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Posts posted by Aresnar

  1. Just coming back to SWTOR so not upto date with current PVP but reading this post?


    In all honesty I think what ranked PVP really needs is either :


    pre-set item levels upon match entry




    pre-set item level required to enter a match.


    I did a rank match once (years ago) upon reaching max level at the time. Team mate was angry but did later explain to me a bit so I learnt.


    Because right now? Any causal player might say "hmm, I've been doing well in normal PvP, I'll give ranked a try" and then be cursed out of playing...


    A dedicated pvp'er might do research first but definately not casuals.


    The bad thing is the treatment they receive will make it unlikely they bother joining ranked ever again.

  2. First off I know this is mostly my own fault and that I am an idiot. :o


    I honestly thought that the Cartel Sale would last until the actual patch day, so imagine my shock when I just logged in and saw the sale was over.... :(


    While I would like to suggest that next BW make an ingame count down on the sale or maybe not have two BIG dates so close to each other, I do realise I screwed up.


    That being said since misery loves company I was wondering who else made a similar mistake? (I asked on General Chat and found 3 others immedietly so thought I would look for more...)

  3. Have only seen the Youtube videos but while I can appreciate Ashara's character arc, I hate what they did to the DS player's agency.


    By this I mean not allowing the DS Inquisitor to fight and possibly kill her when she laugably claimed she was the equal of the DS Inquisitor (No, she is not. If she was then should have gotten off her *** and actually defeated the Eternal Empire before the Outsider was thawed from Carbonite).


    To put it simply there should have been a Kill option for her as no DS Sith would allow a rebellious apprentice like that to walk away without a fight. Maybe, maybe just maybe they would allow Ashara to walk away if she offered something in return (and ensured the Inquisitor could not kill her and take it)


    Another option (if killing is not desired for a future story arc) would have been to allow a fight but have Ashara escape and go into hiding (again) at the end of it.


    To those who are against Kill options for companions, I can only say this:


    I don't necessarily want to kill Companions but if there is no kill option




    BW should not make Companions do things that a DS character would kill them for.


    To put it simply use the Vader and/or Palpatine test:


    Would Vader or Palpatine kill the character for what they just did?


    1) Quinn betrayed and tried to kill Warrior. Vader would have force choked him on the spot. (In all honesty BW messed up by implementing a kill option way too late. Why would the Warrior kill him for a betrayal that occurred years ago when they chose not to kill him when he actually commited it.)


    2) Ashara tried to leave Inquisitor's service while claiming they were equals. Palpatine might, just might have let her live/leave if there was tangible benefit to doing so. (Maybe a force vision where she helps the Empire or him later or something similar) If there is no such benefit Palpatine would have hit her with enough lightning that she dies or (mentally/spiritually) breaks.



    If you make companions betray a DS character or screw up on a massive scale without a reason to let them live then DS Characters should get an option to killl them.

  4. The entitlement, as you've questioned is when casual players demanding access to progression rewards at the same rate as non-casual players. Or that for some reason, you are entitled to gear at some faster pace than the devs are offering it. Sry, no.


    If you can't play as much, like myself, great, then take longer to get your grind done, same as always.


    Not exactly addressing the core of what people are complaining about.


    PvE Players (PvEP) love gear progression.

    PvP Players (PvPP) hate it.


    PvPP want everything balanced during PvP. Gear Progression is the opposite of that. The more disparity in gear, the less fun they have playing.


    So if you say they should just soak up the grind (AND NOT HAVE FUN) while they wait to gear up then why are they playing this game?


    Ideally (for PvPP) Gear should not affect PvP or failing that gearing should be very quick.


    Problems come during Cross Over of PvP and PvE though. If gear is not a factor in PvP (and there are no gear rewards in PvP) then PvPP will have difficulty in experiencing PvE content (and there are plenty of people who do both PvE and PvP, I'm one of them.) Also as you said, gearing is a form of progression and perhaps one of the few rewards that can be offered to PVPP.


