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Everything posted by pandarisman

  1. Sorry to crush your dreams here, but the Yuuzhan Vong are absent from the Force, so she wouldn't be sensing them. Secondly, the Yuuzhan Vong don't invade the galaxy until thousands of years later. Putting them into Swtor would only take away from the "Invading Aliens" vibe. They were almost unknown before the invasion and if the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic joined forces to eliminate them, they would be well-known to the general public as the invaders that brought the Empire and Republic together and ended the Great War.
  2. I could have sworn I saw a passage in the Old Republic Encyclopedia stating that there are rumors that Darth Malgus survived
  3. Does this affect Miraluka too if so: Saruka(Miraluka Jedi Shadow): I need some mental healing, anyone have a lv 55, Nightmare-geared sage healer?
  4. Thanks for all these comments. Really appreciate it! I got the idea for Hutt Cartel-aligned Force-users when I equipped a Hutt Cartel shirt onto my Jedi Knight. Also, there is another instance of a non-aligned force-user. In the Cademimu FP, there is a bonus boss who is a Sith who serve the Cademiman Guard
  5. How do I get to the PTS server? Sounds like a stupid question, but I want answers
  6. Need a Black and Deep/Dark Brown dye module. They already have Deep Brown/Black so I assume this one will get released
  7. The thought first struck me when I was doing {Heroic 4 Savage Skies} for the first time with my Jedi Consular, Saruka. Our group was fighting mobs and I noticed one had a white lightsaber! I found it odd that a mercenary with no Jedi training could wield one effectively. If that wasn't weird enough, I later saw rogue Jedi and Sith in {Heroic 2+ The Specialists}. Another heroic on the empire side depicted a Cartel Force-sensitive Warrior mob. My question is simple: Do the Hutts have Force-using organization serving them? Was Toborro trying to form one? It would be nice to know more about this(would make interesting RP, too)
  8. I'm pretty sure that Miraluka can see computer screens and colors. The way I imagine it is that there is a "fog" on the edges of their field of vision.(like in KOTOR 2). They can see anything that humans and other species can see, but they have the added bonus of being able to "see" a person's force aura
  9. Your message was funny! Oh and as for your suggestion that it should be a Republic-only Daily-Area, I disagree. There should be dark side temple built by a Miraluka Sith or Dark Jedi. That would be the hub for Imperial players while the Republic hub would be the Culu Memorial Center.
  10. I have spoken to several people in-game about adding the Miraluka homeworld into the game. It would be interesting to see since Alpheridies has only been mentioned, never seen. It doesn't have to be big like Balmorra or Hoth, just the size of Tython, Ord Mantell, Korriban, or Hutta. Since it has only been mentioned a few times, it would give the dev's more creative freedom. It could be added as an expansion, daily area, or anything else that would fit.
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