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Everything posted by Kelenan

  1. With 1.2 changes BioWare has show little or no regard to community feedback what so ever. Constantly long ques, small teams and force to play them out, Leaving WZ problem with no penalty still in game since launch even though the community has from the start expressed that it needed a penalty. BioWare has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will not listen to the community when it comes to this game. They have made poor decisions for PVP from the start and continue to do so regardless of the consequences it has to the game experience for the players. If BioWare had any concern for the players they would have at the very least fixed the small team issue as quick as possible. But instead they chose to sit back while the game experience sucks for us all and offer a free month to try to keep us from leaving due to their failed policies which they still chose to cling to even though it is killing this game for us all. Here is a link with the interview denying subs falling.http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2012/04/bioware-old-republic-subscribers-not-dropping-despite-lighter-server-loads.ars BioWare great PVP zones then ruined it with a very poor if not the worst system to drive it I have ever seen. And seeing the community feedback the worst anyone has ever seen in any game. BioWare needs to learn to listen to us and respond a lot faster to mistakes made and fix them promptly, not makes us all play for several weeks in a system that is not fun at all to be a part of. Dropt subs by the community and continued misinformation from BioWare that is in denial rather than deal with the truth and admit they are screwing up. They stand there in fear of losing their jobs and outright lie that people are not leaving. Just fix your mistakes BioWare! Change the people out that are making these poor decisions and fix the game now. End WZ with small teams now! End the long ques now! Stop lying to the community about known truths! Listen to the feedback we are giving you! FIX PVP NOW! Or you gonna end up Free To Play. Which will suck for everyone!
  2. Most of the good geared players have quit since 1.2. Most have moved on to other games and are not coming back. Leaving mainly people that have not geared yet. It's not so much that they have no skill as it is they can't hold a candle to the Geared up Jedi's that are taking advantage of our thin ranks and win all the time. Yes there are some poor players, and we all have been dealing with the small teams and the quitters, but that is BioWares fault not the players. It's BioWare's system driving PVP that has caused our current situation for all current player's and the player's that chose to quit rather than play in a frustrating system. After all we play for fun and we are not having fun at all right now.
  3. Kelenan