    On the other hand, If gearing is very quick in PvP then it will outpace PvE rewards and Players will PvP in order to progress in PvE, which is also not a good thing for the game.


    In all honesty I don't have a real solution to this issue.


    My off the cuff suggestion would be for gearing to no longer matter in WZ but the component rewards should still be given. The components could be change for PvE gear at a rate that they are below the normal PvE progression. Components could also be traded for Mats & PvP stims

  5. I don't hate Quinn at all, but I will never ever trust him at all. He will do ANYTHING as long as he feels it's for the best. He could easily spare enemies, or destroy worlds. He's a complete wildcard.


    Looks like you do trust him then.


    You trust him to do what he feels is for the best which is pretty good for a normal person.


    Now how good it might be for Sith Lord to have a subordinate do what they feel best is another story.

  6. My own character actually let them live, though. I tried to play him as (mostly) a man of his word, and he saw them as unimportant and beneath him, so letting them live didn't matter.


    My character is also the same regarding being a man of his word with the addition that he puts the well being of the Empire above all.


    So in this case, he killed the General as she was a threat to Sith Interests on Alderran and as she did not ask that she herself be spared (she only asked that her lover was released.)

  7. In the SW storyline, there's a side quest on Dromund Kaas where you can poison the slaves' water with chemicals to inflict extreme pain on them. There's another side quest on Taris where you can infest hospital kolto tanks with the rakghoul plague. Those two still stand out in my mind as being really, really messed up.


    Think both of those were World Quests and not class specific.


    My Jaesa romancing DS Warrior did the same thing with her parents for basically the same reason, but Jaesa trying to kill the Wrath to avenge her parents would be out of character. DS Jaesa is twisted enough that she cares about the Sith Warrior much more than her parents. And she was already devoted enough to him or her that she refuses to betray them, even when given the chance.


    I always got the feeling that Jaesa's power prevented her from ever getting close to her parents. Remember she can read the 'truth' about people even when that truth is very unpleasant and in her parents case while I think they did love her, they also basically viewed her as commodity for them to move into a nice cushy noble life by having her marry a noble man.


    Imagine how that would affect a young girl growing up? Knowing that your parents really do see you as something to trade to better their lives?


    - On Alderaan, Sith Warriors can force General Organa to give up information on the Wilsaams by Force Choking her lover, and then kill them both anyway after she gives you the information.


    I am not sure whether you took a different option then I did but the best (and most twisted) option in my eyes was choking Organa's lover then after she told you the information, Killing General Organa and her aides but letting her lover live in misery :rak_03:

  8. If you go through the JK male love story with Kira you will discover that love and marriage are not totally forbidden. So long as the couple can prove that the "attachment" will not cloud their judgment, Jedi can fall in love, get married, and even have children. How do you think Theron Shan was born? :eek:


    Two points:


    1) Theron Shan was born from what was basically a short term relationship between his mother and father. Which goes back to my point about 'one-night stands' not being forbidden by the jedi. (In other words if you are just releasing urges with random partner X, the Jedi Order is not going to make a fuss. If you are actually getting 'attached' to a partner and seeing them frequently...Jedi Order is going to forbid it.)


    2) It's been a while since I looked at the Kira romance but if I remember correctly doesn't she say that marraige can only be between jedi who entered the order as infants ? and is completely not allowed if a jedi entered the order at an older age? Plus there were plenty of restrictions placed on the couple (I got the feeling they would need to submit an application so they could meet and another one if they wanted to sleep together. As I said, it's been a while since I saw the Kira romance though, so I could be mistaken. )

  9. I was just making a response in a romance thread when the idea struck and I thought it would be interesting to find out how many players make any of their Jedi & Sith characters go romanceless to reflect how Jedi and Sith are supposed to be?


    Note 1 : By romanceless I mean the whole 'Love' thing. One night stands are permissible to both orders (even if discouraged by Jedi).


    Note 2 : Before someone states the Sith do not forbid Love, they do believe that falling love is a major weakness for any Sith because all their rivals will take advantage.

