzone balance) when I have called someone out it was in pure frustration I never mean to offend but I get so cought up in the moment.. and being that you have asked for honesty here I will say that both you yourself and "Republic" have been a major part of creating this frustration however this is all in the past now I would like for everyone here to look to the future and how we can fix the problem that we all seem to have in common. I would like to propose that we (if possible) arrange a kind of pvpers summit if you can call it that where those that take part can have there concerns addressed...


    I look forward to your reply

    Take care

  15. there is only 1 simple fix to this mess. And that's if 1 team stops steam rolling the other. We all know no one likes to get the butts kicked like that. Simply pvp warzones in swtor are not fun anymore. I pray that 2.4 will bring the much needed fix and balance that we need.
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