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Everything posted by joshis

  1. You literally just bypassed a question with a stupid witty comment, end of conversation.
  2. Have you ever seen a pvp healer do 12034 ehps, if the answer is A) no B) no or C) no Then plox.
  3. Change the title then to best pvp player of each class.
  4. So is this thread for pvp or pve? Next to all of the players in everyone's lists of best pvpers would get stomped in pve and Im sure all the best pvers would get stomped in pvp.
  5. If people still want me to keep this thread going I can just let me know if you do, didn't realise people were still using it.
  6. Is that the revived D group for hmd or something else?
  7. # love being that individual. # love that someone reminded me hmd was banned from progression. # max lols.
  8. You know Torparse is the one that doesn't work right?
  9. Who are you anyway? I've never seen you post anything, anywhere, ever.
  10. Which is why we for now use Pictures, not only can you not see the log, its is giving people 200 - 400 more dps than they are actually doing.
  11. I have updated the Thread with Highlights and Links directly to people's parses, have fun.
  12. Yeh sorry I didn't know what spec you were, and This thread can have 1.5 mill parses, notice this thread is not only dps, This can include boss fights.
  13. Yeh I found out how to take Pics of the parse after id done it. #nub lyfe.
  14. Okay I said this in my thread ill say it here, Its not the package deal, I've cleared this for the past year + Copy and paste from my old thread, the adds do double what they should. The game says [1:25:35] Defeated by P-2B Assault Droid with Ranged Attack [16986 damage]. Parsec says 13:25:35:213 P-2B Assault Droid hits you with ranged attack for 7910 energy damage. Like the OP said people want there Kell dragon gear, I don't really care for it seeing as I have a full set but I do like this operation and I have mates that want to do it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=783242&highlight=Broken
  15. Servers going down 4 hours after a patch just to fix a mail problem, but they take 5 weeks to fix this exploit, if people get banned for it I will be speechless ( and looking for a new game to play ). GG Bioware GG.
  16. Aayden is my operative, atleast for pve he is my alt healer, should probs put it in my sig seeing as its my main alt.
  17. Just like to point out that Ayden guy is not me, just some other scrub trying to be me I guess.
  18. http://i1361.photobucket.com/albums/r668/Saavaage/Healgear4kdps_zpsfa028921.jpg
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