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Everything posted by Rhyn

  1. Eric, sometime after 1.4 one of the Dev’s mention resolve wasn’t exactly like they wanted it to. Since then there have been numerous posts on the issues with overlapping stuns, roots and snares not respecting resolve immunity, and a general unhappiness with the system in its current state. The last changed talked about was the CD for the break being reduced and was shelved do to the outcry of players concerned it would have a negative affect some of the maps. Since that time BW has been silent on an aspect of the game that has single handedly pushed many people away and continues to frustrate others. Could we please get some feedback on resolve from the PvP team or some dev please? Personally, I would like to know if resolve will ever be adjusted, will roots ever respect resolve immunity, will overlapping stuns ever go away, or is the team happy with the current resolve system as it is? My wish list for resolve change would be the following: 1) Removed over lapping stuns – If you use a stun on a target already stunned it does not affect the target but your ability will now be on CD 2) Roots now affect resolve immunity. However, Roots and snares do not add any resolve when used on a target 3) Resolve immunity duration increased by 3 sec. Anyway I would just like to know what the thought process is for resolve is from a BW perspective.
  2. I like the post and i could get on board with that if, like you said, harder defenses were added against being focused down themselves. Could be the happy medium and wouldn't mind trying that out on PTS.
  3. I have to say i respectfully disagree. IMO the biggest problem with guard is players are to lazy to figure out how to combat the mechanic. There are so many was to deal with that it shouldn't be an issue, and in arena's if you didn't have it ,i think, it would severely diminish the experience and cause major problems with the burst in the game.
  4. I find this funny really. It is more like you don't know how to play along with everyone else who complains it is OP. Guard does not mitigate the damage. If a tank has a healer guarded he has to stay within a certain range. If you are AOE'ing that tank is taking damage from the aoe and 50% of the damage from the healer so you are not losing any DPS, if you separate the 2 it becomes a non issue. It sounds to me like you have more of an issue with mitigation from taunts than Guard but hard to tell cause you don't understand guard. There are many strats to be used how about people take the time to learn them instead of calling for nerfs? I truly do not understand why people think it is so fun to burst people down i 5 sec, and the way burst is ATM, without taunt or guard, combat would be to fast. Lets not dumb the combat or TOR down anymore let's actually learn how to counter the mechanics or ask someone.
  5. Seriously if you need a buff as a sniper maybe you should look up some youtube tutorials or read a guide cause you are not playing the class right.
  6. So true and would really help BW out in the long run just don't understand why they refuse to put it in, and i don't bye the tech isn't there.
  7. There is no punishment when you have over-lapping stuns like we have right now. When they made that change, I think 1.4, it made stuns worse. BW acknowledge it wasn't working as they wanted it to and never did anything about it.
  8. What can't you get? There is no PvP gear that you cannot get
  9. 4 V 1 has nothing to do with what i am talking about. Yes i agree, you should die when out numbered. However, with the amount of cc in the game, a very limited defense against it, and coupled with a long GCD is poor game mechanic. IMO if people don't think this is an issue they should try some different games. I can tell you the single biggest reason the majority of people i know and have gamed with for 8+ years left TOR is the amount of CC and poor resolve design. I also disagree about the healing aspect you bring up. You have interrupts, knock-back, and simple pressure on healers limit their ability to heal period. Problem in TOR is people want to cc a healers and start hammering on someone else. Prioritize your targets correctly and healing becomes a non-issue. That being said you are right if it is a problem it isn't that hard to adjust healing power.
  10. I agree stun cool-downs are to short and allow people to use them with little thought. Yes, Stun use is strategic if used properly. However, most people do not use them properly and there is little to no penalty for just throwing them around haphazardly. In many other game burning you stun on someone already stunned does nothing but burn yours and you must wait for the cool down. I have stated before i believe A) you remove over lapping stuns B) you make root and snares respect resolve immunity BUT do not add any resolve at all. C) make a slight increase to stun GCD's (Someone posted this earlier and i agree) IMO this would remove the stun wars. It would make you think about when, where, and how to use them correctly.
  11. And everyone they are Queued with loses rating so that drag everyone down not just them. It does not take long nor is it hard to get full Ob set of gear and at least get blue augments. That should be a requirement before coming into ranked. And you know what if people did that maybe they would not discourage others players who spend the time to be prepared and they wouldn't get so discouraged themselves.
