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Everything posted by Darth_Mardus

  1. Hi! Can't login to the game, it either shows "Login service unavailable" message in the launcher or the launcher works okay, but then loading screen hangs for a long time and in the end it shows "Can' get servers list" message. My server is Darth Malgus.
  2. Completely agreed. BW must return crests and titles to all who didn't really exploit bosses and remove for those who did. Why should I play this game and tryhard to get something valuable and rare if I gonna loose it one day because of devs mistakes? Being aware of this just kills any motivation and makes me thinking about dropping my sub.
  3. Yes, I've got close results. So, considering current highest parses with 24.5k for lightning, we loose about 2k DPS at worse case. It is a huge nerf, to be honest.
  4. And still nothing from dev team... Not a single word...
  5. Dear Devs! I can't understand your behaviour. Could you please elaborate? Why you allowed such exploit to go on live servers? Why you didn't fix it ASAP? Why you even didn't release some official warnings about exploits, so everybody would be aware of consequences? And now, you taking away items and titles earned long time ago and not taking what earned via exploiting. DO YOUR JOB! And do it properly! I am a player with a strong WoW background. And in WoW in such case Blizzard would ban everyone who used exploit and FOR SURE take away any titles and items earned. NO ONE would avoid it. If you will not fix this mess in two weeks I am going to quit the game. I don't want to pay for such BAD service!
  6. Oh REALLY? I know a guy who got the crest a long time before 6.0. And you took it from him. When he realized what happened, he was so shocked and angry, that he just logged off the game and removed it from the PC. Congratulations guys, you continue to dig the grave for this game. At the same time I know at least three people who got their crests during this exploit "event". And they still run around wearing them and that title. Is this fair? You guys must feel ashamed so much!
  7. They are probably just not public. I uploaded some of my parses to share with guildmates and made them not public. You're welcome to PTS to make your own parses :-)
  8. Did some parses on PTS. We loose about 2k DPS due to this nerf. Thank you Bioware! You once again destroying sorcerers and sages. There are not many NiM progressing groups, cause our community not big enough. And now all those existing groups will not be considering sorcerers/sages as a decent dps choice. You really forcing us to play non-force users ranged classes? Thanks a lot, but NO. I returned here from WoW, where buffs and nerfs occure much more often then here. But it at least can be justified by a lot of new content: raids, gear etc. And what the point to do such things here? Master Mode of Dxun and gear which will come from MM Dxun will not change balance for damage dealer classes at all. So why nerf us? Because small but loud ranked pvp community cries about "OP OP sorcs"? Really? And ruin game experience for pve community, which is much, much bigger? Great, strategic decsicion. I applaud. If the nerf will come to live without decent reworks, it seems the time has come to return to WoW again... It is sad, but true...
  9. Well , it seems there is real communication here and we give our feedback not for nothing. BUT! The nerf is still too hard.Loosing the uptime of Polarity Shift will bring us again to the very bottom of DPS charts. There will be no raid teams dedicated to progress in high level content, who want to take DD Sorcerers. Because every other ranged DD will do much better. You want this for us? Really? Why??? As it was said many times in this thread, we were nearly unplayable for several years, now you gave us 3 month and that's it. Go back to your rightful place on the bottom. I am sure you can do much better and give us fair rebalance, not just hard nerf. Please, don't make sorcerers trash-tier again.
  10. PVP here is clunky and dumb as hell. Even in WoW with huge imbalance between classes and specs PVP is much, much better at least in mechanics aspect. PVE and storytelling are what for most of us do love SWtoR. So I ask BW devs again and again: please, do not sacrifice strong sides of the game in favor of weak and dumb sides.
  11. Absolutely. If they roll these changes to live without significant rework, I'll be considering to quite this game. And I am far not alone.
  12. Gunslinger detected. What you call "compensated", compensates almost nothing. The Gathering Storm mechanics were not good from the beginning, yet it is still the best set for sorc/sage. But now BW cut it in half and in return offers a couple of small buffs. One of them is crit chance buff, which is RNG and has very, very little effect. So, go ahead just delete the entire set or better the entire class, as topic started already said.
  13. To be honest, ranked pvp community in this game is too small to sacrifice pve experience in favor of them. Sorcerers at last became a decent dps choice for high level pve content, like MM ops, and now pvp whiners make BW to return us back to the very bottom, so they again can easy-kill sorcerers/sages on their gunslingers/snipers, you name it. This is simply not fair at all.
  14. Exactly! No replies so far to all our feedback! Do you even read it? I will not be surprised if they roll these nerfs to live unchanged, cause they don't really care. And if they do so, it will completely destroy us as a viable DPS choice for serious PVE content like MM ops. Cause 1500-2000 dps loss is so much. So, once again, PLEASE!!! PLEASE do not do it. After so many years of being on the bottom we really deserve to be good again.
  15. PVP is just disgusting in SWtoR, it is a weak side of the game. For example It is far from ideal in WoW, but mechanically much, much better. The strong side of SWtoR is PVE and storytelling and that's why most of us love it. So, why sacrifice player experience in strong side of the game for player experience in weak side? It is also well-known fact that PVP-ers never stop in their whining. There always will be a Lich King, ups, sorry, I meant OP class, which they will whine about. So it is just pointless to fix it and make much more people frustrated.
  16. Why ruin PVE experience in mostly PVE-oriented game just to indulge small ranked PVP community? Or if that community is not so small, perhaps it is time to learn something good from other MMOs, where PVE ups and nerfs don't affect PVP and likewise? Of course it is a bit harder than just cut half of Sorcerers/Sages set bonus and give nothing in return. In WoW it is done long ago and they can for example just add some coefficients to damage abilities in PVP if needed and keep PVE unaffected. A couple of month being viable DPS after many years of being one of the worst and once again hello top 1 from bottom and reasonable questions like: "Why bring sorc/sage dps if you can take somebody much better?"
  17. Did some parses as well and not happy at all. It is not rebalancing, it is just a stupid nerf. If they want set bonus to less affect our dmg, that's okay, just compensate it enough by some buffs to basic abilities and utilities. What's done for now is just a spit to our faces. What's the problem Bioware? We at last become a decent dps since 3.0 and now, you returning us to the very bottom? Seriously? Why? Hope these changes will not go to live and will be reworked.
  18. Star Fortress Heroic 2 quite doable solo. Completed Belsavis and Voss Fortresses with 30 lvl comp. It is not complete faceroll of course, but definitely soloable. Maybe you need to get better gear?
  19. Exactly same question... I expected at least 1 hour of story content from the patch with major numbering...
  20. I've got this beautiful lightsaber recently and it looks very good. But it combat sound effects needed to be more loud I think. For example, if I use Descendant Heirloom Lightsaber on my Shadow, I hear it's sound perfectly in combat and it is so good. I can feel how my character doing things with it. But when I use Unstable Peacemaker's Lightsaber on my Jugger or Sentinel, I hear almost nothing, only my class combat skills sound effects. Hope you can tune this up, since it is one of the most expensive items on CM, and it should deliver the appropriate fun to its users.
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