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Everything posted by Gavinhawk

  1. Because he is providing you a service you paid for and therefore should make sure it is the quality work you are forking out the cash for? Oh wait he is forking out the cash for the game in which his opinion is based. His spelling undermines nothing the point still stands.
  2. I don't understand the addon hate. If you don't like them don't use them, If a guild requires them its obviously not the guild for you anyway. The interface needs to either be changeable or moddable. I run a smaller guild of people who started playing together in EQ1 and some of those people aren't exactly quick on the draw anymore for one reason or the other. Being stuck with a UI they can't use well or no macro's to make things a little smoother will force them to cancel and that makes me sad. I am fine with the ui myself but that does not mean I can't see where it needs to be improved nor do I wish to hold others back from getting their full enjoyment out of the game. I do understand the frustration with things like Recount. A few of us are very competitive and there was a lot of pressure to always be on the top, sometimes to the detriment of good playing. That comes with the territory and you can always try and avoid people like that.
  3. I don't understand the addon hate. If you don't like them don't use them, If a guild requires them its obviously not the guild for you anyway. The interface needs to either be changeable or moddable. I run a smaller guild of people who started playing together in EQ1 and some of those people aren't exactly quick on the draw anymore for one reason or the other. Being stuck with a UI they can't use well or macro's that make things a little easier will force them to cancel and that makes me sad. I am fine with the ui myself but that does not mean I can't see where it needs to be improved nor do I wish to hold others back from getting their full enjoyment out of the game.
  4. In reality all of the things you listed were part of other mmos BEFORE WoW implimented them. One example you stated is achievements which Warhammer Online had first. Blizzard has been really good over the last seven years at taking what other MMO's have innovated and adding to WoW. You are kidding yourself if you think WoW is perfect even now. WoW is a great game and so is SWTOR (give it time) and I hope they both continue to thrive.
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