    The state of PvP

    They did make the PVP experience in this game a miserable 1, and there is no sign of it getting better anytime soon. I don't blame people for quitting, I personally came here with 8 real life friends and they have all quit since 1.2 and they are not coming back. They have moved on, some went back to Rift, which is an awesome game I left for anticipation of this. Others are going to GW2, a proven game company in it's own right. Anyhow the small teams, people leaving without penalty, long que's, the Ilum fiasco, the Overpowered nerf to warriors, The lack of feedback and or concern for the community's game experience. I don't blame anyone for leaving, I'm here until mid July, if they haven't made dramatic improvements by then I'm gone.
  4. I just hope for my investments sake that they fix what they have done. But in response to my ticket I placed in about the PVP experience. You know Starting with small teams and being forced to play them out. People leaving all the time with no penalty at all, which makes it suck hard for us that want to play. Not to mention the Overpowered nerf to warriors. They responded to me in person and told me that the system is working as intended by design. So I replied, so you intended to frustrate and make people miserable instead of having fun in PVP? There were no further responses and they gave me the generic feedback ty. Then closed my ticket. Therfore I do fear that BioWare has no intention of fixing this anytime soon if ever at all. I personally have already purchased a 6 month sub at launch and with the free month I'm here until mid July. But I don't have much faith that BioWare will make the pvp fun enough for me to stay in that time.
  5. This game engine has always had a problem with the ability delay and lag issue's since launch. At 1 time BioWare did make a small very minute improvement here but after 1.2 it has come back with a vengence. BioWare in my opinion seems to be dodging this issue with propaganda of internet lag systems problems or malfunctions on your end. All excuses to avoid the fact that their game engine is the real issue. Could this really be fixed? The answer is yes if BioWare wanted to shell out the money to upgrade the system and make it a fun experience they could but they are choosing to ignore it and bank on the people that are diehard Star Wars fans no matter what. Besides that BioWare is doing so much damage control for poor developing it's ridiculous. Original designs but miserable game play lag, poor pvp mechanics, and really poor rules. Examples, coming into Warzones without a full team, People leaving Warzones at any given wim, ability delay that is 1 second of a delay or more. These are just a few of the most frustrating things about pvp and the game there are alot more that BioWare has and seems to have no sense of urgency to fix. It makes for a miserable game experience. Tons of people have already left this game. Tons more will leave for GW2. If BioWare does not get a grip on these issues quickly it is going to have to go Free to Play to keep people. I don't know who's in charge of making the decisions for BioWare but after Ilum and 1.2 PVP, I personally have had my faith in BioWare as a MMO developer seriously damaged. I seriously hope BioWare starts taking these issues seriously, fixes problems in a timely fashion, and the more urgent game breaking things need fixed very fast not a month or 2 from now. Good luck BioWare because you are currently on the path of failure. Will your game die most definietly not. But you are headed to Free to Play status and in my opinion that's not a good place to be.
  6. /signed I can't believe BioWare didn't leave him in for awhile longer at least 1 week. Especially since the pleague is still being spread around in Warzones.
  7. You can crit on crafting those so you can place an augment in the set
  8. There needs to be a penalty period! For all Warzones!
  9. When a warzone starts out mismatched uneven say 4 vs 8, that is just poor developing on BioWare's part not the players. Bottom line all the problems currently with people leaving, queing into shorthanded warzones, entering into warzones that are almost finished due to people leaving with no chance to win or gain reward. Well it's all due to BioWare's poor developing! It's not the players fault BioWare don't have the understanding due to lack of research and or knowledge to make a fair fun system. Yes BioWare did bring in guilds to get intel from on how to proceed with future development for PVP, the only problem with that is the average PVP'er play's alone and does not group up so the intel they got from those guilds only serve the agenda of those guilds to progress as fast as they can while leaving the average PVP'er behind. BioWare needs to consult the average PVP'er that has the love for the game and not an agenda. Yes we all want to progress and get stronger. But do it fairly and fun for all. Do not create such a gap that noone has fun but the elite. And place in rules that even the game out for all. Randomize que's so that the winner's get placed with losers randomly. This creates an even keel that helps spread the wealth and make people play together. Put in place a cross server que system. Put in place a severe penalty for leaving a Warzone. And make the dailies actually doable in the course of no more that 3 hours. Any more than that is just not fun and frustrating.
  10. Agreed cross server PVP and Dungeon finder should have been implemented by now. Hell Rift did it within their first month of launch. So whats BioWare's problem?
  11. Gotta try something short of going there and hitting them in the head.
  12. I agree you should be able to trade for the piece you want at any given time, after all we have the ability to respec, shouldn't we be able to get the gear for that spec without having to totally regear from the ground up.
  13. Hell I get that crap ,on the same faction I'm on. You can't do anything about the people but place them on ignore. Although I don't think you can place say chat on ignore, so that's just something you will have to deal with.
  14. I agree the improvement was needed. But it will not stop the leaving problem only a penalty for doing that will.
  15. I know there have been many threads on this topic, but I feel BioWare just isn't getting it. There needs to be a severe penalty installed for people leaving Warzones. The vast majority of PVP'ers have had enough of people leaving Warzones before they are done. It's impact cause's people coming into the Warzone late and getting no rewards. This can not be allowed to happen any longer at all. BioWare has enough problem's creating fair PVP as it is without leaving 1 of the most critical necessities to PVP out of the game all together. The penalty for leaving! Tell BioWare to stop this now! Fix the leaving problem now! Install a severe penalty for leaving Warzones now!
  16. There does need to be a severe penalty for leaving Warzones. I personally fail to understand why this game does not have 1 by now. BioWare has had more than enough time to do so. I think maybe it's due to the FACT that they have implemented such poor PVP already all they can do is damage control instead of making the things people need to have in this game to actually have fun.
  17. BH Got nerfed not buffed get your facts straight
  18. They don't care everything is working as intended.
  19. They made DFA suck hard. They never did make a good merc for this game anyway so I'm sure it don't bother them 1 bit that they are screwing it up worse. Go to the republic side and try a trooper. They are suppose to be the BH mirror class. Well their aoe's radius effects are huge and do a lot more damage. The problem here has been the same as from the beginning. Whomever is in charge of balancing the class really does not have a clue as to what they are doing and are very much so screwing this game up for us all and as a result people are going to quit this game.
  20. The damage specs for Power Tech and Merc are pretty identical the difference lies in the utility. Mercs are Turrets doing most of their high dps moves having to stand still and they can be los easily. Power Techs have a grapple better armor with a shield mercs don't get and a bladed gauntlet that is great and all the same aoe's that mercs have except and aoe flame thrower. I say be more versatile and go power tech you will be more mobile with both ranged and mele attacks. Mercs are not that versatile.
  21. Well I think it brings world PVP to the stage on a grand scale. It's not idiotic it's PVP. It's great content and fun. Well implemented, and creates the world PVP that failed in Ilum. Great Job BioWare on this 1 thing.
  22. Are you dropping your sub due to this new 1.2 fiasco to WZ? A lot of my guild has rage quit since the first day and I don't think they are coming back. I don't like the new rewards and I intend to drop my sub as well. Are you gonna drop your sub too? Let BioWare know with this thread.
  23. BioWare would have to make PVP fair. I don't see that happening for all I have seen BioWare do is make mistake after mistake when it come to PVP. No Balance, Ilum, and now this reward system that caters to the elite and penalizes if you lose. You cant chose you team if your a solo player. You should never have to face a premade at all if you que solo. BioWare is clueless when it comes to fair PVP. They created damn fun WZ! They ruined them by over thinking the reward system and cater to the people that live this game and screwwed the people that play the game in their spare time for fun. BioWare makes great PVE but can't get PVP right. So no danger here of resubing because i just don't see BioWare getting smart enough in the time I have left to make it right.
  24. BioWare screwed up PVP in a very bad way! These dev's keep making very poor decisions, they are so out of touch with the PVP community it's ridiculous. So many people from my guild has rage quit I haven't seen them since the first day of 1.2, what can be done now? Obviously a lot of people have zero tolerance in mistakes of this magnitude. I have my doubts these people will be coming back. First Ilum and now this reward crap. You lose sometimes it's zero valor zero coin and zero badges depending on the nature of the game you went into. If you go in late your screwed. BioWare made PVP suck! I really don't think that BioWare has the smarts to fix it in a timely fashion. I am not renewing my sub. I love PVP and BioWare has made so original fun WZ. But the frustration that goes with those WZ is not worth the trade of time spent at all.
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