  12. They still would be fine because you have to move towards them they have plenty of time. I'm not saying get rid of roots or snares just have them respect the immunity. Have you ever used your CC break when your bar is full, like you're suppose to, get rooted then snared then stunned again cause your immunity is up, and BTW your breaker is on cool down for another 1:45 by this point. Right now you can't make it to the ranged classes 80% of the time. IMO this is the problem period. I cannot see how making those 2 changes would be game breaking at all or losing 50% of your DPS like someone suggested.
  13. I would like to see the following changes to CC abilities 1) remove the overlapping stuns. 2) make snare and roots respect the resolve immunity BUT do not add to resolve.
  14. I have to agree the CC in the game can be very frustrating at times. I also agree there is strategy in using CC abilities and the right time. However, many people in this game do not use them strategically at all and the changes, I believe 1.4?, that allows overlapping stuns was a crutch for baddies and wish that BW would change it back so stuns do not overlap. I would like to see the following changes to CC abilities 1) remove the overlapping stuns. If you use your stun on someone already stunned you just wasted your CD. 2) make snare and roots respect the resolve immunity BUT do not add to resolve. I think if these 2 things were done it would fix most of the issues people have with it and make CC more strategic, and would fix the loss of control feeling alot people have IMO.
  15. So i need to get the augments in my gear and was wondering what Aug's are best for DPS shadow? Is it stacking power aug's or should i go willpower Aug's and stack power through the mods?
  16. This is a very bad call on your part BW. Server pop and type is going to have an effect that some servers cannot over come. Also, i really do think we need a valor level cap to participate in ranked play to limit the effect new 55's have on solo Que and solo rating. Nothing crazy but something that will ensure they have some PvP gear IE Obroan gear and not hurt their team. This may place a bit of strain on the Que at 1st but i am OK with that. I am not OK with under geared players killing my rating and impact my ability to get an award. I do not think i am alone in this thinking.
  17. Can't imagine what your having issues with. I'm not saying balance is perfect but for the most part i think balance has gotten much better.
  18. This makes me laugh hard. 8v8 is not skilled and if you think so then i understand why you hate arena's. 8V8 is designed to compensate for those who lack skill. If you didn't know that sorry to break it to you.
  19. Funny i realize to get credits to swap mods, get different gear, stims, and consumables i have to grind resources, craft, or do a ton of dailies. See,like you, there is an element of the game i do not care for. The difference is i don't go complaining asking for free credits or resources because i don't like to do it. I realize it is a part of the game and a part that some people enjoy so who am i to cry about it, demand it be taken out, or demand that i shouldn't have to do it. You really needs to get some perspective and ask yourself why you feel so dam entitled?
  20. Guess what if you polish a turd it's still a turd.
  21. How about you wipe you nose. Spoiled huh look at what PvP has gotten over 2 years and go ahead and say spoiled. Man the things i would like to say right now.
  22. This is perhaps the weakest response to PvP i have ever seen. What i got out of this is we PvPers are not getting jack period. 1) You are forcing low ranked to que with high ranked making it dam near impossible for them to rank because you refuse to put in the work for cross server which would also help on the PvE side. You do have the tech to do it but either lack the funds, know how, or desire to do so. 2) You refuse to do anything with resolve when you have acknowledged that it is not working as good as you would like. 3) I understand the bolster but why should PvP'ers be gimped in PvE if PvE is not gimped in PvP? 4) To lazy to add anything to OWPvP even though we play a game that war conflict and strife is a cornerstone, and has been asked for since the ilum failure. From what i gather you have given up on PvP and hope that a new map every 6 months is going to cut it? Boy you continue to under estimate how important PvP is in a game, and that will eventually cost you dearly.
  23. I understand some people may not like it but tough. This is just another example of the sense of entitlement so many people have today. There are things in this game i hate to do but i have to do them. IE. grind resources, dailies, or craft. I truly hate it. But i don't go #$%^ing about it. Bottom line it is easier to mask weak game play in 8 V 8 and that is why it is brought up. The constant complaints about class balance comes primarily from weak players. Hell most of the game is designed around causal players and weak players. There will never be class balance as long as we have different classes, with different ability, and an individual skill requirement period. Your not going to like everything in any game nobody does. So please suck it up and stop looking for you trophy just for participating. Believe it or not you do not deserve nor do you need everything you want.
  24. Agreed. It is bad for WZ's period.
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