  10. Number One over all : Jaesa. I loved the whole arc we had with her.

    Number Two : Lana. I love that pragmatic Sith.


    Honorable mentions:

    - Risha : She fits my smuggler perfectly.

    - Torian : For my BH. Perfect partner to my BH (Mako is nice, but too sweet for the BH life I think)

    - Kira : I like the romance arc but...in all honesty I want to portray my JK as romanceless because one of my characters should reflect the 'stereotypical' jedi and she makes it very hard.

  11. To clarify my position a little :


    The reason for my suggested change is that to me the major OP part of plasma probe & similar abilities (in terms of Node Capping) was the fire and forget part.




    - Sniper drops plasma probe near node while it's being capped by players.

    - Sniper unleashes boatload of damage with other abilities either on capper or others while not having to worry anymore about the node itself.


    While my suggested change would allow a Sniper (or other classes) to spam abilities like Plasma Probe there would be :


    - An opportunity cost as in the Sniper would not be able to unleash other abilities while having to spam plasma probe (similar to channeled AoE's, your channeling an AoE you are not doing anything else).

    - Some resource cost.

    - Most importantly to me it would require interaction/choice by the defending player. Rather then fire & forget.


    To further elaborate, I don't really care what ability a player uses to interrupt a capper (Single Attacks, Semi-AoE, AoE all good) but that it should be a deliberate choice of the defending player, rather then an automatic fire and forget.


    That is why I don't have an issue (and would even prefer) the initial damage of a DoT to interrupt a capper as it would require interaction by the defending player.

  12. To clarify my position a little :


    The reason for my suggested change is that to me the major OP part of plasma probe & similar abilities (in terms of Node Capping) was the fire and forget part.




    - Sniper drops plasma probe near node while it's being capped by players.

    - Sniper unleashes boatload of damage with other abilities either on capper or others while not having to worry anymore about the node itself.


    While my suggested change would allow a Sniper (or other classes) to spam abilities like Plasma Probe there would be :


    - An opportunity cost as in the Sniper would not be able to unleash other abilities while having to spam plasma probe (similar to channeled AoE's, your channeling an AoE you are not doing anything else).

    - Some resource cost.

    - Most importantly to me it would require interaction/choice by the defending player. Rather then fire & forget.


    To further elaborate, I don't really care what ability a player uses to interrupt a capper (Single Attacks, Semi-AoE, AoE all good) but that it should be a deliberate choice of the defending player, rather then an automatic fire and forget.


    That is why I don't have an issue (and would even prefer) the initial damage of a DoT to interrupt a capper as it would require interaction by the defending player.

  13. I would like to discuss this change and decided it was better in the PvP forum then in the Sniper/Gunslinger thread.


    Hey folks,


    The second change isn’t listed in the notes above because it isn’t a change specific to Engineering / Saboteur. It’s not even a change that has any effect on PvE. For a very long time now, single-target damage over time effects have not interrupted characters from capturing PvP objectives, largely because if they did it would make capturing PvP objectives extremely difficult (nigh impossible, some might say). But until now, that hasn’t prevented all of the area of effect damage over time abilities in the game from interrupting a character who is trying to capture a PvP objective. In 5.3, this will be changing: all AoE DoT abilities, including Plasma Probe / Incendiary Grenade, will be joining Toxic Haze / Bushwhack as abilities that do not interrupt a character who is in the process of capturing a PvP objective.



    While I am happy that AoE DoT abilitiies do not prevent capping, I would like to strongly suggest that the initial damage (or to be more clear the first DoT) does interrupt capping.


    This feels good for me, in that while AoE DoT's no longer completely prevent capping, you can still use them to interrupt a cap (once).


    So anyone else have ideas / feedback about this?

