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Posts posted by zaltanus

  1. This message won't be entirely helpful.


    Seriously- if you wanted nicey-nice I recommend playing Pubs. I'm sure your heroic quests and flashpoints can include LS/DS decisions like LS- Pet the kitten, and DS- Pet the kitten HARD.


    What did you expect from playing Empire? The movies kind of lay out the kind of decisions Imps make on a regular basis. Even then, you can go LS Imp. Sure it's more decisions like "LS- Give the slaves a quick death, and DS- Give the slaves a slow, painful death" but it's where the Empire naturally comes from. They're not your buds- they're all trying to use you for power to get ahead until it's time to throw your used-up corpse to the curb. That's how Imps are. SW:ToR stayed true to that. Not much more to say. :confused:



    Empire is not rainbows and sunshine.


  2. But certainly a professional. I'm a development manager for an international nonprofit at 28. Played wow all through my college years and I can say that once you have a job, a wife, a house, etc etc your gaming style totally changes. Now you have to cram a whole night's worth of leveling, hardmoding, etc into 3 hours (if you're lucky). Totally possible, just totally different when you're staring down 40-60 hours of work a week. My only saving grace will be when I have kids. I'll get them into gaming and we can play MMOs together- bonding with my kids + getting to game longer = 2 birds with one stone. :D
  3. A few of my names people have talked about on my server (all imperial):


    My main: RatherDashing (sorc) (from homestar runner a while back)



    Lubu (sith jugg- from dynasty warriors)

    Shipoopi (bounty hunter- from family guy, who ripped it off of Music Man)

    Tastycakes (operative- also from family guy)


    Our guild: <Your Companion>


    Other names I've seen that I liked:

    Abbazabba (sniper- candy bar and a good half baked reference)

    Shockto'daheart (lightning sorc)


    I haven't liked:


    Anything Revan-esque. C'mon guys. You aren't Revan. You will never be Revan. Stop it. :mad:

  4. I played WoW from vanilla all the way up to the end of WotLK right before Cataclysm's release. I was in high end raiding guilds and WoW ate my life. It was a good time though and I really enjoyed my time. Like some other people in this thread, it was just time to move on. You can only frag the end-expansion boss looking for loot so many times before it gets really boring. SWtOR is different to me in the fact that it's not all about the endgame and the gear- it's a lot about the journey, which I really like. I am subbed to SWtOR for the foreseeable future. I like the story telling, the community (in-game) and the fact that I can usually group or solo stuff at my leisure. I like what BW is doing and look forward to see if they can keep improving on their product. :)
  5. Input lag seems to be a system specific problem.


    I have *zero* input lag. The game runs smoothly for me.


    My girlfriend, playing in the room beside me, has input lag.


    I will chime in on your first part. I also have no input lag. Sorry for everyone who does though. :confused:

  6. Great news!


    I have avoided the forums, but after a 6 weeks you can tell the generation of player rather easily.


    a) I want it now I grew up on the interweb


    b) The older generation that are enjoying the hell out of the game



    The first type are ready to quit because of a few bugs, but honestly to be expected, if their text doesn't go through immediately it will ruin their whole day.


    The second type seem to love what's going on.. The scale of the game.. amazing. Bugs who cares they will get to it.. and offering solutions instead of being part of the problem.


    So ridiculously true. +Internets to you sir. :)

  7. This link explains the overall situation quite perfectly. Read it. I SAID READ IT.




    Helpful hints for the people who PEBKAC-ing these forums with their hate and venom:


    Everyone. EVERYONE! Wipe the tears and blood from your keyboard and go make some food, or a drink, or go outside or something and calm the hell down. These guys are working on this stuff. Sorry it doesn't fit in with your 'get it done in the next .3758381432423 seconds or I will unsub' policy.



