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Posts posted by harkain

  1. have you ever thought maybee its not the games that outgrown you its you who outgrown the genre.


    alot of older games are in this position, the features you wrote about would be near unimplementable today with the current customerbase majority.


    I honestly think nostaligia players (as in dreaming about oldschool features) needs to stay clear away from the main stream, there is simply nothing for u(us) there, look to smaller niche games.

  2. heavy armor is about 5-6% more defence than medium armor, you actually think it makes a huge difference ? Tank stats does not work in pvp so its not like you can inflate your protection with defence either and the healer cannot use a shield gen.


    I tried to make sense here but then a sorc came and spammed force lightning and killed me (litteraly the only 1 spell class)

  3. sigh here we go agian another welfare epic thread.


    1: You can buy centurion gear with the marks, by rank 57 you prolly been able to buy all itemsx2


    2: rgn is what pve'rs always had to deal with before, Unless i get to pick and choose from my raid loot you are not gonna pick and choose from your pvp loot.


    3: PvP loot is totaly soloable yet as good as hardmode dungeons/normal operations, yes thats correct things we actually have to BEAT and encounter not afk guard our way to free epics every week is of the same quality (rating) as the pve raid loot (and bm equals hard mode raids...) This obviously means you have to live with the disadvantages we other have to


    i opened 31 bags, i gotten 1 piece of set gear, 1 implant and 1 offhand, not crying about it either, its been 2 weeks or so and i had to farm raids for more than 9months for drops before the difference is we have learned patience and you "pvpers" (and i put that mildly cause i find the real pvpers are the ones who do not label themself as such) have gotten used to welfare hand-me out rewards SOLY based on the time you grind instead of actually having to play good/beating things.


    suck it up sally.

  4. Seriously 2,3 full time mods could cover, all new server forums. Im starting to doubt this game future...


    not imminent future but at some point bw have to make up their minds.




    a: they add xserver features of lfg and warzones




    b: they give us the tools to build community, aka 1 planet wide ingame channel by default on (call it lfg or universal) and server forums.

  5. We need server forums more desparately than just about anything else being bandied about here. This forum moves FAR too fast and is almost entirely negative trolling, axe-grinding whinefests.


    We need server forums to be able to coordinate activities that foster the community and help create the kind of game we all want. I posted about that a few days ago; I do a bunch of radio stuff about TOR and do in-game events but it's really hard to get people notified about it in any way that makes sense.




    every form of planning and organisation is just to hard and trying to direct ppl to unofficial forums is far to hard and impossible to do on a large scale.


    I just cant belive they actually claim its about cash..fire random vp thats of little or no use and hire 3 forum mods.

  6. 21 bags opened


    1 offhand token

    0 everything else.


    I am fine with it, i had to wait for raid gear to rng drop for me for up to 5 months so i am not gonna be emobaby hurt over 2 weeks, the problem is that pvpers have been used to welfare epics over the last years and not have to suffer through the stuff of pve'rs and raiders.


    If pvers have to wait so will you, pvp considering its uber quality to the gear atm is not meant as some solo way for you to epic out in end game gear in 1-2 weeks, effort nublets, effort.

  7. I am typically not one to compare to WOW but if they can have server forums with the much larger number of servers they have why can't BW support this? Makes them look bad in comparison.


    makes them look like wrong prioritising mr scrooges tbh.


    Charging more for the service than other mmos yet not providing ANYTHING extra and even subpar preformance vallues and forum support leaves me thinking one thing, i get that same bad taste in my mouth i got in warhammer after a while and it makes me think "EA is at it agian.."

  8. they said No to server forums.


    personally i find it totaly beyond understanding in them doing it, if anything it makes me think them greedy not willing to pay for a few more forum mods wages, i find it amazing how they with good consious can sit here and charge me monthly more than others mmos while providing a mediocre ingame service (i do not mean how good or bad the game is but access to gms, access to lagfree servers etc) and a EXTREMLY subpar forum experience.


    On one hand the company is telling us no xserver features or lfg tools simply to promote server community which is essential to get ilum to work soon (without server faction pride ilum wont be used)


    but on the other hand they destroy every singel chance to do so, no xplanet channels ingame (aka dividing up the population by whatever planet they are on, most of us cba to sit at laggy fleet ) no server forums no nothing, most servers cant even get a manual made xplanet channel to have more than 5-10% of the pop joining..there simply is no way of communicating and telling us that we should have playermade forums etc for this is if anything a slap and spit in our face.


    To organise, to have feuds, to create and maintain a community for the good or bad we need server forums and just cause some of them where bad all was not (look at lotro ones bw)


    Without server forums this game and its community will suffer harder than ANY ingame problem.

  9. how can you play for more than like 2-3 hours without getting bored of the same run here kill that..?


    you can mix in pvp which is extremly rewarding and space missions, no one is forcing you to quest only, also flashpoints tends to be 50-60% of a lvl per try.


    i skipped 3 planets (tattoine, belsavis and corelia) other than class quests and i grinded 0 yet i hit 50 ages ago.

  10. According to this poll more people are canceling than subscribing. Doesn't look too good for BW. It's sad, I wanted to see this game succeed so badly.