  14. Not really an Sniper / Gunslinger post but I would like to touch upon this change:


    Hey folks,


    The second change isn’t listed in the notes above because it isn’t a change specific to Engineering / Saboteur. It’s not even a change that has any effect on PvE. For a very long time now, single-target damage over time effects have not interrupted characters from capturing PvP objectives, largely because if they did it would make capturing PvP objectives extremely difficult (nigh impossible, some might say). But until now, that hasn’t prevented all of the area of effect damage over time abilities in the game from interrupting a character who is trying to capture a PvP objective. In 5.3, this will be changing: all AoE DoT abilities, including Plasma Probe / Incendiary Grenade, will be joining Toxic Haze / Bushwhack as abilities that do not interrupt a character who is in the process of capturing a PvP objective.



    While I am happy that AoE DoT abilitiies do not prevent capping, I would like to strongly suggest that the initial damage (or to be more clear the first DoT) does interrupt capping.


    This feels good for me, in that while AoE DoT's no longer completely prevent capping, you can still use them to interrupt a cap (once).

  15. Thank you VERY MUCH FOR THIS!


    I got back into SWTOR a month or so ago and your guide was what I used to make sense of all the changes to my Vengence Jugg (Left before Ziost, so lots of changes but I kept having problems with comparing Guard to Jugg abilities.


    This translation makes it much easier for me.


    [Note: As thanks for your guide, I ended up using your referral link when I re-subbed a month ago].

  16. Two disclaimers before I post: -


    I am only a casual PvP'er, don't do ranked, enjoy normal WZ, GSF and also do PVE but not operations generally.


    I have only read the first two pages (with max no of posts in settings) of this thread.




    What I get the feeling reading this thread is that there is a clear difference between dedicated PvP'ers and the rest.


    Now by dedicated PvP'ers I mean those for whom PvP is the MAIN game and the rest is a bit of a distraction.


    Dedicated PvPers want gear to not be a factor at all.


    Problem is gear is a valuable incentive in an MMO especially for people who are not so dedicated like me.


    I fully admit, that I would not PvP as much as I currently do without some manner of tangible reward. I would still PvP but far less.


    I want a reward.


    I will assume that most casual PvPers also want some form of reward for their efforts as well that they can take into other aspects of the game.


    So my question to the dedicated PvPers is:


    How would you motivate casual PvPers to take part in PvP without some form of gear progression?


    It's one thing to simply state :


    - BW Remove Gear as a Reward!!!


    It's another to give a way they can still offer incentives for Players to take part in PvP.


    I honestly feel that finding an answer to this would be a more productive then simply stating that BW should remove gear / increase Bolster to BiS.

  17. I think we should look outside the usual suspects:


    Has anyone given thought to out missing companions?


    I know Kira, Jaesa, Scourge, the Torguta with a long name etc are all still missing and the devs did say they wanted to bring them back using the story.


    Bringing them back as 'Traitors' for what ever reason that we have to kill or save somehow would suffice I think.

  18. Well, regarding his power, it actually made me reconsider his strengh. He takes on a player character, Darth Marr, Satele Shan, a powerful mandolorian bounty hunter, top-1 republic SIS agent, not the weakest Sith Lord and well... a wookie. As far as Lana and Jakarro doesn't seem very powerful, the others are impressive in a team( to challenge head of the Dark Council and Grand Master of the Jedi Order is admirable treat itself, now, with the others it's something something. I do not mention player char here, because it could be anyone from Darth Nox to the Smuggler, ). From the other side, every possibility is a game canon, so canon wise Revan still should pose a threat to the teams with the force using player characters.


    We shouldn't consider in-game abilities and mechanics, but I thought they wanted to make it clear that Revan can use both light and dark side. Lightside on a smaller scale, of course, but it should count for something.


    Consider this, the Revan that Marr, Satele and everyone fought? Well that was basically (the Dark Side) HALF of Revan.


    The Light Side half was hovering seperate as a ghost.


    Imagine how much power Revan would have displayed if he was whole.

  19. Honestly as toxic as these forums are lately I can't blame them. But considering both Tait and Eric have posted on the 20th , which has only been 3 days they are not actually silent, just maybe not posting in some of the posts you want them too.