    Cause seriously, it's barely a month old. 'Chillax', and issues will be fixed. Don't want to? Fine, leave. Either way, these guys will work on it the best they can and fix things, but it's not like throwing a picture up on facebook, or tweeting about your favorite ice cream flavor today. This stuff will take time. Rome (read: WoW) wasn't built in a day. So stop it. :rolleyes:


    inb4 trolling and flaming and gnashing of teeth






  9. I'm sure this is just flame bait and I'll be trolled to oblivion, but this game has been out a little under a month and everyone expects it to just be rainbows and sunshine purple item pumpers with no issues and wonderful cloud mountain time for everyone. I've had a great experience and continue to do so. I've leveled a 50 which i still enjoy playing after the fact, and I'm leveling other characters as well. I'm going to let everyone in on a secret. For all the /ragequitters out there I won't spoil it for you.



    No MMO releases without significant bugs. And they take a while to get resolved once the game is released. Sometimes a long while. So stop saying WoW never had issues and will never have issues and blah blah perfect rainbow sunshine happy dance purp party.



    Ok. I liked WoW. I played from Vanilla-WoTLK, right before Cataclysm launched. I raided, was in raiding guilds with DKP and all that. Got some great end-game gear, was proficient in my healing rotations, read charts on efficiency, etc etc. While i'm not a vet (meaning i didn't play EQ and the like), I had a good experience in WoW. In Vanilla, I did my UBRS raids and everything. Got my .5s, bliggity blah blah blah. Point is, it wasn't always the purp filled utopian "perfection" it was today.


    Let me take you to a time called the AQ launch. Your task, as a group, was to get enough supplies to open the gates of AQ and when your server accumulated enough supplies, the gates would open and you could raid. Now, I know Blizzard is the Tim Tebow/Jesus/Buddha of MMOs so what I'm going to say now might be blasphemy, but there were so many people at the AQ gates it crashed my server. Multiple times. And if you were lucky enough to get to the AQ gates, you were sitting there at like 1 fps until it crashed you back to the load screen. Remember this was an expansion of sorts to the game. This wasn't even the first month of their launch- in fact it was much later. And yet Blizzard crapped the bed on the AQ gate situation. Similar forum posts of "**** I QUIT WTFBBQ" came out. All over the forums. A lot like this. Turns out Blizzard fixed it and moved on.


    I'm just providing an example. This is not the only example of WoW crapping the bed on their subscribers, but that's the first one I think of in my time with WoW. Does SWtOR have its issues? Absolutely. Does it have some glaring issues? Especially after 1.1 (referencing the Ilum debacle)? You betcha. But for everyone expecting everything to be silver pattered to you guys from launch and then turning around and saying how much better WoW is at this is ridiculous. WoW is not the ultimate jewel of perfection that everyone's comparing this game to. If you think so, then *** are you doing here? Go play WoW. FWIW, it's probably still a great game after Cataclysm.


    TL;DR version- Yes, big, glaring problems here. Be patient. They're being worked on. Stop comparing this game to JesusWoW and claiming that WoW has been the best game EVAR since its inception with no bugs, no huge huge launch problems EVAR cause Blizzard knows all and is Jeebus. Cause WoW hasn't been that. Ever. Truly. And i played the game long enough to know that.

  10. Idk if I'd consider myself a veteran- I've played WoW (Vanilla-WotLK), EvE, WAR, and Aion. However, I didn't do Neverwinter or any EQ stuff. WoW got boring after a long while, and after they kind of wrote themselves into a corner talking about Cataclysm I lost all interest. Played EvE for a good while, was fun- might return to that later, and WAR and Aion was a one month and done for me.


    This game keeps me interested even after the story is over. Exploring the game, doing dailies for credits, PvPing nightly, sending my lackeys off to craft awesome things for me and running hardmodes keeps me interested. I see the glitches, and I have faith they're working stuff out. I an re-subbing because I like what the game is so far but I also see the potential for it to be much better than it already is. I'm excited to see what it becomes and what new things they're going to add/change in the future. Until the kinks are worked out, I'm perfectly content picking random tagets and using my lightning hands to turn them to ash. ;)

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