    1390something replies..80k views..so even with forum dwellers this post does not even get 1 reply per 60 viewers.


    Add to that the forum community has some strange aluring to the ppl who feel scorned and realy sad and hurt deep inside their fragile souls feeling the need to tell everyone else about their pleight, aka the reviews here is bound to be off, it has in everygame sofar.


    I always wonder to why ppl have this need to drag others out of the door, whatever happend to just leaving and letting everyone decide.

  11. i am confused what more do you want as a solo player ?


    you have above the normal dailys also the space dailys, then you have the normal crafting, daily quest, pvp dailys as most mmos offer


    But what more do the op want ? the rest of the game is locked to group features..get a group or stop complaining realy.

  12. RIFT is a great game I agree. I remember talking on a twitch chat and mentioned that RIFT is really cool. All I got was WoWtards going 'lol how many subscribers?!?!" 'Game's dead blah blah blah"


    By there Logic Since Justin Beiber sold a lot of records, he's more talented than 99% of musicians.


    It was rather annoying.


    Rift is the best fantasy mmo IMO if you look for a generic themepark experience aka it beats out wow on all lvls, some will debate the arena or not but i am one of those that thinks arena is only negative for a game.


    rift took a gear centric tiered raiding system and made it good why i left it after 6 months was the fact i played that for several years already (in wow, lotro and others) i dont see myself buying a fantasy game for along time agian.

  13. Why the heck do you ppl go on about daoc ? DAOC was CRAP when it came to balance, it was one mez train after the other with choppy and laggy overpowered abilities and spamming around in a pain train pressing 1 or 2 buttons.


    Daoc as a rvr game was ONLY balanced cause someone at mythic had the still unrivaled brilliant idea of having 3 factions (just like this game would be equally balance gamewise) and there was no battleground feature.


    Mythic crew screwed up warhammer balance something seriously (yes i am looking at you witch elves for the first 5 months and bright wizard/guard combos for the rest) add daoc's individual class track record and they are 0-2 atm and unfortunatly all of us who bought war (unfortunatly even after playing the beta) sees their fingers in this, we see the names of the designers here to and we know what road we are headed in.


    if you want to glorify a pvp dev glorify gw1's creators.

  14. i just started acquiring raiding patterns from reg and hard mode operations. time will tell if geting to400 will be worth it in the long run. im hoping they patch in some hot bop or boe exclusive skinned patterns that will be highly sought after. for now its pretty worthless. i agree about the biochem. the implants and such are very profitable. cant say the same for my ****** armor no on e wants.


    all the patterns/plans are bop and the items are bop hence in actuality they are a BAD epic drop, not only do you have to be the right class but the right crafter and then SPEND mats


    The items themself are NOT better than other epic drops so basicly it makes it an epic drop with alot of IF's attached to it.


    I dont know what mushroom was smoked when armor crafting was created but i wish BW would be sharing, i guess i should not be supriced though since they only had mythic devs to rely on and they dont do crafting.

  15. Another slap in the face i feel is orange gear costing tons to craft but the looks are neither rare or unique so you cant sell them either, basicly they are bad vanity slot items.


    The only workable profession is biochem, taking anything else post slicing nerf is pointless.


    I now point you all to rush to 50 and curbstomp lowbies untill the bracket change to get your ez mode pvp-all-in-all eq which is the only thing needed untill raid (even hardmode eq is worse most of the time and takes far to long to get)

  16. to little to late.


    If you ppl dont understand what will happend with brackets let me explain: the people BW decided was most important (aka the ppl who rushed to 50) and that has now been curbstomping the rest of the servers for 1.5 weeks or so many now nearing pvp rank 60 and next pvp gear set will maintain their total superiority in pvp and new 50's will have NO chance of EVER catching up.


    The win ratio in this lowbie farming is 99% for most of these guys and premades.


    fact is BW let this happend by letting all brackets be open just so their rushers would have something to do, obviously this was verry wrong and now has created a situation bw simply cant get out of, whatever they do at this point will have bad consequenses and wont restore the pvp balance ever agian..you only get one shot with it and no redos.


    sure 1-49 will be much more fun agian but hitting 50 will be like a brick wall in pvp.

  17. Check the rating and stats on them at 50 (or near 50 for crafts) even epic WITH crit proc is inferor to the absolutly ez mode set of champ eq (be 50 and curbstomp pugs all day and ob swap illium ) will get you (with some luck) full pvp in 3 days or so, this eq is superior to the insane effort crit eq/epic recepies at 50(ish) and i am not talking pvp (where the expertise speaks for itself) im talking even in pve.


    Its easier for us to gear our chars especially the ones that are soon hitting 60 pvp rank in pvp eq than any other way.


    I was unaware craft eq was supose to be lvl and gimp eq only, bottom below dungeon/op then pvp and last craft (which requires far more effort and resources).


    I want to see ALL pvp eq NERFED across the board on every stat BUT expertise, this still makes it the best eq for pvp but wont be some sort of free ride full set pvp and pve welfare set for the people with to much time that now manages to abuse non bracketed pvp untill its changed.


    This is just one of these little things designers should have thought of and thats just getting people angry. There should never be a situation where EVERY craftskill in game beyond biochem is either meh or inferior.

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