    Even a friend of mine who used to come to the forums daily to check on things has decided once a week is about all she can handle of this toxic community right now.


    Problem is that quite a bit of that toxicity (not alll of it or even half of it, but a lot) is due to the developer's being silent about things instead of coming forward and addressing the community's concerns.


    See how they handled the Slot Machine issue and by that I mean how they interacted with the community. Basically they gave a very small general statement at a cantina event (note: Not the forums) and then clammed up.


    Sure there were a lot of insulting posts but there were plenty of well written ones which raised excellent points yet did we even get one indication that BW actually even read them? That the Community Manager actually did their job and passed them on to the devs?


    Same thing about how BW handles the community in general. Sure there is negativity on the forum but there are a number of posters who bring up excellent points yet as far as we know BW has not even read them or cared to respond.


    Now we get to the kicker. The MORE silent BW is, the GREATER the toxicity of the player's becomes.


    In a way you could say it's like how Cosby is handling his legals issues at the moment. His lawyers / PR people told him to keep his mouth shut in case he says something that can be used against him.


    Problem is that keeping quiet did not actually SOLVE the problem. It did not get more people on his side, instead it's made it even worse and turned more people against him.


    Same thing with BW.


    Anytime an issue pops up, they end up doing a forum impression of an ostrich sticking their head in the sand BUT that does not actually solve the issue.


    It does not convice people that BW is actually working on solving or even simply addressing the problem. It does not silence their critics and makes it HARDER for their fans to defend them.


    So comments like BW being scared of the Toxicity of the forums does not impress me. The toxicity would be a lot less if they actually came out of their castle and responded to the communitys concerns....

  20. Especially for the Trooper class.


    Some Darkside choices are what soldiers would normally do.


    Only true hugging pansy types would write in DS for bringing medical supplies back to your own troopers.


    That seems to me to be the main disconnect between many players and the story.


    As a poster above stated the Force does not care about rules of war. military conduct, laws, human/species rights etc...


    Remember there are a number of people in the Star Wars universe who are happily married and dare I say passionately so.


    Yet passion is of the Dark side...so is specific love for that matter. So in game terms all those people would earn DS points whenever they embrace their passions.


    Yet people *normally* go about loving their significant others...much like troopers would normally take the medicine back to their fellows.

  21. Considering all the stories I have read on this thread what I am writing now might come across as unbelievably weird:


    My highest char is as of yesterday a level 59, I have leveled him from the mid-thirties almost exclusively using KDY, PvP and GSF. KDY stopped popping somewhere in the mid-fifties. So I had to switch over to other FP's on Group Finder...


    Now comes the wierd part, at the start of every instance, I informed my group that it was my first time there and I was probably under-geared for it despite my level (KDY grants comms but not gear exactly the best gear. I did make sure to buy what Comm gear I could though.)


    Not once did anyone insult me or call me a noob or etc. They generally provided polite instructions and didn't mind that I needed plenty on gear even for my comp. In return I did my best to pay attention to what was going on, didn't do anything stupid and provided the best performance I could (To be honest in at least one or two instances I got the feeling that the rest could have 3 manned it without any serious trouble.) and made certain that any gear I took I actually needed.


    Came out of it with a couple of new people on my friends list.


    Considering everything I have read in this thread, my experience must downright mind boggling.

  22. He also said that Revan winning is based solely on the information available through the games (KoTOR & KoTOR2), and not on any EU materials.

    In other words, he doesn't know what the three of them are capable of outside of the games.


    It's basically a cop-out answer designed to appease both sides in such a (pointless) debate.


    Well yes, Chris was only the writer of one of those games (which was a direct sequal to the other one.) Asking him to have full knowledge of materials released after he had moved onto other work is a bit much.

  23. Do you want to be murdered in your sleep? Because that's how you get murdered in your sleep.


    Yeah but what a way to go...


    Seriously though, I won't deny that a murder attempt is not a possibility but it is far from a certainty too. Also having your former master now being your apprentice is something I find amusing...

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