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Posts posted by Aresnar

  1. Thanks CitizenFry.


    It's good to know that I'll be able to keep tanking in vengence specc for a little while longer.


    I was easily able to tank Mando Raiders yesterday although to be fair I did have a good group with me. (Got the chest peice. :) )


    Still haven't been able to find a group to go as a DPS to Cadameimu right now (I prefer seeing the instance once as DPS and learning it like that and then signing up as a tank.)

  2. With the Focus/Rage of Knights/Warriors getting a totally unnecessary and very significant buff - nobody ever said they were underpowered... - I wouldn't say 1.4 is a good patch in terms of class balance.


    Trust me the Juggs and Guardians are wondering about that (and complaining), Focus/Rage was NOT the tree that needed a buff and another tree that most agreed was not bad-off but was under-performing was given a nerf.


    Funny thing is in the Community feedback thread, we asked for the opposite i.e Buff the Sub-par one.



    Nice job listening to Community Feedback or giving Bioware the benifit of the doubt in there being actual reasons for such changes doing such a wonderful job conveying why they felt such changes necessary.



  3. yeah i thought the same thing hell i would think any sith acyolyte would have to be taught the sith code before you are even able to take part in the sith trials but it does make sense from other point of view. Overseet trmel think that was his name put you through your trials earlier than expected before you could even finish your tranning. So you can assume because of that you were never able to learn the sith code just combat tranning.


    hmm I know Instructor Tremel brought you early but how early ? Sith Code seemed basic to me.


    To be honest this makes more sense for the Sith Inquisitor Story line. A slave who developed force powers and learnt how to toss lightning around but had no one to teach them the Sith Code.


    Now I could be wrong, but I thought the Sith Warrior was basically born and raised in a Sith family, and No One ever mentioned the Sith Code to him / her?

  4. Was anyone else a bit disconcerted when Darth Baras asked our SW Char to recite the Sith Code and it's application in War and Politics and the best we could do was go "Ah...um...I was ill that day in Sith School?"


    Seriously I was RP'ing my char as a Noble Born Sith who had been to the best schools and received training/instruction from his family (You know the Priveledged Son of a Sith) and your telling me the guy can't recite the Sith Code? Which is practically one of the first things one is taught?


    Not being able to explain it in the context of War and Politics would have been slightly understandable (Still makes our guy look unintelligent or at least uneducated) but not knowing the Sith Code at all?


    How does that make sense for a Noble Born Sith who has been raised in the Dark side all his life?


    Please note: I am right now heavily involved in the rest of the SW story which is fantastic. This is just perhaps the first thing that didn't strike me as right in the SW storyline so I thought I'd nick pick and ask for the rest of tge SW thoughts? and perhaps possibly get the minor miracle of a Dev/Writer comment ;)

  5. Havent played my bh yet so didnt realise that. Man they screwed the pooch with these changes.


    Force leap dps marauders/jedis can still grt at you from across the map. Unbelievable. Need things reset.


    Don't really play my BH (11) or Sorc (12) right now as I am in process of levelling my main but I feel for you guy + agree with topic so....bump + sign.

  6. Thanks for the response guys. Particularly EnalisNailo.


    For the record I've never tanked in Shien form ;). Well apart from the few short seconds when our PuG's MT died and I had to pick the boss up quickly before switching to Soresu.


    I just got the Cadameimu quest yesterday. Haven't run it all yet (not even as DPS.)


    I'll definitely give the Mando Raiders instance a twirl in that case.


    Anyone else have any experience of tanking as Vengence when levelling that they would be willing to share?

  7. In Short: How many instances can a Vengence Juggernaut tank without being dramatically overlevelled?




    My highest character is a L27 Vengence Juggernaut. When I was about 20 or so I was able to tank Hammer Station and I have tanked Athiss at about level 23 (Had a good group though.) I have currently been doing a fair amout of PvP for Gear/Cash (Crafting costs money, so did my speeder.)


    My initial plans were to level as Vengence till I got the 31 point talent see what that's like, then switch to immortal see what it is like at the top end and then switch over to a Hybrid specc of 18/23. (Funnily enough this is for RP reasons, I want Force Choke and Shien Form on my Char! Although being a decent Tank/DPS is nice too.)


    Right now I am synthweaving tank gear but I am wondering just how much further can I go as a Tank without switching over to Immortal? I have been DPS in the Mando raiders instance and felt there was little there I could not tank allowing for CC in the boarding party fight but...


    Group Finder does not help to be honest, I wish it would let me mark Athiss as tankable while letting me only be DPS in the Mando instance for the Daily rewards but I can't choose role depending on instance.


    So how many instances do you feel a vengence jugg tank?

  8. Personal Question:

    - General Information on how Loot Tables work (In Particular:- Any Chance at all of Black Talon / Esseles Loot tables being fixed ? or allowing Armor drops to be purchased with commendations?)


    General Questions:

    - Dual Specc when is it coming?

    - Expanded Story Content any timeline or expected date?

    - Open World PvP would be nice :)

  9. Look everyone knows the Loot tables on the Black Talon are borked.


    They have been for a long time. Since it seems that you Devs don't want to fix this simple issue then why not allow players to purchase their Black Talon armor for commendations like weapons are allowed to be purchased.


    Either that or just you know actually fix the loot table.


    (I DARE anyone to say that they have seen the Juggernaut Chest drop half as much as they have other Chest pieces.)

  10. I live in China and now I play on US west, most time I will get 250 and 180 at best times. Just tried the new "ASIA" servers, ping never got lower than 350.


    Hoped there would be servers in HK or Singapore but now it looks more like a joke. They should rename the server names to oceanic to avoid the confusion.


    Try playing from the SubContinent. Let's just say 250 would have been very welcome for me.

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