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Everything posted by Caspian_Rho

  1. Vintage Star Wars? I don't know what you consider vintage but imo these are as far from Star Wars vintage as it could be. Obviously that doesn't ring true through out all designs in-game. for example.. cloaks for a smuggler?? Pagan robes for Jedi? I'd like your comparative sources. And another pet peave is that NPCs are wearing the gear I work hard to get.
  2. Seriously, I've never seen so many putrid ugly designs in one place. The Smuggler gear is that bad that I wish I'd never played the class. Aside from the level 50 hat what the hell am I dressing as? Some BW inspired Scarlet Pimpernel? And looking across the other classes, it doesn't get much better. This has to be some of the worst character gear I've ever seen not to mention ZERO customisation options as far as changing anything asthetically. And in general they aren't even sci-fi let alone Star Wars... and that goes for 95% of the gear. Most people I've spoken to agree. So lets get vocal about this /discuss
  3. What I would expect is that Games and developing/technology has moved on 7 years since that. It is a bigger market; a title 6 years in development with the reported budget of 130million and they've copy and pasted quite an amount of the universe, boring missions that just go on and on and on find x kill y, rehashed animations countless times, with a rake of bugs, absoloutly atrocious beta testing policy, BASIC MMO features and a game with LESS features than MOST free MMOs out there that have had less dev time and a 3x smaller budget. Benchmark it against any title in the genre and it's lacking. Content does come, that doesn't bother me. I've enjoyed PvP so far and Warzones are fine and I've also enjoyed some Open World PvP just to put that into context.
  4. sadly your backside. No more Sith quitting than Republic. Sith aren't a class, they're an absolute plague and what need's badly addressed is Faction balancing. BW need to do something to make Republic characters more appealing. And for the record Saber of Exar Kun Warzones the Republic are quite organised and starting to R.I.P. the Sith apart. So word out, don't despair Republic!! There are a lot of random disconnects that you may see as people leaving. :So far there are as many if not more Sith quitting games than Republic. So please be careful with that tar brush...
  5. Saber of Exar Kun... been in quite a few matches where Republic won. Pretty even most of the time.
  6. I can't believe all you melee whinin. Any sith I've played against as a Smuggler have a palette of moves at their disposal to gain metres on me. That's the allure that's the fight... Ranged will try to keep you ranged with their abilities and melee will try to pull you closer with their abilities, that's the way of the world. And I feel another poster put it aptly; jus' because you can't faceroll your keyboard and have to use your abilities intelligently does not make your class 'broke' I have quite a time keeping Sith off me in PvP on our server, they seem to be managing their abilities ok, why can't you?
  7. Very good post. Completly agree and like you say for Gunslinger to do any kind of damage we need to be in cover which leaves us all kinds of vunerable. And I have no break attacks at all. All sith i come across use uninteruptable attacks, frustratingly so. Infact I think the cover system needs to be enhanced with more knockbacks ways to keep the enemy back while we're in cover. otherwise it's an open invitation for a melee face-roll..... OP needs to learn his class a bit better one would feel.
  8. This game does NOT need mods. What it does need is some badly needed features from the dev team. I like the UI mostly resizing and replacing windows is needed, macros not so much.
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