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Posts posted by zaltanus

  1. No, seriously, there is a major problem with balance when it comes to Imperial Agents and moreso Operatives. They are the worst class in the game end of story.


    At the moment Operatives are the least played class in the game alongside Powerechs and Snipers, so until the population of our class increases, they do not care.


    I agree with you there. They need to fix operatives but won't unless more people roll op. More people won't roll op because operatives need to be fixed. Great vicious cycle there, BW.

  2. Just proves that imps are garbage that should be put to the curb.


    BW needs to get off thier arses and start policing their fail mechanics.


    Slow your roll. On my server, we have Pubs who premake and also have an imp guild on the same server specifically designed to throw pvp matches in favor of the Pub guild.


    You can't assume that only one side does it, and it doesn't mean you can take a big steamy dump on one faction because of it. This is happening across the board. It started with being able to roll both factions on the same server. It will most likely happen until BW changes it somehow.


    While normal players like us see exploits, they see them as opportunities. That won't change any time soon.

  3. 29 more person from my server we will precisely cease to play if you don't correct a situation with balance namely weaken agents...


    If you artfully wouldn't think up 2 monthly advance payment you already have lost many players





    I think you artfully described what you were thinking perfectly. However, consider this: Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  4. Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


    99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


    Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.



    How dare you?!? It's the unwritten rule of the forums to not use any ounce of logic or reasoning. Geez, now let me get back to submitting tickets as to why I didn't have 29,000 purps when i logged into the game for the first time.

  5. To the OPs question- I'm a lvl 50 op healer and what I've noticed on my server is they don't really trust ops, but will bring you along if they can't find a sorc. Unfortunately the cards are stacked against us in the beginning. However, if you can take them through a few hard modes and keep them up at least a majority of the time, all of the sudden you've proven yourself and will be invited to more things. That's how it worked with me and now I raid with a guild doing 8 man ops, me being one of the two healers in the group.


    That being said, our healing mechanics are different than a sorc's. Whether it needs to be improved is debatable. I do fine keeping people up in hardmodes and ops, but other ops can't. It takes a while to learn our class and watch the right bars. It's more work, but my actual heals have little/no problem keeping up with the rest of the healers i've encountered for ops.


    Keep them up, and they'll keep you grouped. :)

  6. Healing Op here- totally needs a buff. I can only keep people up in my operations and flashpoints MOST of the time! Why not all the time? What the hell do you have against us Bioware?!?!?! OMGWTFBBQ /gquit /unsub
  7. I cut my MMO teeth on wow starting from vanilla right until a couple months before cata came out. In the end, I left because it really become a purp filled gear competition and I also noticed the 'age' of the server going down. The maturity level and people being jerks when they didn't really have to be was frustrating, and for someone who 40 manned MC, having to spend time to get attuned to a bunch of places and really having to work to progress, WoW is a distant shadow of a memory of the difficulty it once was. Plus, when you play something for 5-7 years, it's really tough to hold attention for that long. WoWCrack did that for me for a while, but bordom struck and it was time to do something else.


    Anyways, despite similarities here, I really do enjoy tor. The stories are good, the endgame is fun (even though it's not really challenging) and I like the PvP (clarification: less huttball plox). I also see the potential of what it could be down the road. I'm on the hook at least for now to see what happens over the next 6 months-1 year.

  8. I've taken most of mine from the tv shows I watch and some of the video games i play:


    Ratherdashing (old homestarrunner reference) sorc

    Tastycakes (Family Guy reference/also a baking company (spelled with a k though)) op heals

    Shipoopi (Family Guy/Music Man reference) pt dps

    Lubu (Dynasty Warrior series/history (i guess)) jugg tank



    etc etc.

  9. On my server, ops are few and far between. People tend to not understand the class mechanics and there are a few things BW can improve on to make the ops a viable choice in the future. As for class mechanics, it's a lot of watching the energy bar and making sure you're not screwing yourself over by throwing energy away. It's definitely a more tricky level of play that most people would stay away from if they had the choice. I play an op healer and I really like it. I can keep my fp and ops groups healed well and I definitely enjoy my op in pvp. It's just people's opinion.


    Why play an op and have to watch your energy bar from dipping below 60 when you can be a sorc and/or trooper and not have to worry too much as long as your rotation's right? When faced with that question people are like "oh yeah, that's right" and they go on to other classes. I'd say that's why there's not more of us around.

  10. I'm a lvl 50 healing op and I like it. As it's being said, it's more difficult to heal, but it's really about energy management and using TA wisely. I didn't think I'd like it when I made the switch (conceal 1-50) but i've found I can keep up with the rest of the healers. I'd say go for it. If you hate it, you can always switch back :)
  11. It's true- ops can heal well at 50. Most people don't trust you initially but if you can take them through a hardmode relatively unscathed they'll remember that and invite you along to other things. That's how I got into my weekly ops with a guild :)


    Keep 'em alive, and they'll keep you grouped. That simple. ;)

  12. I've had issues with CS and staying in combat, even without dots. I notice this especially in PVE. If i take on too much, i pop my CS, but then i'm still in combat. If I don't get the hell away to where it autos you out of combat, any action i do causes the original target to go hostile and attack me again. The fun part is the npc just sits there flagged, in combat, but doesn't attack until i do something. So if i'm at 10% health and i CS, I'm still in combat. I pop a heal to get me to 35-40%, guess what? that guy's attacking me again. Wee! :mad:
  13. Repeating what was earlier in the thread- make sure to bring friends to the final part of your class quest line if you're under 50. I didn't and learned the hard way lol.


    Kind of? Spoiler


    Sidenote- I wish that after everything that happens with the darth title goes down I wish the rest of the people recognized you differently. I'm not sure how that would happen, maybe with some different choices in convos, but I found after the class quest everyone treats you the same when they totally shouldn't. Hopefully BW does something to improve that in the future. :)


  14. This is not a QQ thread- i'm just genuinely curious about the class mechanics because I haven't played either class. Are tracer missiles/grav round spam pretty much your bread and butter for PvP? Did BW give you guys more/better options to do decent/good dps? I just see it constantly in PvP so I was wondering- thinking about rolling a merc myself.
  15. Sounds like the OP just got rolled by a set premade who was pretty good. That happens to me occasionally and if it looks like i get the same opponents 4-5 times i cool it for a while and go do something else. No one likes to be clown stomped but at the same time if you just come back after a while it isn't so bad. Also, i went from no pvp gear to cent with a few champ pieces in about a week and a half after I hit 50- the trick is even if you're going to lose don't give up- try and take enough bastards down with you so you can sack away some medals in the process :).


    Quitting is the only sure way you won't progress at all in PvP.

  16. keeping KP up is great if you are ADD like myself and have to worry about keeping up with 8 people during ops. The good news is after you lay down 2 KPs you only need to KP them once after that to refresh the stack. Also, the more KPs you lay down then more times your 30% TA proc will happen per player (maybe? it seems that way when I do it). I try and lay down 2 on the tank and then throw one around to as many of the other op members when i can while I'm doing Kinjs and my TA procs.


    TL;DR: KP is definitely useful and should be a staple in your healing rotation, as it's a good (decent?) HoT and procs your TA if you spec into it.

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