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Everything posted by Neska

  1. Es liegt schlichtweg daran, das einige Klassen sich definitiv leichter leveln lassen als andere. Das hängt zum Teil mit der eignene Skillung und den Begleitern zusammen die man bekommt. Einige Combos funktionieren einfach besser. Ich hab einen 50er und 4 weitere chars alle irgendwo 25+ und ich merke definitive das die Level Geschwindigkeite bei allen unterschiedlich ist. Ich habe zuerst meinen Inqui Assa Tank durchgelevelt, hatte also keinen vergleich, danach hatte ich nen Söldner Heal und nen Sith Krieger Marodeur angefangen und der Marodeur trotz ohne heal Begleiter ging wesentlich fixer durch mob gruppen mit weniger downtine als mein Tank und mein Heal Spec Merc...
  2. Neska


    Meiner Meinung nach ist Inqui Stealth broken. Im vergleich zum Sabo und anderen Stealthklassen hab ich den Eindruck wir leuchten wie Wunderkerzen sobald wir näher als 20m am Ziel dran sind...
  3. What I find more painful is, that one stealth class can successfully prevent 4 people from capping Alderaan cannon withouth being in danger. He doesn't kill anybody but basically chain stuns them round the clock. No CD on ability, instant cast, only the GCD. CC Breaker is useless you get stunnded right away again. You then need to go stealth hunting with running around like a headless chicken.
  4. Made my day But thee might actually some truth to this. Stealth is horribly broken. It's possible that you activated it and you got knocked out immediately, happened to me a lot. Since then it basically got thrown off my hotbar. In every occasion I used it it failed in one way or the other. I my opinion the stealth mechanic needs a rework.
  5. Even when you try it your result can vary unless you use a very large sample size (more than the suggested 100 more like 10000+). Without the proper means you can only report what you see and that might still not be what others see as it is based on chance. The game mechanics roll on every strike and you can have really bad luck a lot of times. That's why you need a sufficiently sized sample size.
  6. Anything can be done, but if you decide to run with that setup I foresee some very frustrating moments coming towards you (I don't want to spoil anything ) Downtime will be an issue most likely, it's just annoying to stop after every encounter and reg up while you still have the whole complex/cave to run through. You will be popping medpacks like candy in some situations. You will die a lot and the repair costs will drive you insane I levelled as Darkness (31/0/10) with Talos as soon as I got him before that I ran with Andronikus after Khem, I tried the other combos but it never worked out as smooth as with Talos.
  7. I procs really often, It feels more like 75% of the shocks I do are double shocks. I terms of damage I'm not quite sure if the second one scales of the first proc if it gets it's own damage roll at 50%. It feels more like it scales of the first, since when I do a crit on the first the damage on the second is way higher than a non-crit second shock.
  8. I forgot, but here is a tipp: Go to your trainer, change the dropdown filter from "Trainable" to "All" and have a look yourself
  9. GCD is a constant and can't be changed by anything (apart from lag )
  10. If you want to DPS companion I suggest Andronikus, however when going the Darkness route I highly recommend to switch do Talos Drellik as soon as you get him. With him you have no downtime and can even ignore buffing your def skills most of the time (against trash mobs at least). He heals most of the time but can also pull off some good damage when you are doing OK
  11. Sometimes it's tactics... I was Darkness tank and the trick with Thanaton was to use Drelik (which you should anyway all the time) and once you engaged pull Thanaton away from your companion so he doesn't catch the ground AE effects. Then just keep moving and beat him down. For me the hardest was actually Zash, but after the 3rd attempt on same level I cracked her too. But on topic, for me the most annoying broken thing is STEALTH. If I force cloak away in combat I still get hit and come out of stealth immediately that's just not right.
  12. Neska

    Pve on pvp servers?

    PvP server is the same as a PvE Server in terms of PvE content. you just get flagged for open world PvP once you leave the tutorial area and safe cities etc...
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