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Everything posted by Sashandra

  1. my example is for things like CWG where you can trigger turret fight, platform up a cliff and wait fight out. Used by 2 man groups. Or the new HM Mannan fight where you pull a boss up the ramp since his "Flow" ability doesnt go into the side corridor. Maybe learn to read the contents of a post before making assumptions about the contents
  2. Since people are calling for this group of exploiters to be banned or hugely punished I am going to call for a few more groups of exploiters to be linked in: *all those in every PVP season who exploited, be it win trading or any other method, to have all gear, comms, valor, titles, achievements and credits stripped *all those who exploited Nefra to have all gear, comms, titles, credits and achievements stripped *all those that have exploited any mechanic in any ops to have all gear, titles, credits, achievements and comms stripped *all those that used geared ships to gain a better bolster exploit to have all ship gear, comms, gear, titles, valor, credits and achievements to be stripped *any guild that knew of exploits on the closed invite only PTS and then used those exploits on live to have all personal gear, titles, credits, achievements and comms stripped as well as the removal of all guild bank tabs, guild bank contents, credits and removal of guild capital ship *any dataminers to be banned *anyone who exploited any flashpoint mechanic in any way to not run the content on the flashpoint (for example platforming terrain to avoid fights or locked doors, or pulling bosses away from fight area to prevent bosses spawning adds) to have all gear, comms and credits removed *the original Ilum pvp exploiters to have all gear, comms, credits, achievements and valor stripped *all those that exploited line of sight in order to low man fight Toborro's Courtyard to have all comms, gear and credits stripped *all those that did the Gree heroic exploit to have all levels, gear, credits to be stripped I think I covered maybe 0.5% to 1% of the assorted exploits since the game first launched. If the ban hammer swings now, then how can the devs not look back at the long history of the game? If they look at every single exploit in the game since launch I am willing to be that more than 80% of the players have done one or more exploits at some point. Some might of been unknowingly, some you might of thought you were simply doing an interesting way of low manning. But, an exploit is an exploit according the mob, so what is good for now is good for all the previous ones.
  3. For all the people that think its a small number of people that engaged in the exploit, spend some time on fleet checking achievements, personally I bet you see more that have done it than didn't. For example, for the first 1.5 hours after reset there was between 72-95 instance of ravagers open on Harbinger. That is alot of characters, and you can bet not many were doing a full raid. That was just one side on one server for 1.5 hours. As for people call for rollbacks, how can they separate legitimate activities and not rollback those? Remove all gear and money? Might as well ban, nobody will start naked and broke. New tiers of gear, better optimization? Alot of work there, we wont see it in the time frame BW gave for the fix/punishment. The only good suggestion so far is a small reward for those that didn't exploit, ie a title or mount. Had bioware acknowledged this at the start and posted of punitive action then it would not be widespread. Another thing bioware could of done to minimize the impact and usage is to have done the server restart each week, start before the weekly reset and end after it, would of helped the servers for these 3 weeks and also prevented the lockout being carried. 2 simple actions that would of almost prevented this from happening at all. 2 simple proactive actions instead of having now to react to a massive situation. Also, bioware cant really hit hard with the ban hammer without people then calling for them to go back and hit all the PVP and Nefra exploiters.
  4. The quest where you kill She Who Greedily Devours gives you a companion offhand for every companion... except Ashara. Is there a 192 OH for Ashara at all?
  5. Has anything been said as to if the jawa scrap vendors will be updated to include new tier of mats with 3.0?
  6. My preference would be more towards a true large scale fountain like those on Manaan. Something that would truly fill a center piece square.
  7. so... can we get one? please? center piece sized, would be nice
  8. I would like to see abilities that have an appearance more in theme with the class. For example, for lightning sorc a plasma ball. Thundering blast looks more like it should belong to sage than sorc.
  9. hope this brings a fix for the error 9000 crash to server select issue that's been plaguing some players.
  10. the back story: I originally played on Harbinger, got my legacy name, then transferred to Dalborra. I used the same legacy name there. Now, on transferring some characters back to Harbinger I constantly get a "Rename your legacy" popup when I open the legacy tab. Also, at the top of my screen, the legacy window icon is constantly flashing yellow at me. When I attempt to rename, or name my legacy the same, it has no effect. Speaking to others who kept their legacy name they are having the same issue.
  11. Personally angry at the changes, it has completely wrecked a look I liked and to change the look I have to rip mods and augment not just the chest but also legs and boots... 300k. Reserving final judgment until they reply with what the actual so called "fix" will be
  12. more servers for Australia? umm, no thanks, we have a beautiful population level, if anything we need some Americans to play on our servers so we have a better early morning/US evening population.
  13. grats to whoever got it I guess? Kinda helps to eliminate half the subscribers and limit the competition to a single country though...
  14. According to the patch notes its fixed, but on all my companions they are still not working unless I unequip and re-equip them... every time with loading screens, mounting, dismissing, etc
  15. New features coming in 1.3: bugs where there were none before, sound files that play forever, nerfings that aren't needed. oh, and maybe some stuff that works?
  16. On a slightly different note, it would be nice if they would now include appropriate Asia-Pacific time zones for maintenance reports since we are now officially in a release region.
  17. A guild mate based outside of the designated area's changed address to an Aussie one and then submitted a ticket, the person responding to him confirmed that if he changed address before the closing time then he would qualify. Whether or not this is true will be seen as soon as they start allowing the transfers.
  18. from the FAQ at http://www.swtor.com/info/faq/game#q400115 had they changed their address to a valid one from Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia or Sheep Land before the designated date they would of qualified for the transfer. It's what some Americans did in the Oceanic guild I am in.
  19. When you eventually post where the servers will be located can you please also post which ISP is hosting? Since different ISP's route traffic differently this may have an impact on international players that prefer to play with Oceanic communities due to working late shift in US time (or just prefer to be with us since we are just that damned awesome). Also, will the transfers be for 1 character only, or all the characters on a single server? Will those in the same timezone (but not in the list of Asia-Pacific countries you listed) be allowed to apply for a transfer? As an example, US military personnel in Guam typically play with Oceanic guilds since its of a similar enough time zone. Same goes for US and European residents that are in an Oceanic guild.
  20. check page 5, a reply from Reid confirms locally placed servers. Anyway, the "targeted" release date is steadily creeping closer, any info on if the target will be met, if we will get a fresh batch of CE's released locally, if there will be free server transfers?
  21. Ah, but then Blizzard was approached by another Aussie ISP some years later (inet I think?) and Blizzard said no. Also, EA did have Oceanic based servers for warhammer online, so they would have cost and profitability info already.
  22. Will the current maintenance schedule be kept when the game releases in Oceania? It lands right on a prime time evening/night for us (Tuesday 7pm AEDST onwards).
  23. yeah its annoying to do 5 matches, win them all and get credit for just 1 of them especially when most of the time you only get crappy huttball
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