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Everything posted by Rushka

  1. I picked up the legs from the market this am for 8,000. I'm sure the people around my char were wondering why this random SI was cheering and jumping My char now looks like she's wearing track pants so the hunt for the robe goes on. But, still, PANTS!!!!
  2. "This is not the Padawan you are looking for." Was well worth the light side hit for that laugh.
  3. Add my vote to this. I was very disappointed that Quinn was the only option. Pierce suits my SW much more. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who'd like this.
  4. You read my mind As another option that nice Sith you meet on Alderaan. He'd do very well.
  5. Not sure if it needs one but just in case - Steve Blum in game:
  6. I've tried more MMOs than I can actually remember but these are my major ones: EQ2 - 6 years and still subbed. I don't play as often but I still enjoy the world enough to dip in and out every now and then. WoW - intermittently for around 2 years all together. The world was fun but I didn't enjoy the combat as much as EQ2 (GCD drives me nuts but it seems to be the way of MMOs nowadays). Eve - 5 years intermittently. Love Eve, love it. Whenever I don't play I feel the urge to resub. Nothing like being blown up in a ship it took a year to train and save for to let you know you're alive ;-) WAR - played at release and for around 3 months after that (I'm terrible with time it could be longer or less). Great ideas poorly executed imho. RvR was great fun at first, then the pop dropped and defending a Keep could be a solo effort. The others that can be counted in months - CoH, AoC, Rift, Fallen Earth, DCUO, GW, Vanguard, LoTRO and as I said, more I've forgotten.
  7. I've been playing MMO's for a few years now and have played a lot of them. EQ2, WoW, AoC, CoH, DCUO, Eve and more. I've come to the conclusion that the community in this game is the worst I've seen. It seems to be common practice on my server for players to come into a group of mobs I'm fighting and try to pick off the untagged ones. I don't mean when my health is low and they might think of helping me, but just to take some of my mobs. Often I'm about to send my companion, or am about to go in myself and I find another char pulling the mobs from further away. Or I'll clear the mobs around a quest object, only to have another player pick it up while I'm fighting. I wondered at first if it was just that a lot people playing this game seem to never have played an MMO before and were just unaware of the etiquette, but after a month or so of playing, I've come to the conclusion that they're just rude. Never would I have thought that I'd greet the sight of a green solo zone with such relief as I do now. I'd like to think that as the game matures those people will fall by the wayside, lured by shiner newer things, but right now, its really hard to convince myself I want to keep playing long term.
  8. My girl is lulling him into a false sense of security I'm tempted to replay the whole thing one day (once I've levelled my alts) just to wind him up at every opportunity.
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